Sunday, April 14, 2013

Short Steps, Long View

God designed marriage to be days of delight and sweet nights. Genesis 2:23-25 Complete Jewish Bible says, "The man-person said, “At last! This is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. She is to be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” This is why a man is to leave his father and mother and stick with his wife, and they are to be one flesh. They were both naked, the man and his wife, and they were not ashamed."

Biddy Mason didn't get God's plan. She got the responsibilities of a marriage-like situation without the rewards of legality and love. An African proverb says, "A polygamist suffers a lot." Biddy, an African American and Native American, suffered a lot. She was a slave of many masters including Robert and Rebecca Smith. Robert was the father of both Rebecca's and Biddy's children.

Slaves don't have too much say so in their own destiny. Robert decided to leave the American south and head west. He, his family, Biddy and his other slaves ended up in California. California was a free state.

When Biddy learned that California was a free state, she kept her thoughts of freedom for herself and her children, Ellen, Harriet and Ann, a secret.

Eventually Robert wanted to go to Texas, a slave state. Biddy let her secret out and said no way was she and her daughters going to Texas.

Biddy met many free blacks in California. Some were born free. Others escaped slavery. Biddy asked her friends about how to escape slavery.

With the help of friends Biddy presented a court petition for freedom. On January 21, 1856, Biddy, her daughters and other slaves of the Smith's were freed.  

Many people dream of being married. Some people dry up in response to an unfulfilled dream. Others ask God for new dreams, and pursue them. Biddy's children didn't come from a dream husband, but she pursued freedom for herself, her daughters and others, and got it. With her freedom Biddy worked and acquired not only a house for herself and her daughters, but also other property. It wasn't easy. California had housing discrimination. Biddy decided to do something about the discrimination. Some of her property she rented to other blacks. Other property she donated for purposes like grocery stores, day-care centers and churches. Biddy was also one of the founding members of the Los Angeles First African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Everyone needs the right to live, survive and thrive.

Chen Guangcheng is married to Yuan Weijing. He is not in a forced marriage-like situation as Biddy was. However, he became internationally known for filing a 2005 law suit against a local government for forced abortions and forced sterilizations practiced as part of China’s one-child policy. Guangcheng's lawsuit was rejected, and he was placed under house arrest.

Like Biddy surprised her slave master with an escape from slavery to freedom, Guangcheng, a blind self-taught lawyer, surprised China by escaping from house arrest in April 2012 and entering the US embassy in Beijing. A deal was worked out between China and the United States; now Guangcheng lives in New York with his wife and children.

Friends helped Guangcheng to flee from house arrest in China and to continue the human rights activism he was doing in China into the United States. 

On Tuesday he testified before a subcommittee of the U.S. House Committee On Foreign Affairs about his family's persecution in China and other ongoing human rights abuses in China. Guangcheng gave Congress a list of 130,000 Chinese officials involved in forced abortions and forced sterilizations.

Sometimes friends are afraid to help friends. 1 Peter 5:7 New Living Translation says, "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." That doesn't mean trouble will go away; it means we can be confident and courageous because trouble isn't going to stop God's purposes and plans to make His people more like Himself.
Guangcheng's nephew, Chen Kegui, has been in jail after using knives to fend off local officials who burst into Kegui's home after Guangcheng's escape.

Chen Guangcheng said, "Recently, many friends and neighbors who I have been in touch with by phone have been taken into custody by the authorities for questioning. They have been threatened and made to describe what our conversations have been about," (January 29, 2013, Reuters article entitled "Blind dissident urges global pressure on China over rights" by Paul Eckert.)

When we are in the process of improving a marriage or another relationship, Satan, the kingdom of darkness and those under their influence get upset and stir up trouble. Don't get hung up on the trouble. Behold God and His plans, and move. Some change is immediate. Much change is long-term. Pasos cortos, vista larga (Short steps, long view.)

Biddy walked almost 2,000 miles from the American south to the West where she could get freedom. Guangcheng may have hoped to solve forced abortions and forced sterilizations in China, but coming to America was a necessary step. 

Japanese Americans and other Asian Americans were forced into detention during World War II. Japanese Americans and others had to take a lot of steps from the 1940s until 1988 to get Congress to pass and former President Ronald Reagan to sign legislation which apologized for the internment and said that the government's actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership." The US government eventually dispersed more than $1.6 billion in reparations to Japanese Americans interned and their heirs. Each citizen who had been interned was awarded $20,000.

No matter how many steps it takes to live in love and freedom, take the steps.

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