When Jesus Christ came to fulfill the Mosaic law and the prophets, He didn't come to implement a rigid system that put people in bondage and denied them the best of living. The Gospel is filled with stories of Jesus Christ challenging His Jewish people to practice the Sabbath in a way that provides maximum help for people. Mark 2:27 Contemporary English Version Bible says, "Jesus finished by saying, “People were not made for the good of the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for the good of people."
How can employers pay for one-year or more of paid employee leave?
** All leave balances accrued should be portable from one place of employment to the next.
** Some may prefer increased paid-leave benefits instead of a 401K match.
** Some may prefer increased paid-leave instead of a monetary increase for merit performance.
** Some may desire a customized benefit package.
What are some other ways to pay for one-year or more of paid leave?
Yes, we can have one-year or more of paid leave in America. Just because we have not gotten it in the past does not mean that we cannot get it in the near future. A Japanese proverb says, “Fall down seven times, get up eight times.”
Ida B. Wells was kicked out of a train because she refused to sit in the back. She sued the train company for discrimination and won, but the Tennessee Supreme Court overturned her victory. Ida went on to fight against racism, especially the lynching of African Americans and for women's right to vote. Wells was a married, mother of four children who also helped to found the National Association of Colored Women, National Afro-American Council and Women's Era Club in addition to her crusading journalism.
Let's leave behind the one-size-fits-all thinking. Why mandate that one year or more of paid leave has to be taken all at once? Some may want to split it in various ways. One example is a dad works part of the work day, then uses leave for part of the work day while a mom does likewise in a way that their children are never in day care. I had a former supervisor who told me that quality day care is just too expensive especially when first beginning a career. She and her husband solved the problem by he worked days, and she worked nights before their children went to school. She said while this worked economically, physically and relationally it was exhausting. One year or more of paid leave would have helped this creative couple.
How did you solve your childcare issues?
Dads who have used paternity leave, what was your experience with employment, family, friends and others? Moms who have used maternity leave, what was your experience with employment, family, friends and others?
Does anyone have employment benefits that include one year or more of paid leave?
One year or more of paid leave is not just for married people and/or parents. While one of my single, Christian friends did not have as much as one year of paid leave, she would accrue a large leave balance so that she could take mission trips to Africa and Latin America. During these trips she would participate in distributing food, clothing, shoes, medical supplies and the Word of God. Singles with and without children can use one year or more of paid leave.
Earning money is essential to survival and progress (cash is efectivo,) and so is voluntarism in America and other countries globally. Former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy said, "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country."
One year or more of paid leave should be granted without any necessity of giving the reason for its use. What are some positive, novel ways to use one year or more of paid leave?
Many countries in Europe and Asia already have one year or more of paid leave, while America does not. Yet in America we have a large population of Jews and Christians who say they believe in the Bible which teaches a one-year Sabbath every seven years. Long-term paid leave is good for singles, married people, everyone! Read my articles, "Paid Leave Please," "Paid Leave is Good for Us" and "Novel Submission."
Proverbs 25:11 Amplified Bible says, "A word fitly spoken and in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Leave an on-line comment. Recommend this article on Google. Tweet with me (michelelove30).
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