Sometimes people try to put people in boxes that the Bible does not place them inside. The Bible records that Deborah led the Israelites as a judge and prophetess, and that Sarah was a domestic engineer. God approves of women working in a variety of ways.
The universe that God made is full of variety. God likes variety, but He does not like vice. It is harmful behavior to reject the way God made us. God made us male, female, African, European, Asian, Latino and with many other qualities. Our biology is not an accident. Long before God created the earth, He planned everything about us the way He did because it pleased Him and because He loves us passionately. So when we reject our biology we hurt God; we also hurt ourselves.
The bodies God gave us are awesome and built for good treatment. Galatians 5:14 Amplified Bible says, "For the whole Law [concerning human relationships] is complied with in the one precept, You shall love your neighbor as [you do] yourself."
A Twi African proverb says, "Love is the greatest of all virtues." Love ensures that our relationships with God, self and others work well.
God is the source of the kind of love expressed in Galatians 5:14 giving us the power to celebrate who we are and to develop in a way that is also better for people around us.
Godly enhancements don't erase our Designer's creation. When Deborah became a judge and prophetess she never stopped being a woman. Some people are not satisfied with being a male or female and want to change their gender. Some feel that being another gender will free them to live a more fulfilling life.
Every society makes rules about what people are suppose to be and do, and these rules usually place some type of bondage on people that God doesn't. A Chinese proverb says, "Pointing to a deer and calling it a horse;" it means "right and wrong are deliberately mixed up." Some are deliberately trying to mix up God and the devil by falsely portraying God as an advocate of bondage. The truth is God desires us to live in maximum freedom, so that we can be of maximum service to God and people. Galatians 5:13 Amplified Bible says, "For you, brethren, were [indeed] called to freedom; only [do not let your] freedom be an incentive to your flesh and an opportunity or excuse [for selfishness], but through love you should serve one another."
God called creyentes (believers) who are reinas y reyes (queens and kings) to a dynamic life. Sarah left the country of her birth, traveled and ended up being the matriarch of a new nation of people. Sarah had an adventurous life. If a life of adventure does not appeal to you, then it may be that God has a different, equally valuable plan for you.
If you are uncomfortable in your gender or any other aspect of your humanity, talk to God about your discomfort. He is able to take our inner life and turn it into something good inside and outside. Today, the National Day of Prayer, is a good day to talk to God as is any day at any time. Sometimes family, friends and others are not available to talk to us, but God is. God is everywhere at all times, and He is always doing good.
While we cannot be everywhere at all times, God wants us to cooperate with Him to be doing good like He does. Imagine if most people loved God, loved themselves and loved other people and write to me about it at:
Michele F. Jackson
P.O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, VA 22195
Also share a tweet @Michelelove30 via the social media Twitter.
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