Walking is one of the best exercises to help maintain good health. Rafael Damani Fowler and I walk regularly. On Sunday part of our walk included walking on the shoulder of a road. A car stopped us, not the police, but another mother and father with a daughter who has autism. My son, Rafael, has autism.
Jesus Christ walked a lot. His heart was healthy physically and spiritually. Jesus Christ says in Matthew 7:12 Complete Jewish Bible, '“Always treat others as you would like them to treat you; that sums up the teaching of the Torah and the Prophets."
The Ethiopians adopted a flag in the 1990s which has a star with rays in the center. The rays of the star stand for equality. Creyentes (believers) are reinas y reyes (queens and kings.) Being equal does not mean that we will all be the same. Rafael prefers to eat with his hands; so do some Ethiopians, Nigerians and others. Others may find eating with the hands strange.
Some people want to erase the differences among women, men, races and ethnicity, but God designed human beings with diversity. God made each person unique. Even twins and other multiples do not have the same finger prints, eye prints or scent.
While Canada and Russia have a lot of land, China has the world's largest population with some 1.3 billion people. Maybe God has a special thing for the Chinese since He created many of them.
Some really hate the Chinese. More than 330 million Chinese have been killed via abortion since the implementation of China's one child policy which includes forced abortions and forced sterilizations.
A Japanese proverb says, "Do quickly what is good." Immigration is a hot issue today. It's important to know about the countries immigrants come from. What is life like in Iran, China and other places? What can we do to make life better?
Pastor and U.S. Citizen Saeed Abedini is in Evin prison in Tehran, Iran, connected to starting Christian house churches in Iran and a secular orphanage. Write a letter to Pastor Abedini and sign a petition at http://www.savesaeed.org. Is there religious freedom in Iran? How many people in Iran are in jail because of their religious faith?
Even when a life is saved from a forced abortion in China, the family still faces persecution. Husband and wife Li Fu and Cao Ruyi currently live in China with their only child, a son named Li Dahai, which means "our help came from overseas." When Cao Ruyi was five months pregnant she was forcibly taken to a hospital to have an abortion because she did not have the proper paper to have a child. No hospital bed was available. Her abortion was delayed enough for ChinaAid, Women's Rights of China and US Congressman Chris Smith to intervene. Cao Ruyi gave birth in a secret place, but she and her husband still face a $15,000 fine for the unauthorized birth of Li Dahai. Read more of the story at http://www.chinaaid.org/2013/03/cao-ruyi-whose-near-forced-abortion.html.
Abortion is a big problem in America too with 55 million abortions since Roe v. Wade was legalized. The following LifeNews.com link shows that Kermit Gosnell is not the only abortionists killing late-term unborn babies, babies born live after botched abortions and women: http://www.lifenews.com/2013/05/15/another-gosnell-report-shows-texas-abortion-doc-kills-babies-born-alive/.
How many abortionists are like Kermit Gosnell and Douglas Karpen? Where is the extensive media coverage of what goes on inside abortion clinics?
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