Out on an errand for her mother Elsie, a young teenager, was gang raped in the lobby of her grandmother's apartment building in the Czech Republic. The damage from the rape caused a doctor to diagnose that Elsie would never bear children, but she did.
Parenthood didn't bring the pleasure it should have. Elsie lost one child to social services, and she married a man not for love but to help her financially support her daughter, Sylvia. Her husband was unholy and helped to trap Elsie in a life of legal prostitution in the Netherlands.
A bad beginning in life does not guarantee a bad ending.
In the midst of prostitution love found Elsie. A taxi driver, who was a former criminal, called a favor and some friends to secure Elsie's freedom from her pimp. Then he married her for love.
More love found Elsie in Sylvia's school yard. A woman introduced Elsie to Scarlet Cord, who eventually helped Elsie to apply to school and introduced Elsie to the true, living and loving God.
Elsie's story is from Naomi Zacharias' book The Scent of Water Grace For Every Kind of Broken. Naomi Zacharias is the director of Wellspring International. Scarlet Cord is one of the projects Wellspring International supports.
Today is a day to receive and to give love. Today is Maundy Thursday. Joe Carter, editor for The Gospel Coalition, in his March 25, 2013, article "9 Things You Should Know About Holy Week," writes, "Maundy Thursday is the day before Good Friday. The term "Maundy" is derived from the Latin word mandatum (commandment). The term refers to the commandment given by Jesus at the Last Supper: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." (John 13:34)."
Did Elsie get to have a wedding with her taxi driver? Red (hong) is the color of celebration at weddings and birthdays in China. I hope she had una boda maravillosa (a wonderful wedding).
Some people may think that Elsie doesn't deserve love because she was a prostitute. Sojourner Truth was a slave who became a servant of Jesus Christ. Truth said, "You say women need to be helped into carriages and lifted over ditches. Nobody's ever helped me into a carriage or over a mud puddle. And ain't I a woman?"
Female and male we are all sinners and still valuable to God. Romans 5:7-8 Amplified Bible says, "Now it is an extraordinary thing for one to give his life even for an upright man, though perhaps for a noble and lovable and generous benefactor someone might even dare to die. But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us."
The Apostle John writes in 1 John 4:11 Complete Jewish Bible, "Beloved friends, if this is how God loved us, we likewise ought to love one another."
Please share stories of disciples loving others the way Jesus loves us.
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