Friday, June 14, 2013

Spitting In The Face Of God Or Service?

Proverbs 14:21 Amplified Bible says, "He who despises his neighbor sins [against God, his fellowman, and himself], but happy (blessed and fortunate) is he who is kind and merciful to the poor." Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa said, "When you treat any human being as if they were less than a child of God, you are not just doing wrong--you are being sacrilegious. You are desecrating someting that is holy. You are like someone who spits in the face of God."

Low expectations of people are a way of spitting in the face of God. China spits in the face of God with its one-child policy that includes forced abortions and forced sterilizations.

In 2005 Chen Guangcheng filed a class-action lawsuit against local government officials involved in forced abortions and forced sterilizations. For his efforts Guangcheng, who is blind, ended up in jail for five years and in house arrest for two years.

He escaped on foot. Then he connected with He Peirong who drove him to the United States embassy in Beijing, China. A deal was negotiated between China and the United States, and Guangcheng came to live with his wife, Yuan Weijung, and two children in New York. Guangcheng has been a visiting scholar at New York University's U.S.-Asia Law Institute since May 2012.

Sophia Hollander writes in The Wall Street Journal June 13, 2013, article, "Chinese Dissident to Leave NYU," that New York University Spokesman John Beckman said that the university had provided Chen Guangcheng with housing, health insurance, food, clothing and electronic equipment, along with an office and language translation support.

Now New York University is requiring Chen Guangcheng to leave the university by the end of June 2013 while New York University denies that Chen Guangcheng's departure is connected to their opening of a university campus in Shanghai, China.

Creyentes (believers) are called to treat all people non-disabled and disabled well.

Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs not because of a botched abortion but because of tetra-amelia syndrome. Vujicic, who is an evangelist, motivational speaker, head of the nonprofit organization Life Without Limbs and author of multiple books, writes in his book Limitless Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life, "I may be disabled, but God is abled." Vujicic is also married to Kanae Loida Vujicic-Miyahara. On February 13, 2013, this married couple celebrated the birth of Kiyoshi James Vujicic, their son and first child, and they hope to have at least four children.

Some think that the disabled are destined to live a ridiculously bad life and recommend that those who are disabled or may be disabled be killed before birth via abortion. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act seeks to place a national prohibition on abortions of non-disabled and disabled unborn girls and boys 20 weeks and older. Twenty weeks is the age when the unborn begin to feel pain. Instead of spitting in the face of God, serve Him and humanity by praying for Chen Guangcheng, the Chen family, New York University officials and the unborn and by sending an email to your member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and to support the bill as is without changes:

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