When runaway slaves on the Underground Railroad were babies, Conductor Harriet Tubman would give them a small dose of a painkiller to cause the babies to sleep. The dose was small enough not to harm them, but large enough to ensure they were safe and did not slow down the Underground Railroad.
A Hausa of West Africa riddle asks, "Why is a man like a pepper?" Answer: "Until you have tested him, you can't tell how strong he is."
Harriet Tubman was tested as a conductor for the Underground Railroad. Instead of allowing challenges like delivering babies from slavery to freedom cause her to kill people, she creatively solved problems. Empowered by God the Holy Ghost, Tubman was able to rescue 300 runaway slaves and conduct them to safety in the North of the United States and in Canada without losing one slave.
God has a variety of heroes. ChinaAid, Women's Rights of China and US Congressman Chris Smith are heroes who helped husband and wife Li Fu and Cao Ruyi save their their only child, a son named Li Dahai, from death by forced abortion. China is afraid of babies. The Chinese one child policy includes forced abortions and forced sterilizations. When Cao Ruyi was five months pregnant she was forcibly taken to a hospital to have an abortion because she did not have the proper paper to have a child. No hospital bed was available. Her abortion was delayed enough for ChinaAid, Women's Rights of China and US Congressman Chris Smith to intervene. Cao Ruyi gave birth in a secret place, but she and her husband still face a $15,000 fine for the unauthorized birth of Li Dahai, which means "our help came from overseas." Read more of the story at http://www.chinaaid.org/2013/03/cao-ruyi-whose-near-forced-abortion.html.
Most families in China are not rescued like Li Fu, Cao Ruyi and Li Dahai. Ma Jian writes in her May 22, 2013, The New York Times editorial "China's Brutal One-Child Policy," "On ramshackle barges moored on the remote waterways of Hubei and Guangxi, I met hundreds of "family-planning fugitives" -- couples who'd fled their villages to give birth to an unauthorized second or third child in neighboring provinces.
Almost every one of the pregnant women I spoke to had suffered a mandatory abortion. One woman told me how, when she was eight months pregnant with an illegal second child and was unable to pay the 20,000 yuan fine (about $3,200), family planning officers dragged her to the local clinic, bound her to a surgical table and injected a lethal drug into her abdomen.
For two days she writhed on the table, her hands and feet still bound with rope, waiting for her body to eject the murdered baby. In the final stage of labor, a male doctor yanked the dead fetus out by the foot, then dropped it into a garbage can. She had no money for a cab. She had to hobble home, blood dripping down her legs and staining her white sandals red."
A Persian proverb says, "No one is without grief." Brutal abortion practices are in America too.
In America if you are unborn and suspected of having a disability, you can be legally killed via abortion. Even if you are unborn and not suspected of having a disability, you can be killed for virtually any reason at all stages of pregnancy. American state abortion law has some variation. The Kermit Gosnell case is one that exposed that babies are also born alive but then killed after botched abortions. The following LifeNews.com link shows that Douglas Karpen is a Kermit-Gosnell-type abortionist killing unborn babies, babies born live after botched abortions and women: http://www.lifenews.com/2013/05/15/another-gosnell-report-shows-texas-abortion-doc-kills-babies-born-alive/; "“When he did an abortion, especially an over 20 week abortion, most of the time the fetus would come completely out before he cut the spinal cord or he introduced one of the instruments into the soft spot of the fetus, in order to kill the fetus,” said Deborah Edge, who worked as a surgical assistant for Karpen for about 15 years until leaving in March, 2011;" 15-year old Denise Montoya hemorrhaged and died after a 26-week abortion done by Karpen.
1 John 3:8 Amplified Bible says, "[But] he who commits sin [who practices evildoing] is of the devil [takes his character from the evil one], for the devil has sinned (violated the divine law) from the beginning. The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen, and dissolve) the works the devil [has done]." Dissolving the works of the devil begins with exposing them. Abortionists cut off the body parts of baby girls and baby boys, dismember and destroy the unborn in other ways via abortion. Babies are dying inside their mothers' womb and being born alive then killed after botched abortions. Abortionists are also killing adolescents and women. Extensive media coverage of what goes on inside abortion clinics is essential. Please share media like the following The Atlantic article: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/04/why-dr-kermit-gosnells-trial-should-be-a-front-page-story/274944/. Evil can be stopped.
Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, VA 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
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