Religious leaders wanted to stone to death a woman caught in adultery as recorded in John 8. In response to the leaders Jesus Christ said, ". . . Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her," and to the woman He said, ". . . I do not condemn you either. Go on your way and from now on sin no more."
Sexual freedom is found when we are free of condemnation and harmful living, being led to be whole and to do good in a daily relationship with God. The religious leaders where trying to stone the woman based on texts such as Leviticus 18 and Deuteronomy 22 which discuss various sexual sins including sex outside marriage and the gay lifestyle which the 2000 Census reports one to four percent of gays make up the population of most U.S. cities. John 8 does not mention the man or woman who the woman caught in adultery was having sex with.
When Jesus implemented His earthly ministry more than 2,000 years ago He revealed the loving way to use the law. God loves us and tells us the way to live that will bring goodness and an enjoyable life for ourselves and others. Charlene Cothran is an African-American who was involved in gay-rights activism and lesbian relationships for nearly 30 years. God has been loving Cothran since way before she was born and was not content to allow her to live in darkness. God revealed Himself in a compelling way in 2006, and Cothran received a relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Ghost. Today Cothran is a licensed and ordained international minister and has founded a ministry called The EVIDENCE Ministry, Inc. Cothran says about EVIDENCE, "God has shown me that people who no longer want homosexuality and other sexual brokenness in their lives need to see the EVIDENCE of change in those who are now made free by simply believing and applying the Word of God to daily life."
Mike and Stephanie Goeke were married in September of 1994, but Mike bolted from their marriage in November of 1996 to build a homosexual lifestyle. Mike knew the difference between right and wrong, yet Mike chose to do things his way instead of God's way reminiscent of prideful ancient Egypt who had the knowledge of God but rejected it to chose to worship multiple gods which are really the glorification/deification/pride of man in their Egyptian Mystery System.
Mike's pride and rebellion didn't stop God from keeping His compassionate hand on Mike and Stephanie. After six months of separation, this couple reconciled. In 1999, they formed Cross Power Ministries. In 2001, Mike left the practice of law to go on staff at Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, Texas, as Executive Pastor. In 2005, Mike took the position of Executive Vice President and Church Liaison for Exodus International in Orlando, Florida. They moved back to Midland in December of 2006, and Mike is currently a pastor in the counseling department of Stonegate Fellowship. Mike and Stephanie have three young children named Margaret, Frances and Peter.
When Mike confronted Stephanie with his homosexuality, she could have fainted and fled from her marriage. Instead she forwent divorce and deliberately kept hope of reconciliation alive and diligently chased after God.
Love and courage are needed to confront people who choose to harm themselves and others through the gay lifestyle and other sins. Jesus showed in John 8 that confrontation need not be violent or disrespectful or unloving. Mike Goeke writes in his article "A Changed Life, A Changed Man" dated October 5, 2010, for the website, "On November 1, 1996, I left Stephanie a letter on the door telling her I was gay and that I wanted a divorce. After leaving Stephanie, I made up for lost time and jumped head first into the gay lifestyle. I was out and proud. I went to the Metropolitan Community Church and was determined to be a different kind of gay man – moral, upright and nonpromiscuous. I failed miserably and completely from day one. Meanwhile, the immediate rejection from Stephanie and my family that I expected did not happen. While no one accepted what I was doing as right, no one rejected me or cut me off. Stephanie had known nothing of my struggle and had no exposure to homosexuality, but she refused to pursue a divorce. She said “God put us together and I don't know how, but I know He can repair this situation."
God created our skin with delicate nerve endings that release into our bodies endorphins and oxytocin -- "feel good" chemicals. When a man and a man or a woman and a woman have sexual relations it feels good and is bonding.
Yet everything that feels good is not good. It also feels good to some to eat themselves into obesity. Obesity is a health hazard linked to multiple diseases including heart disease, diabetes and cancers. Homosexuality and lesbianism disfigure the beautiful sexuality that God created and in a marriage and family context denies the couple and the children the learning and appreciation of differences in a father and mother. "Vive la difference!"(Long live the difference (between the sexes)). Ravi Zacharias says in his sermon "Acceptance of Homosexuality in Christianity" that it is absolutely possible to have a homosexual orientation, be a Christian and not practice homosexual sex acts. Zacharias says, "Sex is a sacred gift of God" designed to be engaged in between a husband and wife. Christoper Yuan, an ex-gay who with his mother coauthored a book about his experience called Out of a Far Country and travels the world to speak about homosexuality, says in the November 26, 2012, article "Focus on "Holy Sexuality" -- Real Stories for November 2012" for the website, "Change is not the absence of struggles, it’s the freedom to choose holiness in the midst of those struggles."
Homosexual, lesbian, heterosexual sex outside of marriage, other sins don't stop God from loving us passionately. Pregnant women in predynastic Egypt wore tattoos as protective amulets on their abdomens, thighs and breasts. While we wouldn't want to worship the wrong one, God likes tattoos and people. Believers are Zion. Isaiah 49:16 Amplified Bible says, "Behold, I have indelibly imprinted (tattooed a picture of) you on the palm of each of My hands; [O Zion] your walls are continually before Me." God is willing and able to redeem us all and make us holy and righteous. Hebrews 10:10, 14 Amplified Bible says about those who have received a relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Ghost, "And in accordance with this will [of God], we have been made holy (consecrated and sanctified) through the offering made once for all of the body of Jesus Christ (the Anointed One). . . . For by a single offering He has forever completely cleansed and perfected those who are consecrated and made holy."
Many have come out of the gay life in a similar way that many heterosexuals have come out of a lifestyle of practicing partner sex outside of marriage. Coming out of sexual sin is not simple and is often not a short-term process. "Muchas personas han tenido que tragar sapos para estar saludables." ("Many people had to swallow toads (to go through hell) to be healthy."
Sometimes people go through a season of several times of entering and exiting the gay life before they leave it permanently. Minister and Gospel singer Donnie McClurkin was raped by his uncle at eight years of age; he became a homosexual; eventually, Jesus delivered him from homosexuality. McClurkin sings in his song "We Fall Down" from the album Praise Your Way Out: Songs of Inspiration & Hope, "We fall down, but we get up. We fall down, but we get up. For a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up."
Please share testimonies of coming out of the homosexual or lesbian lifestyle and into a vibrant relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Ghost. Please feel free to give details of the process of liberation. "Pasos cortos, vista larga." ("Short steps, long view.")
Robert, a former homosexual and current member of Courage, a support group for homosexuals and lesbians coming out of the gay life style and maintaining a life of Biblical sexuality, writes in his testimony for the website, "For me, same-sex lust has been a futile attempt to be who I am (my own man) by trying to possess another man. But instead of becoming whole, I'd simply be left as I was, and I would have abused the other man. In reality, I don't need to possess another man. Rather, by fixating on and uniting with Jesus and growing in friendship and virtue with other men, I can let God give me my own man, that is, myself . . . God wants each of us to confidently be the gifts-the men and women-He made us to be. He wants us to give ourselves away. Love is self-giving, not other-taking. We find our fulfillment in becoming like Christ, who gave us His all."
Dr. Derek Grier said in his January 13, 2013, mid-morning sermon, "The more I get to know God, the more I get to know myself."
Courage also has Courage Latino, Courage Italia and Courage French.
Cothran says as a lesbian there were times of joy and also times of intense loneliness, but today freed from a gay life and found in relationship with God, she says, "The peace and joy that I have I wouldn't trade for anything."
I once had a homosexual tell me he was against abortion, but in favor of anal intercourse. He began to tell me how to have anal intercourse. I cut him off with diversion, but now I think it would be better to deal directly with anal intercourse from a Biblical perspective. Please be my mitr (friend), if you are an ex-gay who has had anal intercourse or a heterosexual, please leave an on-line comment explaining your Biblical perspective on this practice.
The body of Jesus Christ should be equipped to handle a wide variety of issues, so that we can be used by God to spread His Kingdom widely. Bishop T.D. Jakes says something that should be applicable to all of us: "I believe my destiny is to help others reach their destiny." Here is an excellent video on equipping leaders from John Maxwell: Please leave on-line comments.
Some sexual practices are different, but not diabolical. In the movie Dances With Wolves the wife of the Sioux holy man is on top of him making delicious while family and friends are sleeping in the same room! Other people are not participating in the marital sex, they are just present. In our current American culture, some parents complain that after having children, their sex life tanks. Please leave an on-line comment giving your views about the Dances With Wolves sexual technique and if you think it would help parental, marital sex life. Please also share other marital-sex practices among Native American tribes.
You don't have to be a Native American to share your thoughts on marital sex. Have you christened every room of your house with the marriage ménage à trois of God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, God the Holy Ghost, a wife and a husband? Do you play spousal games like "Hide and Go Freak," Manos Arriba (Hands Up) or invent your own games?
For much of American history it was illegal for people of different races to be married. It wasn't until 1967, which just happens to be the year I was born, that interracial marriage in America was legal. Before it was legal Fred and Ann Jealous were a white and black couple. Benjamin Jealous, their son and a Rhodes scholar, is currently the president of the NAACP, the oldest civil rights organization in the country. Do you think interracial couples are still persecuted in America?
What are some wonderful ways we could welcome persons in the gay lifestyle and work with them to encourage a relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Ghost and then equip them for a Kingdom lifestyle?
Where are the tongues of fire falling on apostolic heads in the modern church age?
It seems like too many horror stories exist like The Beast and A Baptist instead of love stories like The Beautiful and Bold Bride. Of course in every section of the body of Christ and the world at large their are good and bad people.
Proverbs 11:25 Amplified Bible says, "The liberal person shall be enriched, and he who waters shall himself be watered."
Money is not the only way to be generous, but it is a wonderful tool to advance the Kingdom of God. One word for cash in Spanish is efectivo. Luke 16:8-9 the Message Bible says, "“Now here’s a surprise: The master praised the crooked manager! And why? Because he knew how to look after himself. Streetwise people are smarter in this regard than law-abiding citizens. They are on constant alert, looking for angles, surviving by their wits. I want you to be smart in the same way—but for what is right—using every adversity to stimulate you to creative survival, to concentrate your attention on the bare essentials, so you’ll live, really live, and not complacently just get by on good behavior.”"
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