Song of Songs 7:12-13 New Living Translation Bible says, "Let us get up early and go to the vineyards to see if the grapevines have budded, if the blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates have bloomed. There I will give you my love. There the mandrakes give off their fragrance, and the finest fruits are at our door, new delights as well as old, which I have saved for you, my lover."
Marriage is as old as when God joined Eve and Adam together. Married couples can keep their marriages new by continuously cultivating love and sexuality.
Tejas is the name the Spanish gave to the area that later became the state of Texas. Tejas is based on a native American word for friend.
One of Webster's New World Dictionary definitions for friend is "a person whom one knows well and is fond of." To know a spouse well requires abundant time together for things like observing, listening, conversing and learning what pleases and displeases each other, and then seeking to please each other.
Jesus Christ says in John 10:10 Amplified Bible, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."
Satan wants to make married couples so busy that they do not have time to relax and enjoy sensational, sex-filled marriages. Satan wants to fill their minds with worries, especially worries about housing, food, employment, money, etc.
Chen Guangcheng is married to Yuan Weijung. They have a girl and a boy born in China which has an one-child policy. God has no problem with a married couple having two children. Sometimes it pleases God for a married couple to have more than two children. Sometimes is pleases God for a married couple to have less than two children. It never pleases God to kill unborn girls and unborn boys through abortion.
However, Satan hates all children and is pleased by abortion. Satan works through people like the Chinese government who has been persecuting Chen Guangcheng, his family and the people of China.
In addition to having two children, Chen Guangcheng, a human rights lawyer, also filed a class-action lawsuit in 2005 against local Chinese officials involved in forced abortions and forced sterilizations. Then Chinese authorities sent him to jail for five years and then to house arrest.
Satan doesn't just work through Chinese officials, he also works through anyone willing to do evil and/or to be indifferent to evil. When Guangcheng escaped from house arrest in China and came to live in New York in May 2012, he and his family also had a place to live and other economic benefits provided to him as a visiting scholar of New York University. Now New York University seeks to threaten Chen Guangcheng's marriage, family and human rights work protecting unborn girls, unborn boys and others by forcing him to leave the university this month while denying that Chen Guangcheng's exit is connected to plans to build a New York University campus in Shanghai, China.
Chen Guangcheng is a friend of and works with ChinaAid founder and president Bob Fu, in the cause for human rights. Fu, who also escaped from China and now lives and works in Texas, said, "American universities are out chasing the China dollar and are very reluctant to work with dissidents who have a strong voice in China. It does not always have to be direct pressure from Beijing, there is also self-censorship, particularly if a college president believes their China campus or the future enrollment of Chinese students will be sabotaged."
A Nembe African proverb says, "Shy semen won't give birth." Not everyone is influenced by Satan to be afraid of sexuality and to try to strangle sex economically.
We can call our members of Congress today and urge them to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which seeks to place a national prohibition on abortions of unborn girls and boys 20 weeks and older. Twenty weeks is the time when the unborn are able to feel pain. Here's a link to call your member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and to support the bill as is without changes: We can also pray that the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act becomes law in America and that US Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ), a long-time friend of Chen Guangcheng, will be successful in his efforts to try to help Chen Guangcheng.
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