The book of Ruth 4:13:-17 Amplified Bible says, "So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. And he went in to her, and the Lord caused her to conceive, and she bore a son. And the women said to Naomi, Blessed be the Lord, Who has not left you this day without a close kinsman, and may his name be famous in Israel. And may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher and supporter in your old age, for your daughter-in-law who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him. Then Naomi took the child and laid him in her bosom and became his nurse. And her neighbor women gave him a name, saying, A son is born to Naomi. They named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David [the ancestor of Jesus Christ]." Ruth was a vigorous lover. She left Moab and entered Israel with Naomi who was a difficult person to get along with. Being the persevering, faithful kind perhaps Ruth also prepared her vagina for her husband, Boaz, by doing Kegel exercises to strengthen her portal of paradise and to permit Boaz to go deep, stimulating her AFE Zone (skin near the cervix).
God smiled on the delicious, lovemaking feasts between Boaz and Ruth; in one of the feasts Obed was conceived. Obed's name means serving. Love serves people. Love doesn't seek to separate people from life and loving relationships. Obed may or may not have had inherited disabilities or acquired disabilities. Did you know that 67 percent of girls and boys who may have Down Syndrome are killed via abortion? Read this to learn more about people with Down Syndrome. The nation of Belgium legalized euthanasia for children of all ages. Sarah Weddington, a former president of the group currently called NARAL Pro-Choice America and the lawyer who argued in favor of abortion in Roe v. Wade writes in her book the 40th Anniversary Edition Revised and Updated A Question of Choice that contains a foreword by Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood regarding placing an age limit on when an abortion can not be done, "I knew that everyone, me included, was uncomfortable with the idea of abortion in the later stages of pregnancy;" however, Weddington still insists, "Legal rights attach at birth." Baby boys and baby girls born alive after abortions are routinely killed. People with disabilities of all ages sometimes do not receive life-saving treatment.
We need long-term, loving solutions to life's challenges not killing people in challenging situations. Some solutions are to enact laws stopping abortion at 20 weeks and beyond, to cut all government funding of abortion for people with disabilities and people without disabilities, to not enact laws specifically targeting the disabled for abortion (Let's stop calling disabled people abnormal or deformed,) to enact laws cutting all government funding of Planned Parenthood and all "family planning" groups, to prevent healthcare providers from killing people when they are disabled at any age and to change the Medicaid Elderly or Disabled with Consumer-Direction (EDCD) Waiver to empower persons with disabilities and their caregivers. What is your New Year's resolution? Consider making it: 2014 and beyond: "Alive And Eating Promised Land Food."
On April 23, 2014, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill stopping abortions at 20 weeks. Texas and other states have laws prohibiting abortion at 20 weeks and beyond. The U.S. House of Representatives in June 2013 passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Now the US Senate needs to do likewise. The Hyde Amendment ended government funding of most abortions. The Affordable Care Act brought it back. A study of Medicaid payments in Virginia found that women who had state-funded abortions had 12 percent more claims for treatments related to accidents compared to a case-matched sample of women who did not have state-funded abortions (Forbidden Grief The Unspoken Pain of Abortion, Theresa Burke with David C. Reardon.) Planned Parenthood and "family planning" groups are not friends of the human race. Read this article about Planned Parenthood The April 15, 2014, The Washington Times article "Formerly conjoined babies can go home this week" says about baby Owen Ezell and baby Emmett Ezell, "The boys are no longer being fed through an IV but continue to be fed through tubes in their abdomens. And instead of being hooked to breathing machines, they now need only the assistance of a trachea tube, officials said. The boys will move from the hospital to a rehab center. Before the August separation surgery, Owen and Emmett had shared a liver and intestines and had an approximately 3-by-5-inch area on their lower stomach that wasn't covered by skin or muscles." Amanda Boxtel became paralyzed in her legs after a skiing accident when she was 24; she's now 46; instead of being confined to a wheelchair she is able to walk using an exoskeleton; "For about an hour a day and with help from a physical therapist, Boxtel puts on the metal casing over her clothes. It allows her to stand upright. The exoskeleton works as the parts of her body that no longer function: The metal frame is like her skeleton; four motors serve as her muscles; six joints take the place of her ankles, knees and hips; and sensors on the robot take the place of her nerves. To walk, Boxtel shifts her weight from one side to the other, which signals to the sensors that she wants to take a step" (The Washington Post, "A 'wearable robot' helps her walk again," April 23, 2014.) The state of Oklahoma has enacted the Nondiscrimination in Treatment Act preventing healthcare providers from killing the elderly and disabled against their will by denying them life-saving treatment.
Some disabilities are life long and need loving, long-term solutions. You can make "Alive And Eating Promised Land Food" visible love for disabled people in Virginia by participating in changing EDCD Waiver regulations. Go to the website; register as a public user; then select:
1) "Regulatory Activity"
2) "Petitions for Rulemaking"
3) "Board"
4) "Board of Medical Assistance Services"
5) "Medicaid EDCD Waiver" which is the petition title where Michele Frances Jackson on April 4, 2014, requested that the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) make the following changes to the Medicaid Elderly or Disabled with Consumer-Direction (EDCD) Waiver:
1) Repeal all Medicaid Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Direction Waiver regulations into one regulation that assertively promotes the home and community presence and participation of persons with disabilities. For example, the EDCD Waiver should seek to encourage disabled people eating in restaurants with wait staff and flying airplanes to national and international destinations.
Repeal 12VAC30-120-900, 12VAC30-120-980, 12VAC30-120-930, 12VAC30-120-920, 12VAC30-110 and 12VAC30-20-500 through 12VAC30-20-560, 12VAC30-120-758, 12VAC30-120-762, 12VAC30-120-2000, 12VAC30-120-2010 and any other regulation about the EDCD Waiver into one regulation that clearly and completely explains the program.
2) Change the EDCD Waiver regulation to increase $11.47 hourly personal attendant wage by multiples, so that the personal attendants who are often family of the disabled individual will have the freedom of choice to purchase their own charitable contributions, housing, utilities, car, food, clothing, medical, entertainment, travel and other needs and wants. Persons with disabilities and their caretakers should have the income to eat in restaurants with wait staff, to fly and to participate in other good and enjoyable things. This is a love, truth and disability rights issue. Many personal attendants are family members and friends of persons with disabilities who do not want their family and friends to end up in foster care, nursing facilities, assisted-living facilities, other mental health institutions, group homes, etc. Freedom of choice allows family and friends, the best people, the biggest lovers of persons with disabilities (after God and persons with disabilities,) to be caregivers for persons with disabilities.
3) Change the EDCD Waiver regulation to include an annual cost of living increase for the personal attendants.
4) Change the EDCD Waiver regulation, so that personal attendants and the employer of record can be the same person. Single parents need to be able to be both the personal attendant and the employer of record. Many single parents go through obtaining custody and child support for the disabled child because the noncustodial parent refuses to provide for the disabled child financially and in other ways. Married couples also benefit when a personal attendant and the employer of record are the same person. For example, a husband who is primarily the employer of record and a wife who is primarily the personal attendant can switch roles allowing the husband to serve as the personal attendant. Some personal attendants work more than 40 hours weekly and need rest. All personal attendants should be paid. Some family have more than one elderly or disabled member and also need flexibility of personal attendants and the employer of record being the same person.
5) Change the EDCD Waiver regulation, so that an individual age 18 and older can be a personal attendant including parents of minor disabled children, spouses of disabled individuals, all biological/adoptive family members and others. Encourage family to be personal attendants.
6) Change EDCD Waiver regulation, so that an individual age 17 and younger who is the mother/father of a disabled individual can serve as a personal attendant/employer of record.
7) Repeal EDCD Waiver regulation implementing periodic authorization. There should be one evaluation to qualify for the EDCD Waiver and no further authorizations. Disabilities like autism and Down Syndrome are life-long. Also institutions have a long history of discriminating against persons with disabilities.
8) Change EDCD Waiver regulation, so that disabled individuals have compliments or complaints handled by the EDCD program head. Disabled individuals or their representatives are not to go through the Medicaid appeals process. EDCD Waiver is to handle compliments/complaints as an opportunity to improve the EDCD Waiver service not as a way to reduce or deny benefits/income to disabled individuals and their personal attendants. EDCD Waiver should strive to ensure that personal attendants are continuously paid and providing service to elderly or disabled individual from day one of birth and older until end of disability or death.
9) Change EDCD Waiver regulation, so that service facilitators are visiting disabled individual and their representatives once annually to inform them about the EDCD Waiver, check that the personal attendants are being paid continuously and to trouble shoot payment problems.
10) Repeal EDCD Waiver regulation where service facilitator is collecting data on the disabled individual and their family/personal attendants as it relates to the periodic authorization. (See point 7 where the periodic authorization is repealed.)
11) Change EDCD Waiver regulation, so that service facilitators are responsible for informing local medical facilities, mental health facilities, schools and government agencies about the EDCD Waiver with the goal that these groups will tell persons with disabilities and their families and friends about the EDCD Waiver. One of the goals should be that when parents receive genetic counseling they are also told about the EDCD Waiver, so that from day one if a disabled individual is born, they are enrolled in the EDCD Waiver receiving personal attendant and other services. Another goal is to end situation where some family have disabled members in foster care, nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, group homes and other institutions not because they want them there but because they have no knowledge of or little knowledge of the EDCD Waiver.
12) Change EDCD Waiver regulation, so that service facilitators assist a disabled person holding a Virginia EDCD Waiver with a move to another state and his/her personal attendant not lose any income.
13) Change EDCD Waiver regulation, so that service facilitators work on problem of how to help a disabled person with an EDCD Waiver from another state to move to Virginia without his/her personal attendant losing income.
14) EDCD Waiver should be a tool to empower disabled person to live daily the best possible life.
Public comment on these changes to the EDCD Waiver is open May 5, 2014, through May 26, 2014. Then DMAS will issue a written response approving or denying these requested changes.
Have you told a friend to make a public comment at about the proposed changes to the Medicaid Elderly or Disabled Consumer-Direction (EDCD) Waiver?
Some family have disabled members in foster care, nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, group homes and other institutions not because they want them there but because they have no knowledge of or little knowledge of the EDCD Waiver. Do you have family and friends who may need use of the EDCD Waiver? Share this blog with them and write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on
Virginia is a neighboring state with Maryland. In Maryland Abortionist Leroy Carhart killed both Jennifer Morbelli, a teacher, and her daughter, Madison Leigh, who had a disability. In Kansas Abortionist Leroy Carhart killed both Cristin Gilbert, a young woman who had Down Syndrome and was raped, and her child. Kelly is a woman from Maryland who had an abortion in Kansas when she was five months pregnant. Kelly says about the aftermath of her abortion in the book Recall Abortion by Janet Morana, "Eventually I got out of bed, but I battle depression to this day and have been suicidal many times in my life. I abused drugs and alcohol. I was very promiscuous but never enjoyed sex. I had very little self-worth and developed bulimia." Kelly says that she received therapy, but she does not say that she received thorough physical examinations following her abortion. Perhaps she never enjoyed sex because her clitoris, G-Spot and AFE Zone (which is skin near a woman's cervix) were damaged during the abortion? Kelly may have other physical complications from her abortion. Her abortion experience is filled with a disrespect for human life. Kelly says about her abortion in the book Recall Abortion by Janet Morana, "During the five-day procedure my cervix was slowly forced to dilate, which caused the worse cramps I have ever felt. On the fourth day, as I lay on an examination table, my baby began to kick frantically . . . more than she had ever before. I didn't realize what was going on, but she knew. The doctor entered with a large needle that he shot into my belly. After that I never felt my baby move again. The next morning I entered a large room with about five other women. We were all placed in our own hospital beds and hooked up to an IV that was meant to put us in a "twilight" state of consciousness. Unfortunately, I remember every detail of the experience. I was freezing, shaking, cramping and alone. Someone gave me two little pills I thought would make me feel better, but they were to force me into labor. Then the nurse walked down the baby killing assembly line to see how dilated we were and one by one we were taken off in a wheelchair to a separate room. When it was my turn I was surprised to enter a small room with what seemed to be a toilet. I was told to sit on the toilet, lean on the nurse and push. So I did. I pushed my dead baby out into a toilet. After all this trauma, I lay on another examination table waiting for the doctor and a nurse placed her hand on my stomach and said with a smile, "Look how skinny you are now!" I just cried."
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. God the Son Jesus Christ says about God the Holy Spirit in John 16:13 Amplified Bible, "But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future]."
Because of sin God can not always make us feel happy. Sometimes we can become uncomfortable when confronted with the Truth that contradicts our current beliefs. Instead of clinging to lies, investigate, "Why am I uncomfortable? Could some things be wrong? What is right and true?" 1 Thessalonians 5:19 Amplified Bible says, "Do not quench (suppress or subdue) the [Holy] Spirit." We can dismiss God-sent discomfort. Sarah Weddington did so when preparing and arguing in the US Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade. Sarah Weddington, a former president of the group currently called NARAL Pro-Choice America and the lawyer who argued in favor of abortion in Roe v. Wade writes in her book the 40th Anniversary Edition Revised and Updated A Question of Choice that contains a foreword by Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood regarding placing an age limit on when an abortion can not be done, "I knew that everyone, me included, was uncomfortable with the idea of abortion in the later stages of pregnancy;" however, Weddington still insists, "Legal rights attach at birth."
It is very violent to die by having arms, legs and other body parts cut and ripped off, being burned alive and other means of seeking to ensure death before birth. Some also want to end legal rights to life after birth through things like killing girls and boys born alive after attempted abortions, other types of infanticide, assisted-suicide and euthanasia of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.
God's arms are wide open to truth seekers willing to stop hugging lies. Acts 3:19 Amplified Bible says, "So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord."
God is our first Love, and He doesn't want any falsity in us or around us. God is currently conquering the enemies of love, truth and all that is good. An enemy is the belief some hold that poverty is a good plan for people with disabilities and some without disabilities.
We need long-term, loving solutions to life's challenges not killing people in challenging situations. Some solutions are to enact laws stopping abortion at 20 weeks and beyond and preventing healthcare providers from killing people when they are disabled at any age.
God wants people with disabilities and without disabilities to live well. God the Son Jesus Christ says in John 10:10 Amplified Bible, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)." One of the ways our enemy the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy is by persuading us to miss opportunities to think, speak and act in love.
God is able to change situations all by Himself. God also works through people. The Deacon Philip participated in the Ethiopian treasurer to the Ethiopian Queen Candace receiving a now and forever relationship with God as recorded in Acts 8. God wants believers to love people. Jesus Christ says in John 13:34-35 Amplified Bible, "I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too should love one another. By this shall all [men] know that you are My disciples, if you love one another [if you keep on showing love among yourselves]." On his government job and off of it, God desired for the Ethiopian treasurer to love people. Love helps people live well. Christians in government can walk in love. Some of the ways to walk in love are by increasing the income of personal attendants to the disabled participating in the Medicaid Elderly or Disabled with Consumer-Direction (EDCD) Waiver, eliminating the periodic authorization process since disabilities like autism and Down Syndrome are life-long and eliminating other burdensome regulations that make it difficult for family and friends to serve as personal attendants to people with disabilities.
Did you know that 67 percent of girls and boys who may have Down Syndrome are killed via abortion? Read this to learn more about people with Down Syndrome. The nation of Belgium legalized euthanasia for children of all ages. Baby boys and baby girls born alive after abortions are routinely killed. People with disabilities of all ages sometimes do not receive life-saving treatment.
The Medicaid Elderly or Disabled Consumer-Direction (EDCD) Waiver can be used to stop some abortions, infanticides, assisted suicides and euthanasia. Many parents and other family members succumb to the fear of financial lack and participate in killing disabled family members. The EDCD Waiver can be used by parents and other family and friends to become paid caretakers of family and friends with disabilities. Page 14 of "A Screener's Reference Guide for Long-Term Care Services in Virginia" under "Eligibility" says about the EDCD Waiver, "This waiver serves seniors and individuals of all ages with disabilities. The individual may receive this service through a service provider or through consumer direction in which he or she directs his or her own care, or, a parent, spouse, adult child or other responsible adult can direct care on behalf of the individual. An individual can remain on the waiting list for another waiver while being served by the EDCD Waiver if he or she meets criteria for both waivers and transfers to the preferred waiver once a slot becomes available; read more here: The Medicaid Elderly or Disabled Consumer-Direction (EDCD) Waiver is currently open and does not have a waiting list.
Some speak about a "duty to die," but God says in Psalm 91:16 Amplified Bible, "With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation." An African proverb says, "When an elder dies it is as if a whole library had burned down." People with disabilities and without disabilities are valuable, contributing members of society.
Embrace the reality that God made people with autism, Down Syndrome, and other intellectual and physical disabilities as sexual beings. Some persons with disabilities will marry and still need well-paid caretakers to access the enjoyable, abundant life God promised to believers now and forever. It's evil to put people in poverty and not plan and push for their prosperity. $11.47 hourly for personal attendants serving under the Medicaid Elderly or Disabled Consumer-Direction Waiver is anti-love income. This income needs leaps and bounds of improvement along with budget cuts of burdensome regulations. In addition to a low income these caregivers to the elderly and disabled have no benefits. The current Virginia Medicaid budget is more than $8 billion of which the Elderly or Disabled with Consumer-Direction Waiver is included in the 45610 Reimbursements for Long-Term Care Services portion of the budget. Read this for Virginia Medicaid budget details:
By dramatically increasing the income of personal attendants they will have the freedom of choice to purchase their own charitable contributions, housing, utilities, car, food, clothing, medical, entertainment, travel and other needs and wants. Persons with disabilities and their caretakers should have the income to eat in restaurants with wait staff, to fly and to participate in other good and enjoyable things. This is a love, truth and disability rights issue. Many personal attendants are family members and friends of persons with disabilities who do not want their family and friends to end up in foster care, nursing facilities, assisted-living facilities, other mental health institutions, group homes, etc. Freedom of choice allows family and friends, the best people, the biggest lovers of persons with disabilities (after God and persons with disabilities,) to be caregivers for persons with disabilities.
It's an abuse of choice to have laws permitting abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide, euthanasia, sterilization and dangerous contraception for persons with disabilities and without disabilities. It's also an abuse of choice for government funding to pay for these. The Hyde Amendment ended most federal funding of abortion. The Affordable Care Act brought it back. Many late-term abortions are done because the unborn girl or unborn boy is suspected of having a disability. No one should be killed because he or she may or may not be disabled. Texas and other American states have enacted laws prohibiting abortions at 20 weeks and beyond. Some states are considering legislation to stop abortions at 20 weeks and beyond. Send an on-line message to West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin encouraging him to sign HB 4588– The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act: The state of Oklahoma has enacted the Nondiscrimination in Treatment Act preventing healthcare providers from killing the elderly and disabled against their will by denying them life-saving treatment. These types of legislation need to be enacted nationwide.
Medicaid Waivers are not based on a family's income, but the income of the elderly or disabled person. Low-income, middle-income and high income families with elderly or disabled members have Medicaid Waivers. Here's a Virginia publication on the Medicaid Elderly or Disabled with Consumer-Direction (EDCD) Waiver, a program which is currently open indefinitely to new applicants: However, one of the problems comes when trying to hire attendants. People rightly want to be well paid without being wound up in burdensome regulations. Personal attendants to the disabled participating in the Virginia Medicaid program are subjected to an authorization process that does nothing to cure persons with disabilities and does steal money from personal attendants serving the disabled. Autism, Down Syndrome, intellectual disabilities and other disabilities are currently life-long disabilities. Yet the Virginia Medicaid authorization process is done periodically and if authorization paperwork is not completed within a few days Medicaid can steal the wages of personal attendants. Kepro is the authorization contractor for the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS). DSS is the Department of Social Services. The provider also called the service facilitator completes and submits authorization paperwork to Kepro. Virginia Administrative Code 12VAC30-120-920 states, "Before Medicaid will assume payment responsibility of home and community-based services, preauthorization must be obtained from the designated preauthorization contractor on all services requiring preauthorization. Providers must submit all required information to the designated preauthorization contractor within 10 business days of initiating care or within 10 business days of receiving verification of Medicaid eligibility from the local DSS. If the provider submits all required information to the designated preauthorization contractor within 10 business days of initiating care, services may be authorized beginning from the date the provider initiated services but not preceding the date of the physician's signature on the Medicaid Funded Long-Term Care Services Authorization Form (DMAS-96). If the provider does not submit all required information to the designated preauthorization contractor within 10 business days of initiating care, the services may be authorized beginning with the date all required information was received by the designated preauthorization contractor, but in no event preceding the date of the Preadmission Screening Team physician's signature on the DMAS-96 form."
Personal attendants, who are not the provider responsible for completing authorization paperwork and submitting it to Kepro, must go through an appeals process with DMAS if they want to be paid for services that Kepro denies. DMAS can require personal attendants who only make $11.47 hourly to pursue their case outside DMAS into the court system. The periodic authorization process needs to be abolished for it steals time and money from personal attendants and the disabled. Many personal attendants are family members and friends of the disabled.
Also the EDCD regulations need to be changed to make it possible for a wide variety of family members to easily care for members with disabilities. An individual with disabilities can have more than one personal attendant, however, page 14 of "A Screener's Reference Guide for Long-Term Care Services in Virginia" under "Overview" says about the EDCD Waiver, "If an individual is unable to perform employer functions, or is less than 18 years of age, a family member or non-paid caregiver may serve as the employer of record (EOR)." For example, currently single parents cannot be both the personal attendant and the EOR. Single parents need to be able to be both the personal attendant and the employer of record. Many single parents go through obtaining custody and child support for the disabled child because the noncustodial parent refuses to provide for the disabled child financially and in other ways. Married couples also benefit when a personal attendant and the employer of record are the same person. For example, a husband who is primarily the employer of record and a wife who is primarily the personal attendant can switch roles allowing the husband to serve as the personal attendant. Some personal attendants work more than 40 hours weekly and need rest. All personal attendants should be paid.
How did you learn about the Medicaid Elderly or Disabled with Consumer-Direction (EDCD) Waiver? Informed consent legislation is needed to ensure that when parents receive genetic counseling they are also told about the EDCD Waiver. Medical facilities, mental health facilities, schools and government agencies should be required to tell persons with disabilities and their families and friends about the EDCD Waiver.
Some family have disabled members in foster care, nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, group homes and other institutions not because they want them there but because they have no knowledge of or little knowledge of the EDCD Waiver. Do you have family and friends who may need use of the EDCD Waiver? Share this blog with them.
Are you a personal attendant or working with one? Share ideas and information about what works/doesn't work about the Medicaid Elderly or Disabled Consumer-Direction (EDCD) Waiver. Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on
Recently Rafael and I were eating at a restaurant and saw a woman and a man cuddling and kissing. How delicious! More of this should be on the menu of life.
Charles Davenport, Harry Laughlin and eugenicists like them would have thought how disgusting; take it off the menu as the couple is from the "wrong" racial group and may have been immigrants. Yet America is largely a nation of voluntary and involuntary immigrants from a variety of racial groups.
Charles Davenport and Harry Laughlin spent their adult lives trying to create a "better" breed of human beings by eliminating disabled, low-income and/or people not of certain European heritage through the "science" of eugenics, a term coined by Francis Galton, a cousin of Evolutionist Charles Darwin who wrote the book originally titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races.
In the early 1900s Davenport set up and maintained the Eugenics Record Office in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, with funding from Mary Harriman, the widow of railroad magnate Edward Henry Harriman, steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and others. The Eugenics Record Office became the leading American advocate for eugenics and spread abroad its message of "breeding better people" and eliminating the "unfit." To run daily operations, Harry Laughlin was hired at the Eugenics Record Office as its superintendent. Laughlin authored the "Model Sterilization Act" upon which most American states and other nations patterned their forced sterilization laws. Laughlin was also very active in prohibiting immigration of disabled, low-income and/or people not of certain European heritage.
Laughlin would likely have welcomed the ideas and immigration of people like the Belgium lawmakers who recently approved legislation permitting children of all ages with disease or disability to kill themselves (The Washington Post, "Euthanasia legalized for ailing children," February 14, 2014.) Euthanasia, abortion, sterilization are eugenic. Eugenics lacks patience, love for those who need help.
In recalling your first kiss memories of ecstasy or embarrassment may arise. Perhaps you found perseverance and practice romantically rewarding. Eugenicists are lazy. Curing disease and disability can take a long time. The eugenic viewpoint is why wait?; it's easier to kill people and to stop them from reproducing rather than interacting with them in a helpful way.
But Christians are lovers that come from all parts of the globe. The Washington Times February 27, 2014, "Experts say immigrants are changing the U.S.' religious landscape" article reports that 2010 US Census figures show 74 percent of foreign born US residents are Christians and that many of these Christians are from Africa, Latin America and Asia. Jesus Christ says in John 13:34-35 Amplified Bible, "I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too should love one another. By this shall all [men] know that you are My disciples, if you love one another [if you keep on showing love among yourselves]."
Lovers like to chase. We like to offer continual compassion during the quest for a cure to disease and disability. It's possible that an immigrant may find the cure for autism, Down Syndrome or other disabilities and diseases.
An African proverb says, "Work is good, provided you do not forget to live." Many lovers enjoy sharing delicious food. I pray that Rafael, my son who is a prophet and has autism, enjoys dating and eventually marrying a Christian woman who shares his delight in eating out, personal relationships and beautiful, balanced, Biblical sexuality and sex among other good, enjoyable, beautiful things. Rafael savors saturating his fingers with food. He likes to feel it, smell it and taste it. Food and fingers fascinate him. He revels in having his finger tips kissed and kissing the hands of some people.
God created both single and married people with a desire for marital sex and other relationships. The first man had a relationship with God and the animals, but this was not enough. Genesis 2:18 New Living Translation Bible says about God creating the first woman for the first man, "Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”"
Mohandas Gandhi said, "To say that some men are untouchables is a heinous sin." Yet some would like to treat persons with autism and other different minds like untouchables denying them access to restaurants, marriage and the best possible life.
God wants the best possible life for everyone. God created us and preserves our life from fertilization through birth, youth, old age and beyond death for people who are African, European, Asian, Hispanic, other ethnicity, male, female, working all different kinds of assignments at all different kinds of hours and with different minds and abilities and with multiple mixtures of these characteristics. God created us to have a good relationship with Him and to be in relationships with people who are just right for us.
Good relationships are compatible with good business. An untapped, massive market exists in welcoming persons with autism and other different minds into restaurants, marriage and other good, enjoyable, beautiful things.
To help persons with autism, Down Syndrome, intellectual disabilities and other disabilities enjoy restaurants requires that their personal attendants are paid well without burdensome regulations and abolishing government funding of death and discrimination.
Song of Songs 4:1-7 New Living Translation Bible records Solomon saying to his wife from Shulam, "You are beautiful, my darling, beautiful beyond words. Your eyes are like doves behind your veil. Your hair falls in waves, like a flock of goats winding down the slopes of Gilead. Your teeth are as white as sheep, recently shorn and freshly washed. Your smile is flawless, each tooth matched with its twin. Your lips are like scarlet ribbon; your mouth is inviting. Your cheeks are like rosy pomegranates behind your veil. Your neck is as beautiful as the tower of David, jeweled with the shields of a thousand heroes. Your breasts are like two fawns, twin fawns of a gazelle grazing among the lilies. Before the dawn breezes blow and the night shadows flee, I will hurry to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill of frankincense. You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way."
Blanche Kelso Bruce was the second African American US senator. Blanche Kelso Bruce also thought his wife, Josephine Beall Bruce, was so beautiful that he worked to have a postal destination in Bolivar County Mississippi named after her, Josephine, Mississippi.
Beautiful husbands and wives frequently enjoy the pleasure of loving marital sex. Occasionally sex results in unborn girls or unborn boys. These children may or may not have disabilities that are inherited or acquired. "Kyrie and Brielle Jackson had been born on 17 October 1995, at the Medical Center of Central Massachusetts, 12 weeks ahead of their due date. In line with standard practice they had been placed in separate incubators to minimize any chance of infection.
Kyrie, at 2 lbs 3oz, was the larger of the two, and she began gaining weight and sleeping calmly. Brielle, however; developed breathing and heart problems. She weighed only 2 lbs at birth and she wasn't gaining weight quickly enough.
Four weeks later, on 12 November, Brielle became critically unstable. Her oxygen intake dropped, her heart rate soared. Nurse Kasparian tried everything in the book to save her. Then she recalled a technique used in Europe called "double-bedding", used for premature, multiple-birth babies. With the parents' permission and in desperation, she went against standard hospital practice in order to reunite the twin girls.
The story tells how, as soon as they were reunited, Brielle snuggled up to Kyrie--and calmed down. Within minutes her blood-oxygen readings improved. As Brielle dozed, Kyrie wrapped her tiny arm around her smaller sibling. Both babies survived and the hospital adopted the policy as the new standard practice" (The Little Book Of Hugs A gift to bring comfort and joy by Lois Blyth.)
Some siblings are denied the opportunity to share hugs. Claire Culwell can't hug her twin because her twin was killed by abortion. Claire survived the attempted abortion and was born with club feet and dislocated hips weighing three pounds two ounces and spent two months on life support. She tells her family's story in this video
God is not for disability discrimination or any other type of discrimination/slave-master mindset. God is the Author of Life and desires for His wide variety of people to experience the Promised Land.
What is your New Year's resolution? Consider making it: 2014 and beyond: "Alive And Eating Promised Land Food." Instead of "healthcare" promote life and eating well. To eat well one needs to be paid well without burdensome regulations.
Promoting life and eating well requires abolishing all government funding of death and discrimination. Planned Parenthood is committed to eliminating the disabled, low-income and those not of certain European heritage via abortion, sterilization and dangerous contraception. "Americans may be surprised to learn that Planned Parenthood has plenty of money, and taxpayers are contributing a large part of it. In 2005-06 it took in nearly $1 billion and boasted a surplus of $55 million. More than one-third of its income — $305 million — came from government subsidies. Its president receives an annual compensation of almost $1 million;" Read more here: Besides Planned Parenthood others receive government funding to provide abortion, sterilization and dangerous contraception; this government funding also needs to be abolished.
Some disabilities are hereditary. Others are acquired. Women are acquiring disabilities by having their cervix or uterus torn during the abortion surgery and not being told about the cervical and uterine tearing and the need for medical treatment. Watch this video:
Some recommend abortion to pregnant women and the fathers of an unborn boy or unborn girl who may or may not have a disability. David C. Reardon writes in Aborted Women, Silent No More Twenty Women Share Their Personal Journeys from the Tragedy of Abortion to Restored Wholeness, regarding parents who succumb to "healthcare" that promotes abortion of children who may have a disability, "Because the aborted child was wanted and the abortion is seen at best as "mercy killing" of an innocent child, the incidence of severe depression following a selective abortion is about 92 percent among the mothers, and 82 percent among the fathers. "These patients exhibited more depression than that described in the literature for women undergoing abortion on psychosocial grounds." One woman in the study declared that aborting her handicapped child was the "worst thing that ever happened to me."
Promoting life and eating well requires abolishing government funding of death and discrimination and that those who take care of the disabled are well paid without burdensome regulations. Personal attendants to the disabled participating in the Virginia Medicaid program are subjected to an authorization process that does nothing to cure persons with disabilities and does steal money from personal attendants serving the disabled. Autism, Down Syndrome, intellectual disabilities and other disabilities are currently life-long disabilities. Yet the Virginia Medicaid authorization process is done periodically and if authorization paperwork is not completed within a few days Medicaid can steal the wages of personal attendants. Kepro is the authorization contractor for the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS). DSS is the Department of Social Services. The provider also called the service facilitator completes and submits authorization paperwork to Kepro. Virginia Administrative Code 12VAC30-120-920 states, "Before Medicaid will assume payment responsibility of home and community-based services, preauthorization must be obtained from the designated preauthorization contractor on all services requiring preauthorization. Providers must submit all required information to the designated preauthorization contractor within 10 business days of initiating care or within 10 business days of receiving verification of Medicaid eligibility from the local DSS. If the provider submits all required information to the designated preauthorization contractor within 10 business days of initiating care, services may be authorized beginning from the date the provider initiated services but not preceding the date of the physician's signature on the Medicaid Funded Long-Term Care Services Authorization Form (DMAS-96). If the provider does not submit all required information to the designated preauthorization contractor within 10 business days of initiating care, the services may be authorized beginning with the date all required information was received by the designated preauthorization contractor, but in no event preceding the date of the Preadmission Screening Team physician's signature on the DMAS-96 form."
Personal attendants, who are not the provider responsible for completing authorization paperwork and submitting it to Kepro, must go through an appeals process with DMAS if they want to be paid for services that Kepro denies. DMAS can require personal attendants who only make $11.47 hourly to pursue their case outside DMAS into the court system. The authorization process needs to be abolished for it steals time and money from personal attendants and the disabled. Many personal attendants are family members and friends of the disabled.
Also the wage of personal attendants needs to be dramatically increased. It is currently $11.47 per hour. Increasing the wage of personal attendants/service providers to the disabled would help the disabled enjoy restaurants with wait staff. Proverbs 10:15 New Living Translation Bible says, "The wealth of the rich is their fortress; the poverty of the poor is their destruction." Deuteronomy 24:14-15 Amplified Bible says, "You shall not oppress or extort from a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether he is of your brethren or of your strangers and sojourners who are in your land inside your towns. You shall give him his hire on the day he earns it before the sun goes down, for he is poor, and sets his heart upon it; lest he cry against you to the Lord, and it be sin to you."
Keeping people with disabilities united with their families promotes life and Promised Land eating. America has a history of discrimination/the slave-master mindset. Charles Davenport, Harry Laughlin and other eugenicists advocated that the disabled, low-income and those not of certain European heritage should be segregated in mental health institutions; then to save taxpayers money, they should be sterilized and sent out to work low-income jobs for elites who could rape them, blame them for the rapes and threaten to send them back to mental health institutions. Charles Davenport and others also used mental health institutions for involuntary research. In 1929 Davenport along with scientists such as George Washington Corner and T.H. Painter participated in the sterilization of a person in a New York mental health institution called Letchworth Village for Feeble-minded for the purpose of eliminating people with Down Syndrome.
Harry Laughlin also worked to get social workers into every public institution concerned with the disabled, low-income and those not of certain European heritage. These social workers collected family histories and other information to find the "unfit" not to help them but to harm them through things like sterilization.
The Bible books of Matthew, Mark, John and Luke record Jesus Christ telling people stories offering them a good, loving life now and forever in relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit and with people. Jesus Christ didn't kick people out of movie theaters or kill them in movie theaters. Lisa Carl has cerebral palsy and was kicked out of a movie theater in Tacoma, Washington. The theater owner said, "I don't want her in here, and I don't have to let her in." Robert Saylor had Down Syndrome and was killed because of mistreatment in a movie theater in Frederick, Maryland.
The color red is often associated with love and passion and is one of my favorite colors. Passionate lovers are sexy. Watch this speech given by Gianna Jessen, who was born alive after an attempted saline abortion in a Planned Parenthood clinic in California. Jessen also has cerebral palsy. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the United States. For more about Planned Parenthood read this article California is thought to be the American state with the highest number of state-sponsored sterilizations performed on persons with disabilities and without disabilities. Regarding abortions, Anne Hendershott writes in her book The Politics of Abortion, "Worse, five states do not even collect abortion statistics at all. (Among these is California, which accounts for 12 percent of the U.S. population.)" Saline abortion was originally developed in Nazi Germany concentration camps. Gianna Jessen is not the only person who survived an abortion. Every day boys and girls are surviving abortion. Many, however, do not live long because they do not receive life-saving medical treatment. After Gianna Jessen was born alive after an saline abortion, a nurse sent her to a hospital.
Zechariah 4:10 New Living Translation Bible teaches us, "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin ..." Carl participated in the ceremony where US President George Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law in 1990 to stop discrimination against persons with disabilities. Absalom Jones preached his first Thanksgiving Day sermon in 1808 celebrating legislation signed that while it didn't end African American slavery did make the trans-Atlantic slave trade illegal. Jones' sermon urged people to set aside a day of public thanksgiving and became a tradition of "Thanksgiving Sermons." Many persons with disabilities, African Americans and other people are killed by abortion. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act doesn't end all abortions, but it does protect the lives of unborn babies from age 20 weeks and beyond when girls and boys are able to feel the pain of being torn apart by abortion. On November 7, 2013, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) announced his sponsorship of the Senate version of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives in June 2013.
Harriet "Moses" Tubman was an African American who lived before and after African American slavery. Tubman also had a disability. She had seizures and uncontrollable sleeping spells as a result of a slave overseer throwing a brick at her head and fracturing her skull when she was a teenager.
Tubman was also a vigorous lover. Her first husband, John Tubman, a free African American who refused to help Harriet Tubman escape slavery and become free, died in 1867. In 1869 Harriet Tubman married Nelson Davis, a Union solider more than 20 years younger than herself.
After escaping slavery Tubman helped her sister, Mary Ann Bowley and Bowley's two children escape slavery. Eventually, Harriet Tubman helped free all 10 of her siblings and her parents, and she branched out as a conductor of the Underground Railroad who carried a gun and led hundreds of slaves in the South of the United States of America to freedom in the North and in Canada. Tubman even rescued babies out of slavery. She did not kill them though they may have been difficult to transport. During the American Civil War Tubman was a nurse, scout and spy.
It was risky for Harriet Tubman to go back to the South of the United States and help slaves obtain their freedom. She could have been returned to slavery, whipped, bitten by the dogs of slave catchers and/or subjected to other harm and even killed. It was risky for Harriet Tubman to join the Union war effort. People become disabled and even die in wars.
Harriet Tubman had friends. One of her friends was William Still, who was an abolitionist, author and advocate against the American Colonization Society which wanted to send free blacks back to Africa. Still wrote about Harriet Tubman, "She was a woman of no pretensions; indeed, a more ordinary specimen of humanity could hardly be found among the most unfortunate-looking farm hands of the South. Yet in point of courage, shrewdness, and disinterested exertions to rescue her fellowman, she was without equal." Abolitionist, teacher and writer Charlotte Forten wrote about Harriet Tubman, "We spent all our time at Harriet Tubman's. She is a wonderful woman--a real heroine." Charlotte Forten was also wonderful and came from a wonderful family of abolitionists and women's rights advocates. Forten's grandfather was James Forten. For more about the Forten family read my article "Big is Beautiful" at Harriet Tubman was also friends of William Seward, governor of New York, and Women's Rights Advocate Susan B. Anthony.
Being privileged to have friends in positions of power didn't prevent Harriet Tubman from practicing the love of God with a variety of people. After the American Civil War some of the people Harriet Tubman advocated for were children, the elderly, women and the disabled. James 2:8-11 Amplified Bible says, "If indeed you [really] fulfill the royal Law in accordance with the Scripture, You shall love your neighbor as [you love] yourself, you do well. But if you show servile regard (prejudice, favoritism) for people, you commit sin and are rebuked and convicted by the Law as violators and offenders. For whosoever keeps the Law [as a] whole but stumbles and offends in one [single instance] has become guilty of [breaking] all of it. For He Who said, You shall not commit adultery, also said, You shall not kill. If you do not commit adultery but do kill, you have become guilty of transgressing the [whole] Law."
Practice inclusion instead of isolation, generosity instead of greed, pure love instead of partiality. Jesus Christ did, does and always will. Jesus Christ has given Himself with the whole Godhead (Father and Holy Spirit) to empower Christians to do like Jesus.
Luke 14:12-14 Amplified Bible says, "Jesus also said to the man who had invited Him, When you give a dinner or a supper, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your wealthy neighbors, lest perhaps they also invite you in return, and so you are paid back. But when you give a banquet or a reception, invite the poor, the disabled, the lame, and the blind. Then you will be blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied), because they have no way of repaying you, and you will be recompensed at the resurrection of the just (upright)."
God wants the best possible life for everyone now and eternally. Deuteronomy 28:13 Amplified Bible says, "And the Lord shall make you the head, and not the tail; and you shall be above only, and you shall not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this day and are watchful to do them."
God created us and preserves our life from fertilization through birth, youth, old age and beyond death for people who are African, European, Asian, Hispanic, other ethnicity, male, female, working all different kinds of assignments at all different kinds of hours and with different minds and abilities and with multiple mixtures of these characteristics. God created us to have a good relationship with Him and to be in relationships with people who are just right for us.
Good relationships are compatible with good business. An untapped, massive market exists in welcoming persons with autism and other different minds and bodies into restaurants, marriage and other good, enjoyable, beautiful things. When Rafael, who has autism, and I go to restaurants we don't usually see persons with autism, Down Syndrome, intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy and other disabilities. Increasing the wage of personal attendants/service providers to the disabled would help the disabled enjoy restaurants with wait staff. Proverbs 10:15 New Living Translation Bible says, "The wealth of the rich is their fortress; the poverty of the poor is their destruction." Deanna Copeland is a service provider for Andrea Hood and only makes $1,400.00 monthly. Read their story here
Some people have more than eight fingers and two thumbs with which to eat food. Rafael was born with nine fingers. Bollywood Actor Hrithik Roshan has three thumbs.
We need to embrace the behavior of people who act differently. Rafael eats with his hands. People in Ethiopia and other cultures eat with their hands. Read my article "Food, Love and Marriage" at
While God welcomes all people to marry Him in heaven, God does not call everyone to marriage on earth. Some people are designed to be single; others are designed to be married. Some people with disabilities God created to experience the joy of marital sex. Read my article "Sex and the Disabled" at
Sin has a spoiling effect on relationships. Once we receive a relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Ghost, God never lets go of us for all eternity. However, believers sometimes let go of God by sinning.
When our relationship is not right with God it is also not right with people. One type of sin is lying. The sin of lying is common to singles and married people. Many married people lie to people who are not their spouse to get sex. They also lie to their spouse and/or don't talk about sex and other subjects.
God is for loving, joyful, sex-filled marriages. God is for openness/nakedness. Genesis 2:24-25 Amplified Bible says, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not embarrassed or ashamed in each other’s presence."
Parents with awesome, affectionate, romantic, sexually sublime marriages are well positioned to talk to their children about sex. When parents have little or no sexual relationship, talking to their children about sex may inspire their children to think, "What do you know?;" "You aren't having fun and sexual sinners seem to be having fun." These children may decide to pursue sex outside of marriage.
We live in times when schools, the media, Planned Parenthood and others cannot be relied upon to teach our children about sex. Many advocates exist who promote sex outside of marriage and adolescent autonomy from parents, family and the Christian faith.
Some adolescents, adults, singles and married people have chosen abortion to kill the new life of a boy or girl created during sex outside of marriage and inside of marriage.
Some unborn boys and some unborn girls survive attempted abortions. Baby Ana Rosa Rodriquez survived an attempted abortion, but had her arm sliced off during the attempted abortion. In this video Gospel Singer Fred Hammond talks about surviving an attempted abortion. Abortion caused Claire Culwell to be born with club feet and dislocated hips. She survived the attempted abortion, her twin did not. Culwell is adopted and learned about her past by finding her birth mother who sought an abortion when she was 13. Watch their story here (Abortions are performed on girls nine and ten years old. Watch this video with Curtis Boyd, MD, who admits to doing these abortions, to doing late-term abortions and that abortion is taking life
Are you an abortion survivor? Share your story. Joyce Meyer writes in her book Joy redefined Loving Others, "It is impossible for you to be happy if you don't get your mind off yourself and start reaching out to help someone else."
Are you a survivor of rape and/or sterilization? Share your story. Elaine Riddick was forcibly sterilized by the state of North Carolina at age 14 after she became pregnant at age 13 as a result of rape, and gave birth to her only child, Tony Riddick. Watch this CNN interview in which Elaine Riddick says about Tony Riddick, "Someone asked me a question the other day. How do we get along? Do I have certain feelings towards him as far as you know reminding me that he was a product of rape. No, that's my son, and I love him very much, and he's a special gift from God. That's how I look at it."
Jesus reaches out to people. Jesus even reaches out to young children who are not wanted, planned or possessing a perfect physique. Yet some seek genetic testing to kill the disabled. Did you know that 67 percent of babies with Down Syndrome are aborted? Read this article to learn more about people with Down Syndrome. A doctor suggested Andrea Bocelli's mom have an abortion because her son might have a disability. She didn't follow his advice. 1 Timothy 5:25 Amplified Bible says, "So also, good deeds are evident and conspicuous, and even when they are not, they cannot remain hidden [indefinitely]." Andrea Bocelli, who is the biggest selling Classical musician in history, blind and a father, says he is glad to be alive; and he shares his story in this video Do you have a good deed to share?
God wants us to manage our sexuality and every area of our life with love. Philippians 1:8-10 Amplified Bible says, "For God is my witness how I long for and pursue you all with love, in the tender mercy of Christ Jesus [Himself]! And this I pray: that your love may abound yet more and more and extend to its fullest development in knowledge and all keen insight [that your love may display itself in greater depth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment], So that you may surely learn to sense what is vital, and approve and prize what is excellent and of real value [recognizing the highest and the best, and distinguishing the moral differences], and that you may be untainted and pure and unerring and blameless [so that with hearts sincere and certain and unsullied, you may approach] the day of Christ [not stumbling nor causing others to stumble]."
While God does not always like what we do with the human physique, God likes the human physique. God also designed for wives and husbands to enjoy the sexual relations that may lead to starting a new human life. In Song of Songs 7:11 New Living Translation Bible a wife/lover says to her husband/lover, "Come, my love, let us go out to the fields and spend the night among the wildflowers." How wonderful to come to life through married parents making love in the outdoors! Or perhaps your mother laid on the beach with her legs and feet extended up as her husband lay across her creating fantastic friction when you were conceived? Risking a sandy butt isn't for everyone. Some spouses like to release love by lying on their sides merging their vagina and penis in a way that makes the head available for kissing feet, hands and other body parts and hands available to massage the butt and other places. Do you hug naked while riding your husband? The bed is probably considered the best place or at least the most convenient place for lovemaking. A lion-hearted husband can lay back on the edge of the bed making a chair with his butt and legs up for his lioness wife to sit on and explore the possibilities of mutual penis/vaginal pleasure; she can start the seat of pleasure facing her husband; then she can switch it and face away. The edge of the bed has many possibilities for ecstasy. Time spent developing upper body strength can be used by a husband to serve his wife by placing the palm of his hands on the floor and his lower body on the bed; his wife can fit in between his V-shaped legs planting one foot on the floor and her other foot on his back turning to a right angle for maximum clitoris stimulation. How many orgasms have you had in a marital lovemaking session? The bathroom is probably a more popular place for lovemaking than people admit. Read my article "How Gross Can Be Good" at Smoking is prohibited in airplane bathrooms. Take flight on earth. A wife can position her legs for flight, and her husband can board her vagina. Having trouble feeling your husband's thrusts, circles and other magnificent motion? Try an appetizer, main dish or smorgasbord of love licks (Japanese for oral sex.) Let me know if love licks help you to feel your husband inside like never before. Have love licks inspired fresh enthusiasm for lovemaking? God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit has placed evidence of Himself on earth such as the creation of the places of pleasure clitoris, G-Spot and AFE Zone which is skin near a woman's cervix. Do you have a conception feasting love story to share? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
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Even when married couples are past the age of reproduction, God designed for them to enjoy romantic love and sex. Love licks (Japanese for oral sex,) sexual intercourse and other lovemaking are better than cannibalism, assisted suicide or euthanasia. Read my articles "An Appetizer, the Main Dish or Among a Smorgasbord of Love Play" at, "You Are Never Too Old" at and "Awesome Aging" at Holding hands, kissing, hugging, snuggling and caressing are not just for newly-wed married couples. What a witness of love for white-haired elderly couples to engage in generous private and public affection! Do you find long walks and talks romantic and bonding?
Because God loves us, God does not will for us to have partner sex outside of marriage. Because God loves us, God wills for us to enjoy sex inside of marriage. God does not want any of us to be afraid of sexuality and try to stomp it out. God created sexuality. What God creates is good, beautiful and excellent provided we participate in God's creation according to His design. God designed sex to bond marital couples. Sometimes sex leads to reproduction. Read my article "Fearless Sex" at
Sexual sin doesn't have to stop us from enjoying fearless sex. Have you participated in killing an unborn boy or an unborn girl? If we are in relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit, abortion and any other sin does not separate us from the love of God. Stop sinning, and shake off shame and condemnation. Acts 3:19-20 Amplified Bible says, "So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord; And that He may send [to you] the Christ (the Messiah), Who before was designated and appointed for you—even Jesus."
Enjoy friendships with the opposite sex and the same sex, and if marriage is God's will for you, also enjoy sex with your spouse. John 10:10 Amplified Bible says, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)." Refuse to allow shame and condemnation to steal the joy and the feast of sex with your spouse. Read my articles "Second-Class Christian Citizens?" at, "How to Catch and Keep Friends" at, "Love Letters, Relationships and Political Activism" at and "Showing Your Heart" at
Christopher Yuan says he was strangled by a boyfriend/lover in his book Out Of A Far Country A gay son's journey to God. A broken mother's search for hope., and he continued to stay in the relationship for a while. How did he escape sexual slavery? "I didn't leave homosexuality because I thought it was so bad...I left homosexuality because I found something better, and His name is Jesus," Yuan says in this speech
Christopher Yuan's story is not I'm sorry I got caught in my sins, wish to keep on sinning while God wipes out the consequences of my choices, but a story of real change and love of God and people. Proverbs 28:13 Complete Jewish Bible says, "He who conceals his sins will not succeed; he who confesses and abandons them will gain mercy." People who have HIV or AIDS are not exempt from the mercy and love of God. Have you come out of sexual slavery?
Jesus Christ started His earthly life with the union of Mary's egg and divine sperm. Many people celebrate Jesus Christ's birth on December 25th. Instead of celebrating life, Christopher Yuan was in jail in December 1998 after drug enforcement agents and police found 9.1 tons of illegal drugs in his Atlanta, Georgia, apartment along with evidence that he had been selling illegal drugs. Christopher Yuan was also facing a death threat in December 1998 when a nurse informed him that he is HIV positive. Christopher Yuan talks about having HIV, illegal drug use and selling to individuals and dealers in more than 11 states, God, sexuality and his former multiple anonymous gay sex encounters in this speech
Christopher Yuan cooperated with Jesus Christ doing a root canal to remove his distorted sexuality. It was rough, but necessary to reveal a landscape filled with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ celebrates loving sexuality. Yuan has regular checkups with Jesus Christ. Some hurt. Most are enjoyable. Yuan talks about surgery and checkups in his book Out Of A Far Country A gay son's journey to God. A broken mother's search for hope.
Christopher Yuan went to dental school and is currently a cool, confident, compassionate, committed single. Yuan says that godly singleness and godly marriage are two sides of the same coin; neither should be emphasized one more than the other. Ideally we become strong singles and strong married couples. Christians start out weak when we are conceived in a relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. We are not supposed to stay weak. We are supposed to grow spiritually strong.
Don't disqualify someone as a potential spouse because he or she has a sexually transmitted disease (STD) like HIV and others. Consider: is she or he spiritually mature in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? I pray that if Christopher Yuan gets married, he will be committed to a Christian wife and to good fillings of the marital vaginal kind.
The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 New Living Translation Bible, "Never stop praying," and in 1 Timothy 2:1-6 Amplified Bible, "First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men, For kings and all who are in positions of authority or high responsibility, that [outwardly] we may pass a quiet and undisturbed life [and inwardly] a peaceable one in all godliness and reverence and seriousness in every way. For such [praying] is good and right, and [it is] pleasing and acceptable to God our Savior, Who wishes all men to be saved and [increasingly] to perceive and recognize and discern and know precisely and correctly the [divine] Truth. For there [is only] one God, and [only] one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, Who gave Himself as a ransom for all [people, a fact that was] attested to at the right and proper time." Luke 1:37 Amplified Bible says, "For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment." Wife, Susan Hartmann, is HIV-negative; husband, Ron Hartmann, is HIV-positive; through sexual intercourse between Susan and Ron Hartman, a daughter named Ryan was conceived who is today four years old and HIV negative; the Hartmann's are considering having another child the same way; currently, some doctors are endorsing intercourse without a condom when a woman is ovulating and antiretroviral therapy for the HIV-positive man as a way for mixed HIV status or serodiscordant couples to have biological children (The Washington Post, "Conceived with a calculated risk For family-minded couples living with HIV, intercourse can be an option," April 25, 2014.) Do you have a seemingly impossible love story to share?
A Latino proverb says, "Una buena accion es la mejor oracion" (A good deed is the best prayer.") Do you vote? Watch this video about voting, lynching and living in which one of the questions Reverend Johnny Hunter asks is, "... how many of these politicians who know that abortion is mass murder tolerate it because they think the right people are being murdered?"
Sarah J. Garnet, the eldest of eleven children, the wife of a minister named Henry H. Garnet and the first African American woman to be appointed principal in the New York City public school system, believed so strongly in voting that she was also a founder of one of Brooklyn New York's first equal rights organization, called the Equal Suffrage League.
Sarah J. Garnet was also a friend of Ida B. Wells who was friends with black men who owned a grocery store in Memphis, Tennessee. Wells' friends were lynched, and she wrote about their deaths in her newspaper noting that they were killed because their grocery store was competitive with a white-owned store. A few months later her newspaper office was sacked. The year was 1892, and a record number of lynchings of African Americans happened. The lynchings and the ruin of her newspaper office did not stop Wells from speaking out against racially-motivated evil.
Evil acts are not to stop Christians from doing good deeds. 1 Corinthians 15:58 Amplified Bible says, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord [always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord], knowing and being continually aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile [it is never wasted or to no purpose]."
Sarah J. Garnet along with other women raised money to help replace the destroyed presses of Ida B. Wells. Helping people is holy and loving. Philippians 4:5 Amplified Bible says, "Let all men know and perceive and recognize your unselfishness (your considerateness, your forbearing spirit). The Lord is near [He is coming soon]." 1 John 3:16-18 Amplified Bible says, "By this we come to know (progressively to recognize, to perceive, to understand) the [essential] love: that He laid down His [own] life for us; and we ought to lay [our] lives down for [those who are our] brothers [in Him]. But if anyone has this world’s goods (resources for sustaining life) and sees his brother and fellow believer in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the love of God live and remain in him? Little children, let us not love [merely] in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity)."
Ida B. Wells wrote the book Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases in 1892. She would write other books, marry Ferdinand/Frederick Barnett and have four children with Barnett named Charles, Herman, Ida and Alfreda. Read more about Ida B. Wells in my article "All Mothers Work" at
Born a slave in Mississippi, Ida B. Wells became free as many other African Americans did after the Civil War. 1865 was an eventful year. Abraham Lincoln signed the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution outlawing slavery throughout the United States of America; Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia; less than 50 miles from where Lee surrendered to Grant, Albert Priddy was born; The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, by six middle-class Confederate veterans. Albert Priddy would become a doctor, a superintendent of the Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded, an advocate of eugenics and sterilization and the original defendant in the US Supreme Court case Buck v. Priddy that became Buck v. Bell. John Bell replaced Priddy who died of Hodgkin's disease which is a type of cancer. Francis Galton coined the term eugenics and is a cousin of Evolutionist Charles Darwin who wrote the book originally titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races. Eugenics is a "science" to exterminate the disabled, low-income and/or people not of certain European heritage by sterilization, abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, dangerous contraception and other ways to eliminate their reproduction, such as prohibiting interracial marriage and restricting immigration to certain Europeans.
Just because African American slavery has ended doesn't mean that the slave-master mindset is dead. Sadly it has survived, is very sick and tries to be slick masquerading as things like "healthcare." Watch these videos with Elaine Riddick and Freda McKissic Bush, MD
What is the biggest killer of African Americans? It's not heart disease, cancer, diabetes, AIDS, violent crime or all of these combined. Watch this video and read my article "Thoughts About Abortion" at
America has a long history of maiming and killing African Americans, persons with disabilities and others. The slave-master mindset showed up in 1973 when the US Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade legalized abortion and state-sponsored sterilization was in the American court system in the case Relf v. Weinberger. "National numbers from the Alan Guttmacher Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveal that the overwhelming majority of abortion clinics are located in metropolitan areas, and some analysts have placed the percentage in minority neighborhoods at greater than 75 percent. Data from the CDC show that while white women get the majority of abortions (56 percent), black women, at only 13 percent of the population, are getting roughly 36 percent of the abortions. On average, 432,000 black babies are aborted annually. According to sociologist Anne Hendershott, black women are more likely than whites to get late-term abortions, which are riskier. Perhaps abortion is more common in minority communities because, similar to alcohol and tobacco, it is more aggressively marketed there;" read more here: Mrs. Katie Relf was the wife of a man who was disabled. The couple had six children including 12-year-old Mary Alice Relf, who was diagnosed as mentally retarded and had no right hand, and 14-year-old Minnie Lee Relf. The family survived on welfare payments and lived in government-subsidized housing. Mrs. Relf was illiterate and signed an "X" on a government form unknowingly giving Alabama state permission to sterilize Mary Alice Relf and Minnie Lee Relf. When Relf found out that her family had been subjected to forced sterilizations she participated in a class-action lawsuit. Investigations during the lawsuit revealed that federal funds had been used to sterilize between 100,000 and 150,000 people. Also mostly women were being threatened with the loss of welfare benefits unless they consented to being sterilized. Some pregnant women were told that their baby would not be delivered unless they agreed to be sterilized during childbirth. The outcome of Relf v. Weinberger was to continue the slave-master mindset. Federal funding of sterilization continues with "improved" methods of securing "informed consent" to be sterilized, and the 1927 US Supreme Court decision Buck v. Bell remains in place. US Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. wrote in the Buck v. Bell case upholding American state-sponsored sterilization, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.... Three generations of imbeciles are enough." Voluntary sterilization began in America with the same language of forced sterilization. Paul A. Lombardo writes in Three Generations No Imbeciles that Virginia, the first American state to legalize voluntary sterilization, applied sterilization to children and to adults "afflicted with any hereditary form of mental illness that is recurrent, mental deficiency or epilepsy."
Many people who have the slave-master mindset say that abortion, sterilization and dangerous contraception are helpful and encourage others to "help" themselves. Wallace Kuralt said he was helping disabled, low-income and/or people not of certain European heritage by forcibly sterilizing them. The Charlotte Observer reports that Kuralt was a welfare director in North Carolina from 1945 to 1972 who said in a 1970 interview that “we’ve pursued sterilization of the inadequate parents more actively than any place in the world... Our activities (in birth control and sterilization) have caused us to give aid to less than 50 percent of the families we would have had to give aid to if it were not for these activities;” read more here: In a July 2009 New York Times Magazine interview US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, "Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion." "Starting in the early 1990s, poor women were allowed Medicaid funding to have Norplant inserted into their arms; then, when they complained of pain and other unwelcome side effects, they were told no funding was available to have the Norplant rods taken out. Here, therefore, was a new species of involuntary sterilization . . . ," writes Jeffrey St. Clair for the January 10-12, 2014, Counter Punch article, "The Malthusian Obsession Eugenics, American-Style."
Margaret Sanger of the American Birth Control League which became Planned Parenthood also had the slave-master mindset. Sanger, who received some funding from Clarence Gamble, an heir of the Procter and Gamble fortune who had the slave-master mindset, says in this interview with Mike Wallace, "I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world that have a disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically, delinquents, prisoners, all sort of things, just marked when they are born. That to me is the greatest sin that people can commit." In a December 1939 letter to Clarence Gamble, Margaret Sanger wrote, "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Margaret Sanger's thinking is against the human race and in favor of abortion, sterilization, infanticide and "family planning" targeted toward the disabled, low-income persons and those not of certain European heritage. For Margaret Sanger, who spoke at KKK rallies, Planned Parenthood and their likes it never was and is still not about reproductive rights or reproductive health. It's always been about reproductive racism, sexism, elitism, disability discrimination, etc. Watch this Maafa 21 video A fact sheet by The Rebecca Project for Human Rights says, "Over the past two years, the Rebecca Project has investigated, documented and interviewed scores of women and girls, deducing that birth control providers serving low-income women and girls such as Planned-Parenthood characteristically decline to inform patients about the FDA's warnings concerning Depo Provera. However, health providers are mandated ethically to inform women of harm and to post FDA Depo Provera Black-Box warnings on websites -- instead of misleading and misinforming families about the drug's dangerous side effects;" these FDA warnings include women may lose significant bone mineral density that is not fully reversible, blood clots, stroke, bleeding irregularities, weight gain, ectopic pregnancy, delayed return to fertility and sterilization; other research has found that Depo Provera use causes a double risk of breast cancer and a women's increased susceptibility to HIV/AIDS and all other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Watch this video in which persecution of immigrants is discussed and an advocate with the Rebecca Project talks about the side effects of Depo Provera, US government efforts to sterilize 1/4 of the world's women of color and other issues. Do you have an abortion, sterilization, infanticide, Depo Provera, Norplant or other "family planning" experience to share?
No matter what color we are we can be enslaved by the slave-master mindset. God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit calls people to freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 Amplified Bible says, "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom). And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit."
Free people are faithful to research ways to stay out of slavery and to fight for freedom. Proverbs 18:15 Amplified Bible says, "The mind of the prudent is ever getting knowledge, and the ear of the wise is ever seeking (inquiring for and craving) knowledge."
Hiram Rhoades (Rhodes) Revels was an African Methodist Episcopal Church minister who was an educator. After Revels was the first African American to serve in the US Senate completing the term vacated by Confederate President Jefferson, Revels became the first president of Alcorn College for Negros. Like Blanche Kelso Bruce, the first African American elected to the US Senate who served the full six-year term, Revels represented Mississippi and was a member of the Republican Party which was founded to stop the spread of African American slavery. Today the number of abortion clinics in the state of Mississippi has been reduced to one.
Dr. Alveda King, a niece of Christian Minister and Civil Rights Activist Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and co-editor with Dr. LaVerne Tolbert of the book Life At All Costs An Anthology Of Voices From 21st Century Black Prolife Leaders, has African, Native American and European ancestors. She is also a Christian who talks about her heritage, the mix of heritage Americans possess, and her "family planning" experience in this Civil Rights and the Pro-Life Movement speech given at Villanova University
Alveda King's grandfather had a dream about her before she was born, and he encouraged her mother not to abort her. His dream came true. Alveda King is alive today and full of life. Women and girls are hurt by abortion. Dr. Alveda King speaks regularly about the harm abortion has done to her and others. King had a cervical cerclage, which is a surgery to stitch a cervix, so that it stays closed and able to hold pregnancy. Abortion weakens the cervix. Women who have had abortions are more likely to miscarry. Some women, like Tegra Little, are not able to have children after an abortion.
Men and boys are hurt by abortion too. Read my article "Do Fathers Have a Say in Abortion and Frozen Embryos?" at
Women, girls, men and boys are also hurt by sterilization. North Carolina didn't have a dialogue with Elaine Riddick that clearly informed her of the state's intention of sterilizing her. Instead of receiving healthcare Elaine Riddick was forcibly sterilized by the state of North Carolina nine months after she was raped by a neighbor and was giving birth via a C-section to her son conceived through rape. Watch this CNN interview in which Elaine Riddick says about her state-sponsored sterilization, "Later on because of my body was traumatized so severely I ended up having to have a total hysterectomy. But prior to that before I had the hysterectomy most of my life was I had to live in a whole lot of pain, hemorrhaging. When I got my monthly cycle ... it felt like someone had taken a knife and was gutting me .... My menstrual cycle ... wasn't normal because it lasted ... 12 to 15 days at a time, and this happened from the time ... after I had my son from the time I was 14 until I got into my 40s when I eventually did have to have a total hysterectomy."
Riddick says about the psychological impact of her forced sterilization, "You will never recover from this because it's always there. Every time you wake up when you go to sleep it's there. You think about how you've been treated in this country here. You think about--well me myself I had been so severely damaged until I was on Prozac, Serentil and Haldol, and that's how I coped. I had to wean myself off these things in order for me to cope, and I have to cope, and I have to go on."
Elaine Riddick wanted to have children in addition to Tony Riddick. Elaine Riddick found out she had been sterilized after she married. Both she and her husband wanted to have children and were both harmed psychologically when they discovered they could not have a biological child together.
Sometimes people consider physical health as more important than mental health. The reality is that they both need our regular attention, and failing to take good care of ourselves physically and mentally is dangerous and even deadly. Read my article "Heart Disease, Depression and Christianity" at
Sometimes people consider animals of little value, but that's not how God teaches us to view and to treat animals. Proverbs 12:10 New Living Translation Bible says, "The godly care for their animals, but the wicked are always cruel." Before Adam met Eve, he had relationships with the animals. I hope, Isobel, our cat helps Rafael to gain relationship skills that will help him with a future wife. Proverbs 12:6 New Living Translation Bible says, "The words of the wicked are like a murderous ambush, but the words of the godly save lives." Have you spoken out against spaying/neutering/sterilizing cats and/or other animals? Have you spoken out against euthanizing cats and/or other animals?
Recently, I tried to adopt a cat from a shelter and was told that the cat could not be adopted without him first being sterilized. Have you had a similar experience?
Are you a victim of American state-sponsored sterilization? A Persian proverb says, "Opportunity should be grabbed." In North Carolina $10 million is to be split equally among people sterilized through the North Carolina Eugenics Board. Also, the Virginia legislature is considering a bill to compensate victims of state-sponsored sterilization.
A Latino proverb says, "No hay tiempo como el presente" (There is no time like the present.") North Carolina compensation claims must be filed by June 30, 2014, for victims to receive a one-time payment to be distributed June 30, 2015.
North Carolina had a eugenics board from the 1930s through the 1970s through which social workers, family and others arranged for people to be sterilized. If you think you are one of the victims, you can ask the North Carolina Justice for Sterilization Victims Foundation to check the North Carolina Eugenic Board's records by completing and mailing them this form: Sometimes people are not able to speak up for themselves and need advocates. If you are not a victim, but are an advocate for a victim, you can ask the North Carolina Justice for Sterilization Victims Foundation to check the North Carolina Eugenic Board's records by completing and mailing them this form with required attachments: These forms are verification and not a guarantee of compensation.
A Korean proverb says, "The fortunate man has bread and friends." If you have filed a North Carolina verification form, please share your experience and inspire others.
Leilani Muir won $1 million in Canadian currency after filing a class-action lawsuit against the Alberta Canadian government for her forced sterilization. Alberta had passed a Sexual Sterilization Act in 1928 following the Buck v. Bell case in the United States of America. Thirteen-year-old Dawn Ravenell went into a coma and died after an abortion at 21-weeks gestation at the Eastern Women's Medical Center abortion clinic in New York City; her family was awarded $1.3 million in damages following malpractice litigation; abortion is one of the most frequently litigated malpractice actions in the United States of America (The Hand Of God A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind, Bernard N. Nathanson, M.D.) Douglas Karpen has killed Denise Montoya and babies born alive after attempted abortions (infanticide). He's not in jail, but a woman is currently suing him for tearing her uterus, internal bleeding and pain during the abortion; read more here: Women have spoken about reduced sexual pleasure after an abortion. Perhaps their clitoris, G-Spot and/or AFE Zone was damaged during the abortion? At Planned Parenthood of Delaware Nurse Joyce Vasikonis, Nurse Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich and Health-care Manager Melody Meanor tesitified about conditions inside the abortion clinic; read more here:; Nurse Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich said about Abortionist Timothy Liveright that during abortions Liveright slapped a patient, sang hymns about sin during the painful dilation phase of the abortion and played "Peek-A-Boo" with patients. Have you obtained money as a result of a lawsuit related to sterilization, abortion, infanticide or dangerous contraception?
Chinese Americans have been identified with African American slavery and segregation. In the 1927 US Supreme Court decision Gong Lum v. Rice, the court ruled that Chinese American citizens are colored and as a consequence are restricted to segregated schools. Oliver W. Holmes, Jr., was an associate justice at the time. Also in 1927 US Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. wrote in the Buck v. Bell case upholding American state-sponsored sterilization, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.... Three generations of imbeciles are enough."
In this interview Chen Guangcheng, who is blind, the husband of Yuan Weijing and the father of Chen Kerui and Chen Kesi, talks about his nephew, Chen Kegui who is the husband of Liu Fang and father of a young son named Chen Fubin, and, he notes that Chen Kegui was put in the same jail shortly after Chen Guangcheng escaped China that Chinese authorities put Chen Guangcheng in after he filed a 2005 class-action lawsuit against forced abortion and forced sterilization. Chen Guangcheng also encourages people to blog in this interview.
Chen Guangcheng wrote "The Next Human Rights Revolution" in Chinese as Distinguished Senior Fellow in Human Rights at the Witherspoon Institute on October 17, 2013, translated by Jessica Zheng, "I would like to call on the American people to take actions to urge the officials and congressmen you voted into office to apply all resources and means to help terminate China’s evil one-child policy and forced abortions. Forcing women to abort their babies is a violation of universal human rights. It tramples on women’s rights, the right of free choice, and also the sacred right of life. This wicked policy results in a severe imbalance in gender ratio and a rapidly aging population."
Pastor Bob Fu is president of China Aid Association and author of the book God's Double Agent The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom in which one of the subjects Bob Fu writes about is how he, his wife, Heidi Fu, and their first child, Daniel Fu, escaped a forced-abortion tragedy that loomed over the family because Heidi Fu was pregnant without a pregnancy permission card required by China's one-child policy. Most people do not escape China's one-child policy that includes forced abortions and forced sterilizations. Fu writes in God's Double Agent The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom, "Chinese political structure--from the national level all the way down to the village level--has family planning commissions with almost unlimited power. If a woman manages to hide her illegal pregnancy and has an "extra child," the commission can make her pay fines worth three to five times the family's income, confiscate property, or throw her in prison. (China collects more than ten billion US dollars in "family planning," fines every year.) But if the woman is unable to hide her illegal pregnancy, officials will inject her with a poison regardless of how far along she is. Every day, thirty thousand women are forced to have abortions, no doubt contributing to Chinese women's astronomical suicide rates. China boasts that it has successfully prevented four hundred million children from being born, more than the entire population of the United States."
A woman subjected to a forced abortion at nine months of pregnancy shares her story here This article includes a letter from a woman subjected to a forced abortion and a forced sterilization; also "Her family home was forcibly demolished, all their assets were stolen, and she was placed under administrative detention."
China has implemented a new anti-rumor law. Read here for more information about the new anti-rumor law which has impacted Chen Guangfu, Chen Guangcheng's eldest brother, and others. Don't be intimidated. Chen Guangcheng isn't. He's still speaking out for human rights. New York University rejected Chen Guangcheng. Now he's affiliated with the Witherspoon Institute, the Catholic University of America and the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice which also with individuals and with groups like is working to free Pastor Saeed Abedini who is imprisoned in Evin prison in Iran because of his Christian faith and works. Ephesians 4:14-15 Amplified Bible says, "So then, we may no longer be children, tossed [like ships] to and fro between chance gusts of teaching and wavering with every changing wind of doctrine, [the prey of] the cunning and cleverness of unscrupulous men, [gamblers engaged] in every shifting form of trickery in inventing errors to mislead. Rather, let our lives lovingly express truth [in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly]. Enfolded in love, let us grow up in every way and in all things into Him Who is the Head, [even] Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)."
Chen Guangcheng is a friend of Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, South Africa. Tutu is also an honorary chair of Freedom Now which is providing legal counsel to Chen Guangcheng's family. Jared Genser, founder of Freedom Now, wrote the following three suggestions on how to help Chinese dissidents in this article, "First, the clear violation of China’s commitments and its lies must be directly and publicly confronted. Failure to squarely address the government’s impunity only emboldens those in the Chinese government who interpret quiet diplomacy and private protestations as a license to oppress. It was disheartening, for example, when President Obama failed to sign a letter to incoming Chinese President Xi Jinping last December from 134 Nobel laureates pressing for Liu Xiaobo’s release. The White House has never publicly called for Liu Xia to be released from her extralegal house arrest. This signals to Beijing that there will be no real price for failing to respond to private requests for action on these cases.
Second, in instances in which Chinese officials refuse to engage as honest actors, it is incumbent upon the U.S. administration to meet with Chinese dissidents and their families who can speak with unique authority about the persecution they continue to face in China. Meetings with President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, in particular, make clear that the United States views human rights as a central component of its foreign policy.
Finally, each high-level meeting with Chinese officials should include a substantive discussion of human rights issues relevant to the subject of the meeting. International standards on political, social, economic, environmental and cultural rights inform nearly all aspects of modern life. Prioritizing a bilateral relationship that consistently emphasizes fundamental freedoms would allow the administration to articulate a coherent strategy for addressing human rights while fostering the conditions for a real dialogue."
In South Africa Desmond Tutu headed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that exposed many of the evils done under apartheid, so that evil may be stopped and good promoted. North Carolina is not the only American state where abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide, euthanasia, sterilization and dangerous contraception are provided. In 1907 Indiana became the first US state to legalize state-sponsored sterilizations. California is believed to be the state with the largest number of state-sponsored sterilizations, but not all state records have been released. John Harvey Kellogg, who invented Corn Flakes breakfast cereal with his brother, also founded the Race Betterment Foundation which was active in Michigan, another state that had state-sponsored sterilizations. Kellogg and other eugenicists advocated for a nationwide health registry to contain the results of medical exams for every citizen to enforce sterilization laws, to forbid the disabled, African Americans and others from marrying and to restrict immigration to certain Europeans. Henry Herbert Goddard, the head of research at the Training School for Feeble-minded Girls and Boys at Vineland, New Jersey, used mental tests to find the feeble-minded. The original purpose of American IQ testing was to identify then institutionalize and sterilize the fecund, feeble-minded, low-income female. Even in states without state-sponsored sterilization laws, forced sterilizations were being done as alleged "pelvic diseases" and part of appendectomies. Colorado didn't have a forced sterilization law, but sterilizations were being widely done in mental health institutions. Dr. Hubert Work founded the Woodcroft Sanatorium for Mental and Nervous Disorders which became the Colorado State Hospital. He also served as president of the American Medico-Psychological Association which became the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Work lobbied for sterilization laws because he said it was a waste of taxpayer dollars to help the poor or disabled while he was participating in illegal sterilizations as the legal guardian of patients at his mental health institution. The Oregon Eugenics Board was disbanded in 1975, but a state eugenics program that included forced sterilizations continued through 1983. All abortion clinics today are a health hazard; some more so than others. Many abortion clinics are being shut down for health violations. Norma McCorvey writes in her book Won by Love Jane Roe of Roe V. Wade, Speaks Out For The Unborn As She Shares Her New Conviction For Life about an abortion clinic that she worked in and was eventually closed, "The "Parts Room," where we kept the aborted babies, was particularly heinous. No one liked to be in there to do their business, much less to clean the place, and since no patients were allowed back there, it was pretty much left to ruin. If a baby didn't make it into a bucket, that was too bad; it was left to lay there. Other babies were stacked like cordwood once every body part had been accounted for (after abortions, doctors have to account for major body parts--arms, legs, torso, and head--to make sure nothing is left inside the mother."
Cindy Trimm says in her book Commanding Your Morning, "Think big and think detailed!.... Become a visionary--be creative. Take the limits off your mind! Think beyond where you are.... Ask God to enlarge your capacity for thinking, to take the limits off." Other American states besides North Carolina and other nations need to apologize to, financially compensate victims and erase all forms of "family planning" evil.
The door to evil has not been closed. US Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., wrote in the 1927 Buck v. Bell case upholding American state-sponsored sterilization, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.... Three generations of imbeciles are enough." When asked how Virginia would benefit by sterilizing Carrie Buck, Dr. Joseph DeJarnette said, "You are raising the standard of intelligence in the state" and many prostitutes come to his mental health institution "having had venereal diseases and having had children, and brother, worse than all, white women came there having negro children" (Paul A. Lombardo, Three Generations No Imbeciles.) Carrie Buck was a white woman who was raped by the white nephew of her foster parents. Buck did not have venereal disease nor was she a prostitute. Later in life Carrie Buck was married for decades. Carrie Buck and Norma McCorvey (the Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade) were both low-income and female, two groups of people eugenics tries to eliminate. Dr. DeJarnette named himself "Sterilization DeJarnette" and was an activist for Virginia forced sterilizations. Like Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion in America Buck v. Bell has not been overturned. Norma McCorvey writes in her book Won by Love Jane Roe of Roe V. Wade, Speaks Out For The Unborn As She Shares Her New Conviction For Life, "The affidavit did not happen the way I said it did, pure and simple. I lied! Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee needed an extreme case to make their client look pitiable. Rape seemed to be the ticket. What made rape even worse? A gang rape!"
Some places are not prosecuting known killers and putting them in jail. Cristin Gilbert, a young woman who had Down Syndrome and was raped, was also killed along with her child by abortionist Leroy Carhart, who also killed Jennifer Morbelli, a teacher, and her daughter, Madison Leigh, who had a disability. Leroy Carhart is not in jail. He is still performing abortions. Douglas Karpen has killed Denise Montoya and babies born alive after attempted abortions (infanticide). He's not in jail either. Watch these former Karpen abortion clinic employees talk about working with Karpen
Abortion is not safe. Abortion is not an act of love. Biblical lovers are for tender touch, not torn limbs. We need copious amounts of touch. Implementing a separate Federal holiday for former President Abraham Lincoln instead of one American Presidents' Day would give us more time to touch. Read my article "Touch Time" at
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