Thursday, May 16, 2013

How Many Abortionists Like Gosnell and Karpen Are There? What Is the Abortion Industry Really Like?

Some are jealous, envious and hateful of what we have. They pretend to be our friend and try to get us to do things to "help" us that are really intended to harm us.

Satan had a special relationship with God. He lost that and couldn't get it back. In jealousy, envy and hatred of the relationship Adam and Eve were having with God, Satan pretended to be Eve's friend and influenced her to eat the harmful forbidden fruit. She then influenced Adam to eat it (Genesis 3).

Civil Rights Activist Fannie Lou Hamer went to a doctor believing she was getting friendly medical treatment; instead her doctor sterilized her because he hated black people and their sexuality. Fannie Lou Hamer had enviable social skills gained as the youngest of 20 children and used those skills to help African Americans gain voting rights and power within the Democratic Party.

Jealousy, envy and hatred are not racially exclusive. In China in the name of helping people, the Chinese one child policy has lead to more than 330 million deaths by abortion and 196 million sterilizations. Imagine that--the populations of one continent and one country being exterminated; that is what more than 330 million abortions represents; it's more than the population of America and Australia combined.

A Chinese proverb says, "pointing to a deer and calling it a horse;" meaning "right and wrong are deliberately mixed up." Satan specializes in confusion. Satan got Eve to mistake the identity of God. Eve thought that God was her enemy denying her power and thought that Satan was her friend helping her to choose something good.

God made Adam and Eve as reyes y reinas (kings and queens.) They ruled the earth and enjoyed sex without fear. Genesis 2:25 Complete Jewish Bible says, "They were both naked, the man and his wife, and they were not ashamed."

Today sadly much of sexuality is soaked in fear. The spirit of fear does not produce freedom. Abortion and sterilization in China are about coercion. A ChinaAid News March 24, 2013, "With ChinaAid's Help, Two Victims of China's One-Child Policy Granted UNHCR Refugee Status" article reports that in 1995, when Guo Yanling was eight months pregnant, she was forced to have an abortion. In 1999, she was forcibly sterilized. In 2006, she was imprisoned for not being able to pay a fine for having more than one child. The Chinese government also refused to issue household registrations to her and to her husband, Du Yiliang's, three children without which they are unable to attend school or to receive government benefits. Guo Yanling's and Du Yiliang's abortion, sterilization, educational and economic terror experience is typical in China. What isn't nearly as typical is that with ChinaAid’s help, Guo Yanling and Du Yiliang have been granted refugee status by the UN High Commission on Refugees. Notes of encouragement to Du Yiliang and Guo Yanling, requests for interviews and financial contributions to ChinaAid's Emergency Relief Fund can all be submitted to ChinaAid founder and president Bob Fu at  

Some people want us to think that it is helpful to kill people and to mutilate their bodies as opposed to finding solutions to challenging situations. In America our sexuality policies do not have the level of coercion that China's do, but both America's and China's sexuality policies are rooted in fear, confusion, hatred and other evil.

American segregation was promoted as a way to empower people at the expense of other people. Today we don't have legal segregation, but we do have legal abortion. Legal abortion is promoted as a way to empower people at the expense of other people. Christian minister and Civil Rights Activist Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote in a 1963 letter from the Birmingham, Alabama, City Jail, "Injustice anywhere is a treat to justice everywhere."  

Common sense should show that abortionists, people who cut apart baby girls and baby boys and dismember them in others ways for a living, are not compassionate, quality medical providers to adolescent and adult women. The job of an abortionist requires cutting off a good conscience.

The trial and sentencing of Abortionist Kermit Gosnell has received some media attention with his killing of babies born alive after botched abortions and the death of a woman. He should be exposed for the grisly murderer he is. has also reported on another Gosnell-style abortionist named Douglas Karpen. Read his story at

However, where is the muckraking national and global journalism investigating the entire abortion industry? Since the beginning of China's one child policy more than 330 million babies have died by abortion. Since Roe v. Wade, there have been more than 55 million abortions in America and very little coverage of what's going on in abortion clinics. A comprehensive investigation of the abortion industry is long overdue as it impacts people at all levels of society.  

Every abortion involves an unborn baby, a male parent, a female parent and others.

Parenting is undervalued and distorted globally. In America a pervasive idea exists that parents are asexual caretakers of children, and if you want passion, find it in infidelity instead of marriage.

The first parents were married, naked (sometimes having sex) and it was natural, beautiful, passionate and good. Let's get back to the original design of sexuality. Using the Bible as our guide, why not collect the best of various cultures and incorporate it into our own? In the movie Dances With Wolves, the wife of the Sioux Native American holy man is on top of him making love with her husband while friends and family are in the tent mostly sleeping. Children need to see a model of marriage with love and incredible sex. Make us want to be married. On the occasions that siblings are produced from marital lovemaking, embrace them instead of trying to erase them through abortion.

Marital lovemaking is primarily for the closeness of the couple. Some beautiful sexuality is not connected to pro-creation. The Japanese describe oral sex as love licks.

An African proverb says, "When an elder dies it is as if a whole library has burned down." Let's check out the library before it burns down. What are some wonderful martial lovemaking ideas from Africans, Native Americans, Japanese and others?

Chinese pillow books are small, sex-instruction manuals, each on a specific topic with illustrations. You can include erotic poems written by you or someone else, pressed flowers, cards, mementos, clippings from magazines and/or books with your notes, prose of your own on special paper and whatever you and your spouse enjoy. Books can be titled Touch Me Like This, Play Time, Hot Dates, Beautiful Butts, Fellatio, Cunnilingus, Intercourse Positions, S & M Alternatives, Strategies for Presenting a Sexy Marriage to Our Children or something in a code known only to each other. What are the titles of your Chinese pillow books?

Write to:

Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195

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