Out of our relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit our relationship with self improves and if we have a spouse our relationship with our spouse improves. Improvement is not automatic. God gives His creyentes (believers) His Holy Spirit to live inside of us giving us power to improve, but we can choose not to use God's power which angers and grieves God. 2 Corinthians 3:18 Amplified Bible says, "And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit."
If we don't read God's Bible and live it, our relationships will not improve. Another name for God the Son Jesus Christ is the Word. God never meant for us to just have relationships with Him, ourselves and our spouse. God wants is to have many high quality relationships. Luke 10:25-28 Complete Jewish Bible says, "An expert in Torah stood up to try and trap him by asking, “Rabbi, what should I do to obtain eternal life?” But Yeshua said to him, “What is written in the Torah? How do you read it?” He answered, “You are to love Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your understanding; and your neighbor as yourself.” “That’s the right answer,” Yeshua said. “Do this, and you will have life.”"
Who are our neighbors? Luke 10:37 Complete Jewish Bible says, "He answered, “The one who showed mercy toward him.” Yeshua said to him, “You go and do as he did.”"
The United States House of Representatives has shown mercy to the unborn by passing the Pain-Capable Unborn Protection Act. Now the US Senate needs to do likewise. The US Senate has shown mercy to immigrants by passing immigration reform. Now the US House needs to do likewise.
Christian Minister and Civil Rights Activist Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said in his speech Remaining Awake Through A Great Revolution, "Somewhere we must come to see that human progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. It comes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals who are willing to be co-workers with God. And without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the primitive forces of social stagnation. So we must help time and realize that the time is always ripe to do right."
Christian Ministers Priscilla and Aquila were married and had a church in their home. They were friends with the single Christian Minister Paul. Neither Priscilla, Aquila or Paul limited themselves to their relationships with God, self and spouse. They all enthusiastically sought to relate to diverse, multiple people sharing God and themselves with others.
Priscilla, Aquila and Paul were fulfilled people who desired that others were like them. Acts 26:28-29 Contemporary English Version Bible says, "Agrippa asked Paul, “In such a short time do you think you can talk me into being a Christian?” Paul answered, “Whether it takes a short time or a long time, I wish you and everyone else who hears me today would become just like me! Except, of course, for these chains.”"
Paul wrote in Romans 12:9 Contemporary English Version Bible, "Be sincere in your love for others. Hate everything that is evil and hold tight to everything that is good." Abortionists are not examples of sincere lovers. Abortionist Kermit Gosnell is in jail for killing people. Sadly other abortionists like him are not in jail and are still killing unborn babies and women. Watch this video of an interview of former abortion clinic employees of Abortionist Douglass Karpen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fhyJItGPko. Watch this video of Abortionist LeRoy Carhart talking about his work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIlYXmG287g.
Chen Guangcheng, a husband, father of two children and human-rights lawyer who became blind as a child in China is now an American immigrant. Chen Guangcheng says that China's one-child policy with forced abortions and forced sterilizations affect the unborn, women and men. ""And a few days ago, in Xinyi, Jiangsu Province, local thugs beat up a woman who had more than one child because she couldn't afford the social maintenance fees," he added, referring to the penalty women had to pay for having more than one child.
"These things are still happening."
Chen said typically in these cases, pregnant women were seized by the National Health and Family Planning Commission officials and taken away.
"They would go to your home, drag you from your bed - you wouldn't be allowed to put on your clothes - put you in the car, drive you to hospital and you would be operated on. They would abort your baby whatever the conditions were - so long as you hadn't given birth to the child."
Chen said local officials would be under pressure to use all means possible to ensure the one-child policy.
"Not only women, but many men were forcibly sterilised. Both men and women were victims," he said (A May 23, 2013 Reuters Chen Guangcheng interview.)
ChinaAid, a human-rights organization, reports that husband and farmer Zhang Futao was beat up and hospitalized in May 2013 because he and his wife had three children in violation of China's one-child policy.
Sakura is the Japanese word for the cherry blossom flower. Sakura has a variety of meanings including beauty, purity and the fleeting nature of earthly existence. Since we don't live long, why not live well?
Open your heart wide to people. If you have God, you have the power to do it, and God commands us to do it. Zechariah 7:8-10 New Living Translation Bible says, "Then this message came to Zechariah from the Lord: “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Judge fairly, and show mercy and kindness to one another. Do not oppress widows, orphans, foreigners, and the poor. And do not scheme against each other."
Friday, June 28, 2013
Open Your Heart To God, The Unborn, Immigrants And Others
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Generosity Or Greed?
The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are Christian ideals that are rooted in the love of God and stated in the American Declaration of Independence. Gospel Singer Anita Wilson sings in the song "Shower The People" on her album Worship Soul, "Just shower the people you love with love. Show them the way that you feel. Things are goin' work out fine if you only will do as I say. Shower the people you love with love. Show them the way that you feel. Things are goin' to be much better if you only will."
God loves His friends and His foes and wants His creyentes (believers) to also love friends and foes. Some foes turn out to be friends.
America is filled with creyentes, but sometimes in America's past and present we have had trouble loving people like God does. The 1913 California Alien Land Law prevented people who were not citizens or not eligible to become citizens from owing land. At the time most Asian Americans were prevented by law from becoming citizens.
Un dicho (a proverb) says, "Que lindo es vivir para amar; que grande es tener para dar" ("How beautiful it is to live and love; how great it is to have and give.") Jesus Christ warns us against greediness when He says in Luke 12:15 New Living Translation, "...“Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”"
God teaches us to be generous to the oppressed and others. Some people leave their country because of hostility at home. Actor and Activist Christian Bale attempted unsuccessfully in 2011 to visit Chen Guangcheng, a human-rights lawyer, in China when Chen Guangcheng was under house arrest for filing a 2005 class-action lawsuit against officials involved in forced abortions and forced sterilizations practiced as part of China's one-child policy. Chen Guangcheng left China in May 2012 and is now living in America. Christian Bale said when presenting Chen Guangcheng with a human rights award at the annual gala of Human Rights First, "He [Chen] had exposed a program of forced abortion and sterilization in Shandong. A program of forced abortion means that women are being dragged from their homes against their will. They are being forced to have abortions, sometimes late-term -- imagine that -- with some women reportedly dying in the process. Now this is true horror. And in this insane world, this man, Chen, who was helping these women -- who was living by some of the most simple, brave and universally admired values -- values that we teach our children every day, and helping our fellow man -- for this, this man was imprisoned and beaten for over four years."
God wants us spiritually, mentally, physically, financially -- in all ways -- to be like Him now and eternally. Pray for change in China. Pray also for countries globally to pass immigration, abortion and other laws that love a diversity of people. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 Amplified Bible says, "First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men, For kings and all who are in positions of authority or high responsibility, that [outwardly] we may pass a quiet and undisturbed life [and inwardly] a peaceable one in all godliness and reverence and seriousness in every way. For such [praying] is good and right, and [it is] pleasing and acceptable to God our Savior, Who wishes all men to be saved and [increasingly] to perceive and recognize and discern and know precisely and correctly the [divine] Truth."
God loves His friends and His foes and wants His creyentes (believers) to also love friends and foes. Some foes turn out to be friends.
America is filled with creyentes, but sometimes in America's past and present we have had trouble loving people like God does. The 1913 California Alien Land Law prevented people who were not citizens or not eligible to become citizens from owing land. At the time most Asian Americans were prevented by law from becoming citizens.
Un dicho (a proverb) says, "Que lindo es vivir para amar; que grande es tener para dar" ("How beautiful it is to live and love; how great it is to have and give.") Jesus Christ warns us against greediness when He says in Luke 12:15 New Living Translation, "...“Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”"
God teaches us to be generous to the oppressed and others. Some people leave their country because of hostility at home. Actor and Activist Christian Bale attempted unsuccessfully in 2011 to visit Chen Guangcheng, a human-rights lawyer, in China when Chen Guangcheng was under house arrest for filing a 2005 class-action lawsuit against officials involved in forced abortions and forced sterilizations practiced as part of China's one-child policy. Chen Guangcheng left China in May 2012 and is now living in America. Christian Bale said when presenting Chen Guangcheng with a human rights award at the annual gala of Human Rights First, "He [Chen] had exposed a program of forced abortion and sterilization in Shandong. A program of forced abortion means that women are being dragged from their homes against their will. They are being forced to have abortions, sometimes late-term -- imagine that -- with some women reportedly dying in the process. Now this is true horror. And in this insane world, this man, Chen, who was helping these women -- who was living by some of the most simple, brave and universally admired values -- values that we teach our children every day, and helping our fellow man -- for this, this man was imprisoned and beaten for over four years."
God wants us spiritually, mentally, physically, financially -- in all ways -- to be like Him now and eternally. Pray for change in China. Pray also for countries globally to pass immigration, abortion and other laws that love a diversity of people. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 Amplified Bible says, "First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men, For kings and all who are in positions of authority or high responsibility, that [outwardly] we may pass a quiet and undisturbed life [and inwardly] a peaceable one in all godliness and reverence and seriousness in every way. For such [praying] is good and right, and [it is] pleasing and acceptable to God our Savior, Who wishes all men to be saved and [increasingly] to perceive and recognize and discern and know precisely and correctly the [divine] Truth."
Anita Wilson,
Chen Guangcheng,
China's One-Child Policy,
Christian Bale,
Gospel Songs,
Human Rights,
Human Rights First,
Immigration Reform,
Love of God,
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Enlightened Sex
Ethiopian Queen Sheba said about wisdom in Kebra Negast (Glory of Kings), "I received a lamp which lighteth me." God Himself is Wisdom, and God gives His creyentes (believers) wisdom. Wisdom shows us the way to live wonderfully.
One quality does not define God. One quality does not define creyentes.
Some like to limit sexuality to genitals. However, God is limitless. God suggests sexuality is limitless in Genesis 1:27 by connecting sexuality to Himself. Sexual human beings are like God. Genesis 1:27 Amplified Bible says, "So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them."
Christopher Yuan and Angela Yuan wrote a book Out Of A Far Country A gay son's journey to God. A broken mother's search for hope. Christopher Yuan indicated in a speech at Yale University, "Some people believe that sexual orientation is innate and fixed, however, sexual orientation develops across a person's lifetime."
The more we interact with God and grow in our relationship with Him, the more He reveals Himself and ourselves including our sexuality. Learning to live wonderfully is a life-time process that starts with a relationship with God. John 4:24 Amplified Bible says, "God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality)."
It's a mistake to try to segregate sexuality from spirituality. The qualities of God are integrated and intense. God is not a lukewarm person. God is also a perfect personality. We cannot be perfect, but through God and the Bible He gave us, we can mature enjoying the good and leaving out the evil.
Are the most spiritual people also the most sexual? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, VA 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
One quality does not define God. One quality does not define creyentes.
Some like to limit sexuality to genitals. However, God is limitless. God suggests sexuality is limitless in Genesis 1:27 by connecting sexuality to Himself. Sexual human beings are like God. Genesis 1:27 Amplified Bible says, "So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them."
Christopher Yuan and Angela Yuan wrote a book Out Of A Far Country A gay son's journey to God. A broken mother's search for hope. Christopher Yuan indicated in a speech at Yale University, "Some people believe that sexual orientation is innate and fixed, however, sexual orientation develops across a person's lifetime."
The more we interact with God and grow in our relationship with Him, the more He reveals Himself and ourselves including our sexuality. Learning to live wonderfully is a life-time process that starts with a relationship with God. John 4:24 Amplified Bible says, "God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality)."
It's a mistake to try to segregate sexuality from spirituality. The qualities of God are integrated and intense. God is not a lukewarm person. God is also a perfect personality. We cannot be perfect, but through God and the Bible He gave us, we can mature enjoying the good and leaving out the evil.
Are the most spiritual people also the most sexual? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, VA 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Laughter And Living
An African proverb from Tanzania says, "Without craziness, one does not live." It's not a reference to mental illness, arrogance or the spirit of fear. It's a reference to the celebration of life.
Recently I bought a comedy DVD hoping to celebrate some Tanzanian-like craziness. My hopes were soon dashed; instead I saw the irrational mind of Satan. In one skit network television was critiqued for failing to hire diverse people. However, from the start of the DVD until I cut it off it spewed sexism, racism and religious hatred.
Comedians are supposed to make us laugh while teaching us something about human nature. Everyone shouldn't be a teacher. James 3:1-2 Amplified Bible says, "Not many [of you] should become teachers (self-constituted censors and reprovers of others), my brethren, for you know that we [teachers] will be judged by a higher standard and with greater severity [than other people; thus we assume the greater accountability and the more condemnation]. For we all often stumble and fall and offend in many things. And if anyone does not offend in speech [never says the wrong things], he is a fully developed character and a perfect man, able to control his whole body and to curb his entire nature."
God does not give mistreated people the right to mistreat others. Levitico 19:18 Biblia Bilingue Version Reina-Valera 1960 dice, "No te vengaras, ni guardaras rencor a los hijos de tu pueblo, sino amaras a tu projimo como a ti mismo. Yo Jehova." Leviticus 19:18 Bilingual Bible New King James Version says, "You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord."
The Japanese invented DVDs. Technology can be used for good or for evil. What are some good comedy DVDs? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
The Chinese invented paper money. Diverse people should be on network television and everywhere earning money for doing good deeds. God made females and males of a wide variety of races, ethnicity, abilities and other characteristics to do good.
Being good to people brings prosperity. Becoming intimate with the Word of God teaches us how to treat people well. Joshua 1:8 Amplified Bible says, "This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success."
John Maxwell, minister, leadership expert, speaker, author and entrepreneur, writes in the May 2013 Success magazine article, "Taking the Leap Is it time for your big, bold venture?," ""Between 70 percent and 90 percent of decisions not to repeat a purchase of anything are not about product or price. They are about some dimension of service," author and former Burger King CEO Barry Gibbons once noted. . . . Your understanding of people will help you build your business. Your treatment of people will help you build your business. If you can build relationships, your reputation will help you build your business."
Recently I bought a comedy DVD hoping to celebrate some Tanzanian-like craziness. My hopes were soon dashed; instead I saw the irrational mind of Satan. In one skit network television was critiqued for failing to hire diverse people. However, from the start of the DVD until I cut it off it spewed sexism, racism and religious hatred.
Comedians are supposed to make us laugh while teaching us something about human nature. Everyone shouldn't be a teacher. James 3:1-2 Amplified Bible says, "Not many [of you] should become teachers (self-constituted censors and reprovers of others), my brethren, for you know that we [teachers] will be judged by a higher standard and with greater severity [than other people; thus we assume the greater accountability and the more condemnation]. For we all often stumble and fall and offend in many things. And if anyone does not offend in speech [never says the wrong things], he is a fully developed character and a perfect man, able to control his whole body and to curb his entire nature."
God does not give mistreated people the right to mistreat others. Levitico 19:18 Biblia Bilingue Version Reina-Valera 1960 dice, "No te vengaras, ni guardaras rencor a los hijos de tu pueblo, sino amaras a tu projimo como a ti mismo. Yo Jehova." Leviticus 19:18 Bilingual Bible New King James Version says, "You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord."
The Japanese invented DVDs. Technology can be used for good or for evil. What are some good comedy DVDs? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
The Chinese invented paper money. Diverse people should be on network television and everywhere earning money for doing good deeds. God made females and males of a wide variety of races, ethnicity, abilities and other characteristics to do good.
Being good to people brings prosperity. Becoming intimate with the Word of God teaches us how to treat people well. Joshua 1:8 Amplified Bible says, "This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success."
John Maxwell, minister, leadership expert, speaker, author and entrepreneur, writes in the May 2013 Success magazine article, "Taking the Leap Is it time for your big, bold venture?," ""Between 70 percent and 90 percent of decisions not to repeat a purchase of anything are not about product or price. They are about some dimension of service," author and former Burger King CEO Barry Gibbons once noted. . . . Your understanding of people will help you build your business. Your treatment of people will help you build your business. If you can build relationships, your reputation will help you build your business."
Friday, June 21, 2013
Stop Excluding People. Reform Immigration Now!
1 Peter 2:9 New Living Translation Bible says, "But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light." God wants creyentes (believers) to do good like He does good. God also wants creyentes to enjoy the best of this earthly life without idolizing things or people.
One good thing to have is citizenship. The Apostle Paul, a Jew who had Roman citizenship, wrote most of the New Testament. African Americans gained American citizenship via the 14th amendment to the US constitution. Rafael Damani Fowler and I are African Americans, and we value and enjoy our US citizenship.
We also pray that as our legislature is considering immigration reform that many others who are currently being denied US citizenship but value and desire to enjoy it will be granted US citizenship. Diversity in America is good for Americans and people globally. Diversity in America is a world witness as America is the world's leading nation.
Nick Vujicic is of Serbian heritage but born in Australia. Later in life he moved to the United States of America. Vujicic was born without arms and legs not because of a botched abortion but because of tetra-amelia syndrome. Ana Rosa Rodriguez was born without an arm because of a botched abortion. Vujicic, a husband, a father, an evangelist, a motivational speaker, head of the non-profit organization Life Without Limbs and author, writes in his book Limitless Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life, "Researchers found that many who successfully deal with physical adversity actually grow in positive ways, including these:
* They realize they are stronger than they thought, and they tend to recover more quickly from future challenges.
* They discover who truly cares about them, and those relationships grow stronger.
* They put greater value on each day and on the good things in their lives.
* They become stronger spiritually."
Rafael Damani Fowler and I enjoy listening to CDs which were invented by the Japanese. Gospel singer Andrea Helms says in her song "Changed" on the CD Ultimate Gospel vol. 2 Women of Gospel Spirit Rising that she was not supposed to be born. She says about the time before she was born, "The doctors said that I would never walk that I would never talk that I would be nothing ... but I was born healthy." Doctors and other medical professionals know a lot, but they are not all-knowing like God. Doctors and others were not able to tell me that my son, Rafael, has autism, but it's okay. Rafael is glad to be alive instead of aborted.
Un dicho (a proverb) says, "No hay tiempo como el presente ("There is no time like the present.") Now is a good time to pass immigration reform not like the wicked US Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 but a law that welcomes people, doesn't burden them financially and treats them with equality.
One good thing to have is citizenship. The Apostle Paul, a Jew who had Roman citizenship, wrote most of the New Testament. African Americans gained American citizenship via the 14th amendment to the US constitution. Rafael Damani Fowler and I are African Americans, and we value and enjoy our US citizenship.
We also pray that as our legislature is considering immigration reform that many others who are currently being denied US citizenship but value and desire to enjoy it will be granted US citizenship. Diversity in America is good for Americans and people globally. Diversity in America is a world witness as America is the world's leading nation.
Nick Vujicic is of Serbian heritage but born in Australia. Later in life he moved to the United States of America. Vujicic was born without arms and legs not because of a botched abortion but because of tetra-amelia syndrome. Ana Rosa Rodriguez was born without an arm because of a botched abortion. Vujicic, a husband, a father, an evangelist, a motivational speaker, head of the non-profit organization Life Without Limbs and author, writes in his book Limitless Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life, "Researchers found that many who successfully deal with physical adversity actually grow in positive ways, including these:
* They realize they are stronger than they thought, and they tend to recover more quickly from future challenges.
* They discover who truly cares about them, and those relationships grow stronger.
* They put greater value on each day and on the good things in their lives.
* They become stronger spiritually."
Rafael Damani Fowler and I enjoy listening to CDs which were invented by the Japanese. Gospel singer Andrea Helms says in her song "Changed" on the CD Ultimate Gospel vol. 2 Women of Gospel Spirit Rising that she was not supposed to be born. She says about the time before she was born, "The doctors said that I would never walk that I would never talk that I would be nothing ... but I was born healthy." Doctors and other medical professionals know a lot, but they are not all-knowing like God. Doctors and others were not able to tell me that my son, Rafael, has autism, but it's okay. Rafael is glad to be alive instead of aborted.
Un dicho (a proverb) says, "No hay tiempo como el presente ("There is no time like the present.") Now is a good time to pass immigration reform not like the wicked US Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 but a law that welcomes people, doesn't burden them financially and treats them with equality.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Balanced, Beautiful, Biblical Living
Hebrews 13:20-21 Amplified Bible says, "Now may the God of peace [Who is the Author and the Giver of peace], Who brought again from among the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, by the blood [that sealed, ratified] the everlasting agreement (covenant, testament), Strengthen (complete, perfect) and make you what you ought to be and equip you with everything good that you may carry out His will; [while He Himself] works in you and accomplishes that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ (the Messiah); to Whom be the glory forever and ever (to the ages of the ages). Amen (so be it)." God wants all good things for His creyentes (believers). Former Mexican President Benito Juarez said, "The respect for the rights of others is peace."
Slavery and peace are incompatible. June 19th is Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day in the United States of America. Juneteenth is a celebration of the end of African-American slavery in the United States of America.
On June 18, 2013, the United States House of Representatives voted in favor of H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which puts a national prohibition on abortions of unborn girls and unborn boys aged 20 weeks and older. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act respects the rights of the unborn who are people too deserving of peace, freedom and other good gifts from God.
God knows how to give good gifts. In addition to giving creyentes eternal life, God gave creyentes sabbaths to worship Him and to keep economic activity as a balanced part of our lives instead of consuming our lives. One sabbath God gave lasts for one year in the Old Testament. The Old Testament is a foreshadow of better things to come in the New Testament. Dads, moms, children, singles and everyone benefits when a one-year-and-more of paid leave is a global employment reality. Biblical living is beautiful, balanced living.
The Chinese invented the toothbrush. A clean mouth promotes dental health, beautiful teeth and fresh breath. May we be cleansed from the unhealthy, ugly disrespect of people through slavery, abortion and excessive economic work. May we celebrate God and the good life He gave us.
Slavery and peace are incompatible. June 19th is Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day in the United States of America. Juneteenth is a celebration of the end of African-American slavery in the United States of America.
On June 18, 2013, the United States House of Representatives voted in favor of H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which puts a national prohibition on abortions of unborn girls and unborn boys aged 20 weeks and older. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act respects the rights of the unborn who are people too deserving of peace, freedom and other good gifts from God.
God knows how to give good gifts. In addition to giving creyentes eternal life, God gave creyentes sabbaths to worship Him and to keep economic activity as a balanced part of our lives instead of consuming our lives. One sabbath God gave lasts for one year in the Old Testament. The Old Testament is a foreshadow of better things to come in the New Testament. Dads, moms, children, singles and everyone benefits when a one-year-and-more of paid leave is a global employment reality. Biblical living is beautiful, balanced living.
The Chinese invented the toothbrush. A clean mouth promotes dental health, beautiful teeth and fresh breath. May we be cleansed from the unhealthy, ugly disrespect of people through slavery, abortion and excessive economic work. May we celebrate God and the good life He gave us.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Sensational Sex Please
Song of Songs 7:12-13 New Living Translation Bible says, "Let us get up early and go to the vineyards to see if the grapevines have budded, if the blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates have bloomed. There I will give you my love. There the mandrakes give off their fragrance, and the finest fruits are at our door, new delights as well as old, which I have saved for you, my lover."
Marriage is as old as when God joined Eve and Adam together. Married couples can keep their marriages new by continuously cultivating love and sexuality.
Tejas is the name the Spanish gave to the area that later became the state of Texas. Tejas is based on a native American word for friend.
One of Webster's New World Dictionary definitions for friend is "a person whom one knows well and is fond of." To know a spouse well requires abundant time together for things like observing, listening, conversing and learning what pleases and displeases each other, and then seeking to please each other.
Jesus Christ says in John 10:10 Amplified Bible, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."
Satan wants to make married couples so busy that they do not have time to relax and enjoy sensational, sex-filled marriages. Satan wants to fill their minds with worries, especially worries about housing, food, employment, money, etc.
Chen Guangcheng is married to Yuan Weijung. They have a girl and a boy born in China which has an one-child policy. God has no problem with a married couple having two children. Sometimes it pleases God for a married couple to have more than two children. Sometimes is pleases God for a married couple to have less than two children. It never pleases God to kill unborn girls and unborn boys through abortion.
However, Satan hates all children and is pleased by abortion. Satan works through people like the Chinese government who has been persecuting Chen Guangcheng, his family and the people of China.
In addition to having two children, Chen Guangcheng, a human rights lawyer, also filed a class-action lawsuit in 2005 against local Chinese officials involved in forced abortions and forced sterilizations. Then Chinese authorities sent him to jail for five years and then to house arrest.
Satan doesn't just work through Chinese officials, he also works through anyone willing to do evil and/or to be indifferent to evil. When Guangcheng escaped from house arrest in China and came to live in New York in May 2012, he and his family also had a place to live and other economic benefits provided to him as a visiting scholar of New York University. Now New York University seeks to threaten Chen Guangcheng's marriage, family and human rights work protecting unborn girls, unborn boys and others by forcing him to leave the university this month while denying that Chen Guangcheng's exit is connected to plans to build a New York University campus in Shanghai, China.
Chen Guangcheng is a friend of and works with ChinaAid founder and president Bob Fu, in the cause for human rights. Fu, who also escaped from China and now lives and works in Texas, said, "American universities are out chasing the China dollar and are very reluctant to work with dissidents who have a strong voice in China. It does not always have to be direct pressure from Beijing, there is also self-censorship, particularly if a college president believes their China campus or the future enrollment of Chinese students will be sabotaged."
A Nembe African proverb says, "Shy semen won't give birth." Not everyone is influenced by Satan to be afraid of sexuality and to try to strangle sex economically.
We can call our members of Congress today and urge them to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which seeks to place a national prohibition on abortions of unborn girls and boys 20 weeks and older. Twenty weeks is the time when the unborn are able to feel pain. Here's a link to call your member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and to support the bill as is without changes: http://capwiz.com/nrlc/callalert/index.tt?alertid=62728636. We can also pray that the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act becomes law in America and that US Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ), a long-time friend of Chen Guangcheng, will be successful in his efforts to try to help Chen Guangcheng.
Marriage is as old as when God joined Eve and Adam together. Married couples can keep their marriages new by continuously cultivating love and sexuality.
Tejas is the name the Spanish gave to the area that later became the state of Texas. Tejas is based on a native American word for friend.
One of Webster's New World Dictionary definitions for friend is "a person whom one knows well and is fond of." To know a spouse well requires abundant time together for things like observing, listening, conversing and learning what pleases and displeases each other, and then seeking to please each other.
Jesus Christ says in John 10:10 Amplified Bible, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."
Satan wants to make married couples so busy that they do not have time to relax and enjoy sensational, sex-filled marriages. Satan wants to fill their minds with worries, especially worries about housing, food, employment, money, etc.
Chen Guangcheng is married to Yuan Weijung. They have a girl and a boy born in China which has an one-child policy. God has no problem with a married couple having two children. Sometimes it pleases God for a married couple to have more than two children. Sometimes is pleases God for a married couple to have less than two children. It never pleases God to kill unborn girls and unborn boys through abortion.
However, Satan hates all children and is pleased by abortion. Satan works through people like the Chinese government who has been persecuting Chen Guangcheng, his family and the people of China.
In addition to having two children, Chen Guangcheng, a human rights lawyer, also filed a class-action lawsuit in 2005 against local Chinese officials involved in forced abortions and forced sterilizations. Then Chinese authorities sent him to jail for five years and then to house arrest.
Satan doesn't just work through Chinese officials, he also works through anyone willing to do evil and/or to be indifferent to evil. When Guangcheng escaped from house arrest in China and came to live in New York in May 2012, he and his family also had a place to live and other economic benefits provided to him as a visiting scholar of New York University. Now New York University seeks to threaten Chen Guangcheng's marriage, family and human rights work protecting unborn girls, unborn boys and others by forcing him to leave the university this month while denying that Chen Guangcheng's exit is connected to plans to build a New York University campus in Shanghai, China.
Chen Guangcheng is a friend of and works with ChinaAid founder and president Bob Fu, in the cause for human rights. Fu, who also escaped from China and now lives and works in Texas, said, "American universities are out chasing the China dollar and are very reluctant to work with dissidents who have a strong voice in China. It does not always have to be direct pressure from Beijing, there is also self-censorship, particularly if a college president believes their China campus or the future enrollment of Chinese students will be sabotaged."
A Nembe African proverb says, "Shy semen won't give birth." Not everyone is influenced by Satan to be afraid of sexuality and to try to strangle sex economically.
We can call our members of Congress today and urge them to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which seeks to place a national prohibition on abortions of unborn girls and boys 20 weeks and older. Twenty weeks is the time when the unborn are able to feel pain. Here's a link to call your member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and to support the bill as is without changes: http://capwiz.com/nrlc/callalert/index.tt?alertid=62728636. We can also pray that the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act becomes law in America and that US Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ), a long-time friend of Chen Guangcheng, will be successful in his efforts to try to help Chen Guangcheng.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Do We Believe In Proper Parenting?
"Honduras" means "depth" and is also the name of a country in Central America. Jesus Christ went to great depths to preach publicly and to practice good deeds publicly. He also went to great depths to get away from the public regularly to talk with God privately and to spend private time with his apostolic family.
God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is intensely good. Satan is intensely evil. Satan seeks to split families in various ways. Jesus Chris says in Mark 3:25 Amplified Bible, "And if a house is divided (split into factions and rebelling) against itself, that house will not be able to last."
What are some lies Satan tells to motivate employers to demand too much time from employees? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
We need copious time with God, family and friends.
Ephesians 6:4 Amplified Bible says, "Fathers, do not irritate and provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to resentment], but rear them [tenderly] in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord." If dad is rarely present in relationships, how can he train, discipline and counsel his children?
Satan working through the Iranian government put Pastor and US Citizen Saeed Abedini in jail for his Christian faith and works. Pastor Saeed would like to be present with his family and serving as a Biblical father. We can help him by praying and by doing deeds to pressure Iran to release Pastor Saeed Abedini from Evin prison in Tehran, Iran.
A Chinese proverb says, "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." Sign the petition and write a letter to Pastor Abedini at the website http://www.savesaeed.org.
Workplace flexibility, such as one-year or more of paid leave, and global freedom to parent properly are possible. Proverbs 4:23 Amplified Bible says, "Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life." Saint Augustine, a North African bishop, said, "What can be hoped for which is not believed?"
God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is intensely good. Satan is intensely evil. Satan seeks to split families in various ways. Jesus Chris says in Mark 3:25 Amplified Bible, "And if a house is divided (split into factions and rebelling) against itself, that house will not be able to last."
What are some lies Satan tells to motivate employers to demand too much time from employees? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
We need copious time with God, family and friends.
Ephesians 6:4 Amplified Bible says, "Fathers, do not irritate and provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to resentment], but rear them [tenderly] in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord." If dad is rarely present in relationships, how can he train, discipline and counsel his children?
Satan working through the Iranian government put Pastor and US Citizen Saeed Abedini in jail for his Christian faith and works. Pastor Saeed would like to be present with his family and serving as a Biblical father. We can help him by praying and by doing deeds to pressure Iran to release Pastor Saeed Abedini from Evin prison in Tehran, Iran.
A Chinese proverb says, "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." Sign the petition and write a letter to Pastor Abedini at the website http://www.savesaeed.org.
Workplace flexibility, such as one-year or more of paid leave, and global freedom to parent properly are possible. Proverbs 4:23 Amplified Bible says, "Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life." Saint Augustine, a North African bishop, said, "What can be hoped for which is not believed?"
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Going Beyond Our Expectations
Ephesians 5:1-2 Amplified Bible says, "Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father]. And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God [for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance."
We serve the God of more than enough. Jesus Christ did not do the minimum to try to help people. God gave his life.
Creyentes (believers) will not always be called to physically die for someone else. We are all called to give our lives completely to God, so that He can show His love for people through us in all ways possible.
A Twi African proverb says, "Love is the greatest of all virtues."
Sometimes God may call us to show love at a level way higher than we expected. Jesus Christ and His apostles had been healing and helping people for a long while. Yet His apostles were offended when a woman poured expensive perfume on Him. Jesus Christ praised the woman because He is interested in healing and helping the poor and everyone else in magnanimous ways.
God wants us to be extremely good to strangers and especially to family. 1 Timothy 5:8 Amplified Bible says, "If anyone fails to provide for his relatives, and especially for those of his own family, he has disowned the faith [by failing to accompany it with fruits] and is worse than an unbeliever [who performs his obligation in these matters]."
God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is concerned with our whole person, spirit, mind, physical body and financial life from conception all the way through death and the next life. Creyentes are to imitate God.
The Chinese invented the mechanical clock. God isn't watching a clock to figure out when we will turn 18, so that he can stop being our Father.
What are some ways that you have had to help strangers and/or family that were beyond your expectations? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30. Happy Father's Day!
We serve the God of more than enough. Jesus Christ did not do the minimum to try to help people. God gave his life.
Creyentes (believers) will not always be called to physically die for someone else. We are all called to give our lives completely to God, so that He can show His love for people through us in all ways possible.
A Twi African proverb says, "Love is the greatest of all virtues."
Sometimes God may call us to show love at a level way higher than we expected. Jesus Christ and His apostles had been healing and helping people for a long while. Yet His apostles were offended when a woman poured expensive perfume on Him. Jesus Christ praised the woman because He is interested in healing and helping the poor and everyone else in magnanimous ways.
God wants us to be extremely good to strangers and especially to family. 1 Timothy 5:8 Amplified Bible says, "If anyone fails to provide for his relatives, and especially for those of his own family, he has disowned the faith [by failing to accompany it with fruits] and is worse than an unbeliever [who performs his obligation in these matters]."
God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is concerned with our whole person, spirit, mind, physical body and financial life from conception all the way through death and the next life. Creyentes are to imitate God.
The Chinese invented the mechanical clock. God isn't watching a clock to figure out when we will turn 18, so that he can stop being our Father.
What are some ways that you have had to help strangers and/or family that were beyond your expectations? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30. Happy Father's Day!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Spitting In The Face Of God Or Service?
Proverbs 14:21 Amplified Bible says, "He who despises his neighbor sins [against God, his fellowman, and himself], but happy (blessed and fortunate) is he who is kind and merciful to the poor." Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa said, "When you treat any human being as if they were less than a child of God, you are not just doing wrong--you are being sacrilegious. You are desecrating someting that is holy. You are like someone who spits in the face of God."
Low expectations of people are a way of spitting in the face of God. China spits in the face of God with its one-child policy that includes forced abortions and forced sterilizations.
In 2005 Chen Guangcheng filed a class-action lawsuit against local government officials involved in forced abortions and forced sterilizations. For his efforts Guangcheng, who is blind, ended up in jail for five years and in house arrest for two years.
He escaped on foot. Then he connected with He Peirong who drove him to the United States embassy in Beijing, China. A deal was negotiated between China and the United States, and Guangcheng came to live with his wife, Yuan Weijung, and two children in New York. Guangcheng has been a visiting scholar at New York University's U.S.-Asia Law Institute since May 2012.
Sophia Hollander writes in The Wall Street Journal June 13, 2013, article, "Chinese Dissident to Leave NYU," that New York University Spokesman John Beckman said that the university had provided Chen Guangcheng with housing, health insurance, food, clothing and electronic equipment, along with an office and language translation support.
Now New York University is requiring Chen Guangcheng to leave the university by the end of June 2013 while New York University denies that Chen Guangcheng's departure is connected to their opening of a university campus in Shanghai, China.
Creyentes (believers) are called to treat all people non-disabled and disabled well.
Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs not because of a botched abortion but because of tetra-amelia syndrome. Vujicic, who is an evangelist, motivational speaker, head of the nonprofit organization Life Without Limbs and author of multiple books, writes in his book Limitless Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life, "I may be disabled, but God is abled." Vujicic is also married to Kanae Loida Vujicic-Miyahara. On February 13, 2013, this married couple celebrated the birth of Kiyoshi James Vujicic, their son and first child, and they hope to have at least four children.
Some think that the disabled are destined to live a ridiculously bad life and recommend that those who are disabled or may be disabled be killed before birth via abortion. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act seeks to place a national prohibition on abortions of non-disabled and disabled unborn girls and boys 20 weeks and older. Twenty weeks is the age when the unborn begin to feel pain. Instead of spitting in the face of God, serve Him and humanity by praying for Chen Guangcheng, the Chen family, New York University officials and the unborn and by sending an email to your member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and to support the bill as is without changes: http://www.capwiz.com/nrlc/issues/alert/?alertid=62650516&type=CO.
Low expectations of people are a way of spitting in the face of God. China spits in the face of God with its one-child policy that includes forced abortions and forced sterilizations.
In 2005 Chen Guangcheng filed a class-action lawsuit against local government officials involved in forced abortions and forced sterilizations. For his efforts Guangcheng, who is blind, ended up in jail for five years and in house arrest for two years.
He escaped on foot. Then he connected with He Peirong who drove him to the United States embassy in Beijing, China. A deal was negotiated between China and the United States, and Guangcheng came to live with his wife, Yuan Weijung, and two children in New York. Guangcheng has been a visiting scholar at New York University's U.S.-Asia Law Institute since May 2012.
Sophia Hollander writes in The Wall Street Journal June 13, 2013, article, "Chinese Dissident to Leave NYU," that New York University Spokesman John Beckman said that the university had provided Chen Guangcheng with housing, health insurance, food, clothing and electronic equipment, along with an office and language translation support.
Now New York University is requiring Chen Guangcheng to leave the university by the end of June 2013 while New York University denies that Chen Guangcheng's departure is connected to their opening of a university campus in Shanghai, China.
Creyentes (believers) are called to treat all people non-disabled and disabled well.
Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs not because of a botched abortion but because of tetra-amelia syndrome. Vujicic, who is an evangelist, motivational speaker, head of the nonprofit organization Life Without Limbs and author of multiple books, writes in his book Limitless Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life, "I may be disabled, but God is abled." Vujicic is also married to Kanae Loida Vujicic-Miyahara. On February 13, 2013, this married couple celebrated the birth of Kiyoshi James Vujicic, their son and first child, and they hope to have at least four children.
Some think that the disabled are destined to live a ridiculously bad life and recommend that those who are disabled or may be disabled be killed before birth via abortion. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act seeks to place a national prohibition on abortions of non-disabled and disabled unborn girls and boys 20 weeks and older. Twenty weeks is the age when the unborn begin to feel pain. Instead of spitting in the face of God, serve Him and humanity by praying for Chen Guangcheng, the Chen family, New York University officials and the unborn and by sending an email to your member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and to support the bill as is without changes: http://www.capwiz.com/nrlc/issues/alert/?alertid=62650516&type=CO.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Enthusiastically Inclusive
When African American slavery was legal in America it was evil. At the time other evils were legal too. One of those evils was that women of all races could not vote in America. Some were active only in the fight against slavery. Others were active in the fight for equality and other goodness for both African Americans and women.
Some people limited their activism to slavery because of ignorance. God wants us to have a comprehensive understanding of the Bible. The things that we do not know can cause us and others harm. God is concerned about all people.
Acts 18:24-26 New Living Translation Bible says, "Meanwhile, a Jew named Apollos, an eloquent speaker who knew the Scriptures well, had arrived in Ephesus from Alexandria in Egypt. He had been taught the way of the Lord, and he taught others about Jesus with an enthusiastic spirit and with accuracy. However, he knew only about John’s baptism. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him preaching boldly in the synagogue, they took him aside and explained the way of God even more accurately."
Priscilla and Aquila were a wife and a husband who were creyentes (believers). They worked together to share a relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit with many people. When Priscilla and Aquila encountered Apollos they didn't get angry with Apollos because of his limited understanding. Instead they loved Apollos and shared with him more revelation of who God is.
Apollos accepted the Word of God delivered to him via Priscilla and Aquila. Apollos also became a leader in the early Christian church.
How do you view people who have a different understanding than yours? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
Priscilla and Aquila saw potential in Apollos even though he wasn't a part of their worship group initially and had less understanding of the Bible. 1 Corinthians 13:7 Amplified Bible says, "Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]."
The Chinese invented the fishing reel. Priscilla and Aquila weren't afraid to fish for Apollos who was different from them. God wants all kinds of people in His kingdom, and He wants us to continuously grow in our understanding of who God is and what pleases Him.
Some people limited their activism to slavery because of ignorance. God wants us to have a comprehensive understanding of the Bible. The things that we do not know can cause us and others harm. God is concerned about all people.
Acts 18:24-26 New Living Translation Bible says, "Meanwhile, a Jew named Apollos, an eloquent speaker who knew the Scriptures well, had arrived in Ephesus from Alexandria in Egypt. He had been taught the way of the Lord, and he taught others about Jesus with an enthusiastic spirit and with accuracy. However, he knew only about John’s baptism. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him preaching boldly in the synagogue, they took him aside and explained the way of God even more accurately."
Priscilla and Aquila were a wife and a husband who were creyentes (believers). They worked together to share a relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit with many people. When Priscilla and Aquila encountered Apollos they didn't get angry with Apollos because of his limited understanding. Instead they loved Apollos and shared with him more revelation of who God is.
Apollos accepted the Word of God delivered to him via Priscilla and Aquila. Apollos also became a leader in the early Christian church.
How do you view people who have a different understanding than yours? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
Priscilla and Aquila saw potential in Apollos even though he wasn't a part of their worship group initially and had less understanding of the Bible. 1 Corinthians 13:7 Amplified Bible says, "Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]."
The Chinese invented the fishing reel. Priscilla and Aquila weren't afraid to fish for Apollos who was different from them. God wants all kinds of people in His kingdom, and He wants us to continuously grow in our understanding of who God is and what pleases Him.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Hope, Help And Abortion
Abortion takes the life of many people, but not everyone. More than 50 years ago the mother of Gospel singer Fred Hammond went to an abortion clinic and had a dilatation and curettage abortion. D&C abortion entails having the cervix dilated or stretched to permit the insertion of a loop shaped steel knife. The body of the baby is cut into pieces and removed and the placenta is scraped off the uterine wall. Hammond's mom left the abortion clinic being informed that she would have a miscarriage at home and should return to the clinic with the contents in a bag. While she had bleeding, she didn't have a miscarriage. So she went back to the abortion clinic. As she was in the clinic preparing to have the abortion, God moved on her spirit, and she left. Her son, Fred Hammond, told The Donnie McClurkin Show, "Here's why I don't have time to play church. At the end of the day when I was supposed to be discarded, and the tools came in to kill me, and the tools came in to crush my head . . . The Lord took His hand, pushed in there, and pushed me back out of the way, and they thought they got me. But at the end of the day God had a plan for a broken situation . . . God hid me."
The tools of abortionist Abu Hayat sliced off the arm of baby Ana Rosa Rodriquez, but Ana and her mom, Rosa, who was in her third-trimester of pregnancy, managed to survive the abortion.
Husband and wife Li Fu and Cao Ruyi currently live in China with their only child, a son named Li Dahai, which means "our help came from overseas." When Cao Ruyi was five months pregnant she was forcibly taken to a hospital to have an abortion because she did not have the proper paper to have a child according to China's one child policy. No hospital bed was available. Her abortion was delayed enough for ChinaAid, Women's Rights of China and US Congressman Chris Smith to intervene. Cao Ruyi gave birth in a secret place, but she and her husband still face a $15,000 fine for the unauthorized birth of Li Dahai.
As wonderful as the stories of abortion survivors are everyone's life should be safe from abortion. Getting rid of abortion is a big challenge. A Japanese proverb says, "Even a thousand-mile journey begins with the first step." The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is one piece of legislation that seeks to protect the lives of unborn girls and boys in America. Here's a link to send an email to your member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and to support the bill as is without changes: http://www.capwiz.com/nrlc/issues/alert/?alertid=62650516&type=CO.
The tools of abortionist Abu Hayat sliced off the arm of baby Ana Rosa Rodriquez, but Ana and her mom, Rosa, who was in her third-trimester of pregnancy, managed to survive the abortion.
Husband and wife Li Fu and Cao Ruyi currently live in China with their only child, a son named Li Dahai, which means "our help came from overseas." When Cao Ruyi was five months pregnant she was forcibly taken to a hospital to have an abortion because she did not have the proper paper to have a child according to China's one child policy. No hospital bed was available. Her abortion was delayed enough for ChinaAid, Women's Rights of China and US Congressman Chris Smith to intervene. Cao Ruyi gave birth in a secret place, but she and her husband still face a $15,000 fine for the unauthorized birth of Li Dahai.
As wonderful as the stories of abortion survivors are everyone's life should be safe from abortion. Getting rid of abortion is a big challenge. A Japanese proverb says, "Even a thousand-mile journey begins with the first step." The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is one piece of legislation that seeks to protect the lives of unborn girls and boys in America. Here's a link to send an email to your member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and to support the bill as is without changes: http://www.capwiz.com/nrlc/issues/alert/?alertid=62650516&type=CO.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Children Are People Too
Wong Kim Ark was born in San Francisco, California, to parents who were Chinese immigrants. He decided to take a trip to China in 1895. When he came back to the United States, he was told that the laws didn't allow Chinese immigrants re-entry into the United States. Wong Kim Ark wasn't an immigrant.
He took his case to the U.S. Supreme Court which in 1898 ruled that children born of immigrants in the United States are automatically US citizens.
Creyentes (believers) are reinas y reyes (queens and kings). We are called to stand up for justice. Proverbs 31:8 Amplified Bible says, "Open your mouth for the dumb [those unable to speak for themselves], for the rights of all who are left desolate and defenseless."
Even before children are born they are people. On Christmas of 1967, Martin Luther King, Jr. preached the following words: "Now let me say that the next thing we must be concerned about if we are to have peace on earth and good will toward men is the nonviolent affirmation of the sacredness of all human life. Every man is somebody because he is a child of God…Man is more than a tiny vagary of whirling electrons or a wisp of smoke from a limitless smoldering. Man is a child of God, made in His image, and therefore must be respected as such….And when we truly believe in the sacredness of human personality, we won't exploit people, we won't trample over people with the iron feet of oppression, we won't kill anybody."
Righting the wrongs done to immigrants, the unborn, parents and other people is a process. Some pieces of the process are to be informed about legislation and to pass good legislation. Here's a link of a former abortionist, Anthony Levantino, who is now against abortion and supporting H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8szDctI9lXM&feature=youtu.be. Here's a link to send an email to your member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and to support the bill as is without changes: http://www.capwiz.com/nrlc/issues/alert/?alertid=62650516&type=CO.
Our Creator wants us to be a moral people who do not mistreat people by killing them through abortion or discriminating against them in immigration laws or in any other way. Jesus Christ says in Matthew 7:12 Amplified Bible, "So then, whatever you desire that others would do to and for you, even so do also to and for them, for this is (sums up) the Law and the Prophets."
He took his case to the U.S. Supreme Court which in 1898 ruled that children born of immigrants in the United States are automatically US citizens.
Creyentes (believers) are reinas y reyes (queens and kings). We are called to stand up for justice. Proverbs 31:8 Amplified Bible says, "Open your mouth for the dumb [those unable to speak for themselves], for the rights of all who are left desolate and defenseless."
Even before children are born they are people. On Christmas of 1967, Martin Luther King, Jr. preached the following words: "Now let me say that the next thing we must be concerned about if we are to have peace on earth and good will toward men is the nonviolent affirmation of the sacredness of all human life. Every man is somebody because he is a child of God…Man is more than a tiny vagary of whirling electrons or a wisp of smoke from a limitless smoldering. Man is a child of God, made in His image, and therefore must be respected as such….And when we truly believe in the sacredness of human personality, we won't exploit people, we won't trample over people with the iron feet of oppression, we won't kill anybody."
Righting the wrongs done to immigrants, the unborn, parents and other people is a process. Some pieces of the process are to be informed about legislation and to pass good legislation. Here's a link of a former abortionist, Anthony Levantino, who is now against abortion and supporting H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8szDctI9lXM&feature=youtu.be. Here's a link to send an email to your member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 1797 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and to support the bill as is without changes: http://www.capwiz.com/nrlc/issues/alert/?alertid=62650516&type=CO.
Our Creator wants us to be a moral people who do not mistreat people by killing them through abortion or discriminating against them in immigration laws or in any other way. Jesus Christ says in Matthew 7:12 Amplified Bible, "So then, whatever you desire that others would do to and for you, even so do also to and for them, for this is (sums up) the Law and the Prophets."
Monday, June 10, 2013
Un Corrido Nuevo (A New Ballad)
Zacchaeus was a rich government worker who had cheated people financially. Then he met Jesus Christ, entered into a relationship with Christ and restored by four times the things he had stole as a chief tax collector. Luke 19:1-10 Amplified Bible says, "And [Jesus] entered Jericho and was passing through it. And there was a man called Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector, and [he was] rich. And he was trying to see Jesus, which One He was, but he could not on account of the crowd, because he was small in stature. So he ran on ahead and climbed up in a sycamore tree in order to see Him, for He was about to pass that way. And when Jesus reached the place, He looked up and said to him, Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today. So he hurried and came down, and he received and welcomed Him joyfully. And when the people saw it, they all muttered among themselves and indignantly complained, He has gone in to be the guest of and lodge with a man who is devoted to sin and preeminently a sinner. So then Zacchaeus stood up and solemnly declared to the Lord, See, Lord, the half of my goods I [now] give [by way of restoration] to the poor, and if I have cheated anyone out of anything, I [now] restore four times as much. And Jesus said to him, Today is [Messianic and spiritual] salvation come to [all the members of] this household, since Zacchaeus too is a [real spiritual] son of Abraham; For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost."
America has benefited greatly from the labor of voluntary and involuntary immigrants without always treating them well. Now is a good time to begin to right the wrongs. Immigrants shouldn't have to pay to become citizens nor should they be denied tax benefits available to others.
God wants all people to be treated well no matter where they live or who they are. Desmond Tutu of South Africa said in a sermon delivered in Norway, "At home in South Africa I have sometimes said in big meetings where you have black and white together: "Raise your hands!" Then I've said, "Move your hands," and I've said, "Look at your hands--different colors representing different people. You are the rainbow people of God."
And you remember the rainbow in the Bible is the sign of peace. The rainbow is the sign of prosperity. We want peace, prosperity and justice and we can have it when all the people of God, the rainbow people of God, work together."
Jesus Christ wants us to have spiritual, psychological, physical and financial prosperity.
The Chinese invented paper money. God teaches us in the Bible book of Deuteronomy chapter 28 that when we do right money comes. Let's make a new corrido (a ballad) about America doing spiritually, psychologically, physically and financially right by immigrants.
America has benefited greatly from the labor of voluntary and involuntary immigrants without always treating them well. Now is a good time to begin to right the wrongs. Immigrants shouldn't have to pay to become citizens nor should they be denied tax benefits available to others.
God wants all people to be treated well no matter where they live or who they are. Desmond Tutu of South Africa said in a sermon delivered in Norway, "At home in South Africa I have sometimes said in big meetings where you have black and white together: "Raise your hands!" Then I've said, "Move your hands," and I've said, "Look at your hands--different colors representing different people. You are the rainbow people of God."
And you remember the rainbow in the Bible is the sign of peace. The rainbow is the sign of prosperity. We want peace, prosperity and justice and we can have it when all the people of God, the rainbow people of God, work together."
Jesus Christ wants us to have spiritual, psychological, physical and financial prosperity.
The Chinese invented paper money. God teaches us in the Bible book of Deuteronomy chapter 28 that when we do right money comes. Let's make a new corrido (a ballad) about America doing spiritually, psychologically, physically and financially right by immigrants.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Isn't It A Blessing To Have American Citizenship?
In the United States the second Sunday in June is National Puerto Rican Day. A few years ago Rafael and I paid tribute to Puerto Rican heritage, culture and traditions when we vacationed in the US commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
For many Christians Sundays are a vacation to love God.
The Chinese invented matches. The Bible can be used as a match to strike a fire burning up the idea that one can love God without loving people. Mark 12:29-31 Amplified Bible says, "Jesus answered, The first and principal one of all commands is: Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God is one Lord; And you shall love the Lord your God out of and with your whole heart and out of and with all your soul (your life) and out of and with all your mind (with your faculty of thought and your moral understanding) and out of and with all your strength. This is the first and principal commandment. The second is like it and is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these."
An African proverb from Zaire says, "A kind person is the one who is kind to strangers."
The United States is a country mostly founded by strangers who voluntarily and involuntarily immigrated from other countries. Immigrants have come to the United States throughout our history. It is wrong that they have not always been treated well.
Let's welcome strangers/immigrants and treat them well like we want to be treated well. Isn't it a blessing to have American citizenship?
Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virgina 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
For many Christians Sundays are a vacation to love God.
The Chinese invented matches. The Bible can be used as a match to strike a fire burning up the idea that one can love God without loving people. Mark 12:29-31 Amplified Bible says, "Jesus answered, The first and principal one of all commands is: Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God is one Lord; And you shall love the Lord your God out of and with your whole heart and out of and with all your soul (your life) and out of and with all your mind (with your faculty of thought and your moral understanding) and out of and with all your strength. This is the first and principal commandment. The second is like it and is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these."
An African proverb from Zaire says, "A kind person is the one who is kind to strangers."
The United States is a country mostly founded by strangers who voluntarily and involuntarily immigrated from other countries. Immigrants have come to the United States throughout our history. It is wrong that they have not always been treated well.
Let's welcome strangers/immigrants and treat them well like we want to be treated well. Isn't it a blessing to have American citizenship?
Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virgina 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Beautiful Sexuality and Brutal Sexuality
If you sin, don't compound sins. If you have sex outside of marriage and a baby is conceived, don't automatically marry. Being unequally yoked in a relationship is more than counsel for creyentes (believers) not to marry unbelievers; it is also counsel for creyentes to marry creyentes of similar spiritual maturity.
For example, say a parent praises God for having a child, but refuses to pay for the child to eat, have clothes, shelter etc. and/or refuses to develop a relationship with the child. Matthew 18:15 Amplified Bible says, "If your brother wrongs you, go and show him his fault, between you and him privately. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother. But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two others, so that every word may be confirmed and upheld by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he pays no attention to them [refusing to listen and obey], tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a pagan and a tax collector."
If someone isn't faithful with one child, is it sensible to expect that she or he will be faithful in marriage and with other children?
In America one can be so unfaithful to an unborn baby boy or baby girl as to have legal permission to kill the child. In China they take it further and make it compulsory. Ma Jian writes in the May 22, 2013 The New York Times "China's Brutal One-Child Policy," "Village family-planning officers vigilantly chart the menstrual cycle and pelvic-exam results of every woman of childbearing age in their area. If a woman gets pregnant without permission and is unable to pay the often exorbitant fine for violating the policy, she risks being subjected to a forced abortion.
According to Chinese Health Ministry data released in March, 336 million abortions and 222 million sterilizations have been carried out since 1971. (Though the one-child policy was introduced in 1979, other, less-stringent family planning policies were in place before it.) ...
Almost every one of the pregnant women I spoke to had suffered a mandatory abortion. One woman told me how, when she was eight months pregnant with an illegal second child and was unable to pay the 20,000 yuan fine (about $3,200), family planning officers dragged her to the local clinic, bound her to a surgical table and injected a lethal drug into her abdomen.
For two days she writhed on the table, her hands and feet still bound with rope, waiting for her body to eject the murdered baby. In the final stage of labor, a male doctor yanked the dead fetus out by the foot, then dropped it into a garbage can. She had no money for a cab. She had to hobble home, blood dripping down her legs and staining her white sandals red."
God created sexuality. Sexuality is beautiful when expressed according to God's Biblical design. What a wonder for spouses to engage in full body exploration coupled with Japanese love licks (oral sex) and marital intercourse with the husband entering his wife from the side while she has a leg over her husband.
When people try to redesign God's design for sexuality, sexuality becomes brutal. Abortionists in China, in America in any place are not nice people. Watch this video about abortionist LeRoy Carhart describing his work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIlYXmG287g.
We cannot develop beautiful relationships by killing unborn boys and unborn girls and misusing sexuality. The personal has a public dimension. Christian Minister and Civil Rights Activist Martin Luther King, Jr., said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Former Mexican President Benito Juarez said, "The respect for the rights of others is peace."
For example, say a parent praises God for having a child, but refuses to pay for the child to eat, have clothes, shelter etc. and/or refuses to develop a relationship with the child. Matthew 18:15 Amplified Bible says, "If your brother wrongs you, go and show him his fault, between you and him privately. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother. But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two others, so that every word may be confirmed and upheld by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he pays no attention to them [refusing to listen and obey], tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a pagan and a tax collector."
If someone isn't faithful with one child, is it sensible to expect that she or he will be faithful in marriage and with other children?
In America one can be so unfaithful to an unborn baby boy or baby girl as to have legal permission to kill the child. In China they take it further and make it compulsory. Ma Jian writes in the May 22, 2013 The New York Times "China's Brutal One-Child Policy," "Village family-planning officers vigilantly chart the menstrual cycle and pelvic-exam results of every woman of childbearing age in their area. If a woman gets pregnant without permission and is unable to pay the often exorbitant fine for violating the policy, she risks being subjected to a forced abortion.
According to Chinese Health Ministry data released in March, 336 million abortions and 222 million sterilizations have been carried out since 1971. (Though the one-child policy was introduced in 1979, other, less-stringent family planning policies were in place before it.) ...
Almost every one of the pregnant women I spoke to had suffered a mandatory abortion. One woman told me how, when she was eight months pregnant with an illegal second child and was unable to pay the 20,000 yuan fine (about $3,200), family planning officers dragged her to the local clinic, bound her to a surgical table and injected a lethal drug into her abdomen.
For two days she writhed on the table, her hands and feet still bound with rope, waiting for her body to eject the murdered baby. In the final stage of labor, a male doctor yanked the dead fetus out by the foot, then dropped it into a garbage can. She had no money for a cab. She had to hobble home, blood dripping down her legs and staining her white sandals red."
God created sexuality. Sexuality is beautiful when expressed according to God's Biblical design. What a wonder for spouses to engage in full body exploration coupled with Japanese love licks (oral sex) and marital intercourse with the husband entering his wife from the side while she has a leg over her husband.
When people try to redesign God's design for sexuality, sexuality becomes brutal. Abortionists in China, in America in any place are not nice people. Watch this video about abortionist LeRoy Carhart describing his work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIlYXmG287g.
We cannot develop beautiful relationships by killing unborn boys and unborn girls and misusing sexuality. The personal has a public dimension. Christian Minister and Civil Rights Activist Martin Luther King, Jr., said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Former Mexican President Benito Juarez said, "The respect for the rights of others is peace."
Friday, June 7, 2013
Anything Is Possible
In Mark chapter 9 of the Bible the story of a father who had a son with a dumb spirit that no one could cure is recorded. The father had sought various people to cure his son including Jesus Christ. Mark 9:23 Amplified Bible says, "And Jesus said, [You say to Me], If You can do anything? [Why,] all things can be (are possible) to him who believes!"
Jesus Christ was willing to heal his son, and He healed him.
China has a one child policy with forced abortions and forced sterilizations that's been going on since 1979. A Malagasy African proverb says, "Let not your love be like a torrent: heavy at first but swiftly abating." People have been trying to get rid of this policy and other human rights violations in China for a long time, and some still expect to see human rights flourishing in China.
"Anything is possible in this world," said Human Rights Activist Chen Guangcheng about such changes in China (Rosie Gray, BuzzFeed, "Chen Guangcheng: Chinese Government “In A State Of Madness,” May 14, 2013.)
Tejas is the name the Spanish gave to what later became the US state of Texas. Tejas is based on a Native American word for friend.
A good friend prays for people in positions of power to do good. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 Amplified Bible says, "First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men, For kings and all who are in positions of authority or high responsibility, that [outwardly] we may pass a quiet and undisturbed life [and inwardly] a peaceable one in all godliness and reverence and seriousness in every way. For such [praying] is good and right, and [it is] pleasing and acceptable to God our Savior, Who wishes all men to be saved and [increasingly] to perceive and recognize and discern and know precisely and correctly the [divine] Truth."
Pray for US President Barak Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping as they meet today and tomorrow in California.
Share your prayers. Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
Jesus Christ was willing to heal his son, and He healed him.
China has a one child policy with forced abortions and forced sterilizations that's been going on since 1979. A Malagasy African proverb says, "Let not your love be like a torrent: heavy at first but swiftly abating." People have been trying to get rid of this policy and other human rights violations in China for a long time, and some still expect to see human rights flourishing in China.
"Anything is possible in this world," said Human Rights Activist Chen Guangcheng about such changes in China (Rosie Gray, BuzzFeed, "Chen Guangcheng: Chinese Government “In A State Of Madness,” May 14, 2013.)
Tejas is the name the Spanish gave to what later became the US state of Texas. Tejas is based on a Native American word for friend.
A good friend prays for people in positions of power to do good. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 Amplified Bible says, "First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men, For kings and all who are in positions of authority or high responsibility, that [outwardly] we may pass a quiet and undisturbed life [and inwardly] a peaceable one in all godliness and reverence and seriousness in every way. For such [praying] is good and right, and [it is] pleasing and acceptable to God our Savior, Who wishes all men to be saved and [increasingly] to perceive and recognize and discern and know precisely and correctly the [divine] Truth."
Pray for US President Barak Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping as they meet today and tomorrow in California.
Share your prayers. Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Courage And Common Sense
Courage should be coupled with common sense. After Frederick Douglass published his book Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass in 1845, Douglass sent his former slave owner, Thomas Auld, a copy of the book.
The Chinese invented the umbrella. Sometimes we need our friends to cover our courage, so that a bad situation doesn't rain on us.
Friends helped Douglass to get out of the United States and to seek refuge in England, which had abolished slavery in 1807.
By 1846 friends purchased Douglass' freedom from Thomas Auld. They also gave Douglass money to start an anti-slavery newspaper. By 1847 Douglass published the North Star. Former president and friend of Abraham Lincoln Benito Juarez said, "The respect for the rights of others is peace." The North Star was not only concerned with the rights of African Americans. The motto of the North Star was "Right is of no sex--Truth is of no color--God is the Father of us all, and all we are brethren."
Proverbs 3:27-28 Amplified Bible says, "Withhold not good from those to whom it is due [its rightful owners], when it is in the power of your hand to do it. Do not say to your neighbor, Go, and come again; and tomorrow I will give it—when you have it with you."
Douglass' friends could have spent their money on something other than purchasing Douglass' freedom and his newspaper. To have chosen to spend their money elsewhere would have probably meant that Douglass would be returned to slavery, separated from his wife and children, unable to provide for them economically and an international voice of inspiration for human rights would have been silenced.
Is God telling you to help someone?
Instead of making excuses, why not consider all the ways good could come out of it, and do what God says to do. A Japanese proverb says, "Do quickly what is good."
The Chinese invented the umbrella. Sometimes we need our friends to cover our courage, so that a bad situation doesn't rain on us.
Friends helped Douglass to get out of the United States and to seek refuge in England, which had abolished slavery in 1807.
By 1846 friends purchased Douglass' freedom from Thomas Auld. They also gave Douglass money to start an anti-slavery newspaper. By 1847 Douglass published the North Star. Former president and friend of Abraham Lincoln Benito Juarez said, "The respect for the rights of others is peace." The North Star was not only concerned with the rights of African Americans. The motto of the North Star was "Right is of no sex--Truth is of no color--God is the Father of us all, and all we are brethren."
Proverbs 3:27-28 Amplified Bible says, "Withhold not good from those to whom it is due [its rightful owners], when it is in the power of your hand to do it. Do not say to your neighbor, Go, and come again; and tomorrow I will give it—when you have it with you."
Douglass' friends could have spent their money on something other than purchasing Douglass' freedom and his newspaper. To have chosen to spend their money elsewhere would have probably meant that Douglass would be returned to slavery, separated from his wife and children, unable to provide for them economically and an international voice of inspiration for human rights would have been silenced.
Is God telling you to help someone?
Instead of making excuses, why not consider all the ways good could come out of it, and do what God says to do. A Japanese proverb says, "Do quickly what is good."
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Is Anyone Safe In China?
Reverend Desmond Tutu of South Africa writes in An African Prayer Book, "...we are made to live in a delicate network of interdependence with one another, with God and with the rest of God's creation. We say in our African idiom: "A person is a person through other persons." A solitary human being is a contradiction in terms. A totally self-sufficient human being is ultimately subhuman. We are made for complementarity. I have gifts that you do not; and you have gifts that I do not. Voila! So we need each other to become fully human."
One of the ways that Tutu is trying to complement humanity is by serving as Honorary Co-Chair of Freedom Now. Jared Genser, Freedom Now pro-bono counsel for Chen Kegui, sent an April 29, 2013, letter to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, seeking medical treatment for the appendicitis of Chen Kegui who is in Linyi Prison following a trial "that failed to meet international standards for due process" and an arrest close to the time that Kegui's uncle, human rights activist Chen Guangcheng escaped China.
In 2005 Chen Guangcheng filed a class action lawsuit against local government officials practicing forced abortions and forced sterilizations as part of China's one child policy. Guangcheng suffered time in Linyin Prison and house arrest before escaping house arrest. Then the United States and China negotiated Chen Guangcheng coming to America in spring 2012.
Speaking about China's one child policy in a video released in December 2012 to mark Human Rights Day Chen Guangcheng says, "It is a sin, because life is sacred."
China's one child policy is anti-life, anti-family as are all policies that permit abortion and involuntary sterilization. In addition to the baby boys and baby girls killed by abortion, Tonya Reaves, Christin Gilbert, Jennifer Morbelli, Denise Montoya are some American women killed by botched abortions. Maria Santiago is another woman recently killed at an abortion clinic. Read more about Maria Santiago and the abortion clinic she went to at http://www.lifenews.com/2013/05/29/hispanic-woman-dies-after-abortion-clinic-staff-had-no-cpr-training/. Some unborn babies survive botched abortions. Ana Rosa Rodriquez is a living girl missing an arm because an abortionist trying to kill her as an unborn baby sliced off her arm. Some other unborn babies who survived abortions are Gianna Jessen, who has cerebral palsy, and Gospel singer Fred Hammond, who has no physical damage from the attempted abortion.
Some people are trying to preserve and to promote life. Husband and wife Du Yiliang and Guo Yanling and their three children are refugees in Thailand who would like to live safely in their homeland China, but can't due to China's one child policy. Is anyone safe in China? In 1995 when Guo Yanling was eight months pregnant, she was forced to undergo an abortion. In 1999 she was forcibly sterilized. In 2006 Guo Yanling was imprisoned for not being able to pay a fine for having more than one child. Du Yiliang's and Guo Yanling's three children cannot attend school or receive government benefits because the unpaid fine is used as a block to obtaining household registrations for their three children. The household registrations allow children to attend school and to receive government benefits. Du Yiliang's and Guo Yangling's family experience is typical in China. What is not typical is that they have been granted refugee status in Thailand in 2011. For more on this family whose troubles are not over and others like them read http://www.chinaaid.org/2012/07/sister-guo-yanling-christian-in-guangxi.html.
Having the opportunity to live in equality, freedom, justice, safety and love are God's desire for us. God wants what is good for us. The devil (the thief) wants what is bad. The devil is the author, maintainer and promoter of China's one child policy and abortion and involuntary sterilization globally. Jesus Christ says in John 10:10 Amplified Bible, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."
Let's kick the devil off the planet. Embrace God and people.
One of the ways that Tutu is trying to complement humanity is by serving as Honorary Co-Chair of Freedom Now. Jared Genser, Freedom Now pro-bono counsel for Chen Kegui, sent an April 29, 2013, letter to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, seeking medical treatment for the appendicitis of Chen Kegui who is in Linyi Prison following a trial "that failed to meet international standards for due process" and an arrest close to the time that Kegui's uncle, human rights activist Chen Guangcheng escaped China.
In 2005 Chen Guangcheng filed a class action lawsuit against local government officials practicing forced abortions and forced sterilizations as part of China's one child policy. Guangcheng suffered time in Linyin Prison and house arrest before escaping house arrest. Then the United States and China negotiated Chen Guangcheng coming to America in spring 2012.
Speaking about China's one child policy in a video released in December 2012 to mark Human Rights Day Chen Guangcheng says, "It is a sin, because life is sacred."
China's one child policy is anti-life, anti-family as are all policies that permit abortion and involuntary sterilization. In addition to the baby boys and baby girls killed by abortion, Tonya Reaves, Christin Gilbert, Jennifer Morbelli, Denise Montoya are some American women killed by botched abortions. Maria Santiago is another woman recently killed at an abortion clinic. Read more about Maria Santiago and the abortion clinic she went to at http://www.lifenews.com/2013/05/29/hispanic-woman-dies-after-abortion-clinic-staff-had-no-cpr-training/. Some unborn babies survive botched abortions. Ana Rosa Rodriquez is a living girl missing an arm because an abortionist trying to kill her as an unborn baby sliced off her arm. Some other unborn babies who survived abortions are Gianna Jessen, who has cerebral palsy, and Gospel singer Fred Hammond, who has no physical damage from the attempted abortion.
Some people are trying to preserve and to promote life. Husband and wife Du Yiliang and Guo Yanling and their three children are refugees in Thailand who would like to live safely in their homeland China, but can't due to China's one child policy. Is anyone safe in China? In 1995 when Guo Yanling was eight months pregnant, she was forced to undergo an abortion. In 1999 she was forcibly sterilized. In 2006 Guo Yanling was imprisoned for not being able to pay a fine for having more than one child. Du Yiliang's and Guo Yanling's three children cannot attend school or receive government benefits because the unpaid fine is used as a block to obtaining household registrations for their three children. The household registrations allow children to attend school and to receive government benefits. Du Yiliang's and Guo Yangling's family experience is typical in China. What is not typical is that they have been granted refugee status in Thailand in 2011. For more on this family whose troubles are not over and others like them read http://www.chinaaid.org/2012/07/sister-guo-yanling-christian-in-guangxi.html.
Having the opportunity to live in equality, freedom, justice, safety and love are God's desire for us. God wants what is good for us. The devil (the thief) wants what is bad. The devil is the author, maintainer and promoter of China's one child policy and abortion and involuntary sterilization globally. Jesus Christ says in John 10:10 Amplified Bible, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."
Let's kick the devil off the planet. Embrace God and people.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Balancing Relationships
An African proverb says, "Work is good, provided you do not forget to live."
One thing Soledad O'Brien writes about in her book Latino In America is about the clash between Latino culture's high value on the family and American culture's idolizing economic independence.
1 John 5:21 Amplified Bible says, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols (false gods)—[from anything and everything that would occupy the place in your heart due to God, from any sort of substitute for Him that would take first place in your life]. Amen (so let it be)." With God number one in our life God inspires us to prioritize and cherish relationships with people while taking care of all aspects of living.
Neither Latino culture nor American culture nor any human culture is perfect. Culture should be checked against the Bible to cultivate the good and chuck the bad.
Watchman Nee writes in his book Sit Walk Stand The Process of Christian Maturity, "Let us be clear that the body of Christ is not something remote and unreal, to be expressed only in heavenly terms. It is very present and practical, finding the real test of our conduct in our relations with others."
Economic independence is desirable because it can be a tool to taking care of responsibilities and desires. It must never replace or became a hindrance to our relationships with God and family.
Watch and pray about all of your life. The devil works to get us out of balance. For example, if we spend too much time on economic activity we will spend too little time with God and family.
What are some other tricks of the devil to get us out of balance? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
One thing Soledad O'Brien writes about in her book Latino In America is about the clash between Latino culture's high value on the family and American culture's idolizing economic independence.
1 John 5:21 Amplified Bible says, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols (false gods)—[from anything and everything that would occupy the place in your heart due to God, from any sort of substitute for Him that would take first place in your life]. Amen (so let it be)." With God number one in our life God inspires us to prioritize and cherish relationships with people while taking care of all aspects of living.
Neither Latino culture nor American culture nor any human culture is perfect. Culture should be checked against the Bible to cultivate the good and chuck the bad.
Watchman Nee writes in his book Sit Walk Stand The Process of Christian Maturity, "Let us be clear that the body of Christ is not something remote and unreal, to be expressed only in heavenly terms. It is very present and practical, finding the real test of our conduct in our relations with others."
Economic independence is desirable because it can be a tool to taking care of responsibilities and desires. It must never replace or became a hindrance to our relationships with God and family.
Watch and pray about all of your life. The devil works to get us out of balance. For example, if we spend too much time on economic activity we will spend too little time with God and family.
What are some other tricks of the devil to get us out of balance? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Autism And A Desire For A Variety Of Human Relationships
Rafael and I were recently shopping at Whole Foods grocery store. We love to sample products.
I was talking to Suzanne who was presenting samples of coffees roasted by developmentally disabled employees in Maryland, which is a state bordering Virginia where Rafael and I live. When I was talking too long with Suzanne according to Rafael, Rafael kissed and hugged me to indicate that we should move on.
This morning though Rafael did not want to move on from drinking the blend of Ethiopian and Indian coffee we purchased from Suzanne.
Rafael and I enjoy going out to a variety of public places. I think if I looked into it I would find African and Native American nomad blood in our heritage.
People with autism enjoy living fully even with social and communication challenges. Rafael has autism. Sometimes he has crying spells. He cannot explain why he cries. Some have tried to tell me that people with autism cry sometimes for no reason. I think just because we don't know the reason does not mean that a reason(s) do not exist.
The movie Ocean Heaven is about a single father who has liver cancer and his son who has autism. Dad, Mr. Wang played by actor Jet Li, can't figure out why his son would walk off to a McDonald's and lay his head on a statue of Ronald McDonald. Unknown to dad, his son, Dafu played by actor Wen Zhang, met a girl who is a traveling acrobat who dresses similar to Ronald McDonald for her job. During her stay in town, Dafu and Lingling become friends. When Lingling has to leave town because of her traveling acrobat job, the friends are separated. Dafu is laying his head on Ronald McDonald because he misses Lingling.
It doesn't take long for people to attach to other people. Rafael and I were inspired by a sermon on Sunday from Dr. Samuel R. Chand at Grace church in Dumfries, Virginia. Dr. Chand is from India and now lives in America. When one of his daughters named Rachel was pregnant, Rachel and her husband named the baby Jude. Dr. Chand was so excited about Jude that he talked to Jude and laid hands on Rachel's belly to pray for her and Jude.
When it was time for Jude to leave his womb home, Rachel went to the hospital. But Jude's heart stopped beating, and he died.
Jude hadn't even lived one year, but his grandfather, Dr. Chand, was attached to Jude. When Jude died, Dr. Chand cried a lot and not always tiny tears sometimes heaving tears.
In Genesis chapter 2 God said it is not good for man to be alone. This doesn't just mean that women and men will desire to get married, it also means that God created us with a desire to be in a variety of human relationships. People with autism and other people are not exempt from being made with a desire for a variety of human relationships.
God has also created us male and female. We are conceived in sexuality, and we desire sexuality from the beginning. From the time I could talk I had questions about sex, but adults didn't like to talk to me about sex.
God made sex. What God makes is good. God talks about sex in His Bible with love and respect. God is not tense or out of balance when discussing sex. Creyentes (believers) should imitate God.
What are some ways you have been surprised at the depth and breath of desire for human relationships? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
I was talking to Suzanne who was presenting samples of coffees roasted by developmentally disabled employees in Maryland, which is a state bordering Virginia where Rafael and I live. When I was talking too long with Suzanne according to Rafael, Rafael kissed and hugged me to indicate that we should move on.
This morning though Rafael did not want to move on from drinking the blend of Ethiopian and Indian coffee we purchased from Suzanne.
Rafael and I enjoy going out to a variety of public places. I think if I looked into it I would find African and Native American nomad blood in our heritage.
People with autism enjoy living fully even with social and communication challenges. Rafael has autism. Sometimes he has crying spells. He cannot explain why he cries. Some have tried to tell me that people with autism cry sometimes for no reason. I think just because we don't know the reason does not mean that a reason(s) do not exist.
The movie Ocean Heaven is about a single father who has liver cancer and his son who has autism. Dad, Mr. Wang played by actor Jet Li, can't figure out why his son would walk off to a McDonald's and lay his head on a statue of Ronald McDonald. Unknown to dad, his son, Dafu played by actor Wen Zhang, met a girl who is a traveling acrobat who dresses similar to Ronald McDonald for her job. During her stay in town, Dafu and Lingling become friends. When Lingling has to leave town because of her traveling acrobat job, the friends are separated. Dafu is laying his head on Ronald McDonald because he misses Lingling.
It doesn't take long for people to attach to other people. Rafael and I were inspired by a sermon on Sunday from Dr. Samuel R. Chand at Grace church in Dumfries, Virginia. Dr. Chand is from India and now lives in America. When one of his daughters named Rachel was pregnant, Rachel and her husband named the baby Jude. Dr. Chand was so excited about Jude that he talked to Jude and laid hands on Rachel's belly to pray for her and Jude.
When it was time for Jude to leave his womb home, Rachel went to the hospital. But Jude's heart stopped beating, and he died.
Jude hadn't even lived one year, but his grandfather, Dr. Chand, was attached to Jude. When Jude died, Dr. Chand cried a lot and not always tiny tears sometimes heaving tears.
In Genesis chapter 2 God said it is not good for man to be alone. This doesn't just mean that women and men will desire to get married, it also means that God created us with a desire to be in a variety of human relationships. People with autism and other people are not exempt from being made with a desire for a variety of human relationships.
God has also created us male and female. We are conceived in sexuality, and we desire sexuality from the beginning. From the time I could talk I had questions about sex, but adults didn't like to talk to me about sex.
God made sex. What God makes is good. God talks about sex in His Bible with love and respect. God is not tense or out of balance when discussing sex. Creyentes (believers) should imitate God.
What are some ways you have been surprised at the depth and breath of desire for human relationships? Write to:
Michele F. Jackson
P. O. Box 2106
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195
Follow Michele F. Jackson on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/michelelove30.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Cultivating Love
Most Ethiopians make their living by farming. Farmers cultivate things. God is a farmer. God cultivates people. Jesus Christ says in John 15:4 Amplified Bible, "Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you. [Live in Me, and I will live in you.] Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in (being vitally united to) the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me."
Love is fruit God wants creyentes (believers) to bear. In Matthew 22:39 Complete Jewish Bible Jesus Christ says, "...You are to love your neighbor as yourself."
In China people are being taught to hate themselves and their neighbor through China's one child policy with forced abortions and forced sterilizations. Ma Jian writes in her May 22, 2013 The New York Times editorial "China's Brutal One-Child Policy," "Village family-planning officers vigilantly chart the menstrual cycle and pelvic-exam results of every woman of childbearing age in their area. If a woman gets pregnant without permission and is unable to pay the often exorbitant fine for violating the policy, she risks being subjected to a forced abortion.
According to Chinese Health Ministry data released in March, 336 million abortions and 222 million sterilizations have been carried out since 1971. (Though the one-child policy was introduced in 1979, other, less-stringent family planning policies were in place before it.) ...
Almost every one of the pregnant women I spoke to had suffered a mandatory abortion. One woman told me how, when she was eight months pregnant with an illegal second child and was unable to pay the 20,000 yuan fine (about $3,200), family planning officers dragged her to the local clinic, bound her to a surgical table and injected a lethal drug into her abdomen.
For two days she writhed on the table, her hands and feet still bound with rope, waiting for her body to eject the murdered baby. In the final stage of labor, a male doctor yanked the dead fetus out by the foot, then dropped it into a garbage can. She had no money for a cab. She had to hobble home, blood dripping down her legs and staining her white sandals red."
Whether an abortion is forced or not, a baby boy or a baby girl dies and the child's parents and family are affected by the abortion. Hannah Rose Allen was an American teenager who got involved in sex outside of marriage and a baby was conceived. She thought that abortion was the simple solution and learned through experience about the emotional turmoil abortion causes parents. Allen writes in a May 28, 2013, editorial for LifeNews.com "Planned Parenthood Lied: My Abortion Destroyed Me; But Jesus Saved Me," "On February 6, 2009, I took the RU-486 pill, and after a night of darkness, it was over. I was relieved to get back to my normal life. I wanted to move on, as if the nightmare had never happened, and forget the immense pain. I was deceived into thinking that I could forget about it. The counselor at Planned Parenthood had told me that some initial sadness after my abortion would be normal, but after a couple days, if I was still feeling depressed, that wouldn’t be normal, and I should seek help. How wrong she was. Much of those days before and after my abortion are a blur of heartbreak and tears. Sleepless nights were spent, with agony at the depths of my heart and soul, rattling me to the core. There was nothing “wrong” with me for feeling that way.
Trying to forget what I had done, over the next few months, I sought comfort for my wounded, aching heart through partying, drinking, and living promiscuously. I was digging myself deeper and deeper into a pit of destruction and despair. Four months after my abortion, I was pregnant…again."
The death of an unborn child by abortion or miscarriage hurts. Allen didn't choose abortion for her second child, but her second child's heart stopped beating near the end of her pregnancy. God, a farmer who cultivates people, used the death of both her babies to bring Allen into a close relationship with Him and to speak out for the lives of the unborn.
God cultivates both women and men. Bob Fu is a Christian who experienced China's one child policy. When Fu and his wife lived in China they were pregnant without a pregnancy permission card. They left China, and their son, Daniel, was born in Hong Kong. Eventually, the Fu family came to America where Bob Fu is founder and president of ChinaAid which fights for religious freedom and an end to China's one child policy.
Wherever creyentes are, God is cultivating us to love ourselves and other people.
Love is fruit God wants creyentes (believers) to bear. In Matthew 22:39 Complete Jewish Bible Jesus Christ says, "...You are to love your neighbor as yourself."
In China people are being taught to hate themselves and their neighbor through China's one child policy with forced abortions and forced sterilizations. Ma Jian writes in her May 22, 2013 The New York Times editorial "China's Brutal One-Child Policy," "Village family-planning officers vigilantly chart the menstrual cycle and pelvic-exam results of every woman of childbearing age in their area. If a woman gets pregnant without permission and is unable to pay the often exorbitant fine for violating the policy, she risks being subjected to a forced abortion.
According to Chinese Health Ministry data released in March, 336 million abortions and 222 million sterilizations have been carried out since 1971. (Though the one-child policy was introduced in 1979, other, less-stringent family planning policies were in place before it.) ...
Almost every one of the pregnant women I spoke to had suffered a mandatory abortion. One woman told me how, when she was eight months pregnant with an illegal second child and was unable to pay the 20,000 yuan fine (about $3,200), family planning officers dragged her to the local clinic, bound her to a surgical table and injected a lethal drug into her abdomen.
For two days she writhed on the table, her hands and feet still bound with rope, waiting for her body to eject the murdered baby. In the final stage of labor, a male doctor yanked the dead fetus out by the foot, then dropped it into a garbage can. She had no money for a cab. She had to hobble home, blood dripping down her legs and staining her white sandals red."
Whether an abortion is forced or not, a baby boy or a baby girl dies and the child's parents and family are affected by the abortion. Hannah Rose Allen was an American teenager who got involved in sex outside of marriage and a baby was conceived. She thought that abortion was the simple solution and learned through experience about the emotional turmoil abortion causes parents. Allen writes in a May 28, 2013, editorial for LifeNews.com "Planned Parenthood Lied: My Abortion Destroyed Me; But Jesus Saved Me," "On February 6, 2009, I took the RU-486 pill, and after a night of darkness, it was over. I was relieved to get back to my normal life. I wanted to move on, as if the nightmare had never happened, and forget the immense pain. I was deceived into thinking that I could forget about it. The counselor at Planned Parenthood had told me that some initial sadness after my abortion would be normal, but after a couple days, if I was still feeling depressed, that wouldn’t be normal, and I should seek help. How wrong she was. Much of those days before and after my abortion are a blur of heartbreak and tears. Sleepless nights were spent, with agony at the depths of my heart and soul, rattling me to the core. There was nothing “wrong” with me for feeling that way.
Trying to forget what I had done, over the next few months, I sought comfort for my wounded, aching heart through partying, drinking, and living promiscuously. I was digging myself deeper and deeper into a pit of destruction and despair. Four months after my abortion, I was pregnant…again."
The death of an unborn child by abortion or miscarriage hurts. Allen didn't choose abortion for her second child, but her second child's heart stopped beating near the end of her pregnancy. God, a farmer who cultivates people, used the death of both her babies to bring Allen into a close relationship with Him and to speak out for the lives of the unborn.
God cultivates both women and men. Bob Fu is a Christian who experienced China's one child policy. When Fu and his wife lived in China they were pregnant without a pregnancy permission card. They left China, and their son, Daniel, was born in Hong Kong. Eventually, the Fu family came to America where Bob Fu is founder and president of ChinaAid which fights for religious freedom and an end to China's one child policy.
Wherever creyentes are, God is cultivating us to love ourselves and other people.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Are Disabilities From God Or The Devil?
King Lalibela of the Zagwe dynasty in Ethiopia had eleven churches built by carving them out of volcanic rock. Creyentes (believers) are supposed to build their life on rock. Jesus Christ says in Matthew 7:24-27 English Standard Version Bible, "Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it."
God created us. Genesis chapter one doesn't give a detailed description of Adam's and Eve's bodies. Throughout human history some people have ten fingers and ten toes. Others have six fingers and/or six toes. Bollywood Actor Hrithik Roshan has a double thumb. Some people are born blind. Others are born with eyesight.
Helen Keller was blind and deaf. Keller said, "I thank God for my handicaps, for through them, I have found myself, my work, and my God." Exodus 4:11 Amplified Bible says, "And the Lord said to him, Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the dumb, or the deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Is it not I, the Lord?"
All disabilities are not designed by God. Luke 13:11 New Living Translation Bible says, "He saw a woman who had been crippled by an evil spirit. She had been bent double for eighteen years and was unable to stand up straight."
God is willing and able to heal. So ask Him, and keep on asking Him. God is good. He knows how to give good things to creyentes. When God doesn't answer prayers the way we want, He has reasons, and His ways are always better than ours.
Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs. Yes, he still asks God for those. In the meantime he is using what he has to live a life that pleases God.
The Chinese invented the fishing reel. Vujicic is a fisherman reeling in people for Jesus Christ. Vujicic is an evangelist, motivational speaker, author and head of the nonprofit organization Life Without Limbs. He is also married to Kanae Loida Vujicic-Miyahara. On February 13, 2013, this married couple celebrated the birth of Kiyoshi James Vujicic, their son and first child. They hope to have at least four children.
God created us. Genesis chapter one doesn't give a detailed description of Adam's and Eve's bodies. Throughout human history some people have ten fingers and ten toes. Others have six fingers and/or six toes. Bollywood Actor Hrithik Roshan has a double thumb. Some people are born blind. Others are born with eyesight.
Helen Keller was blind and deaf. Keller said, "I thank God for my handicaps, for through them, I have found myself, my work, and my God." Exodus 4:11 Amplified Bible says, "And the Lord said to him, Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the dumb, or the deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Is it not I, the Lord?"
All disabilities are not designed by God. Luke 13:11 New Living Translation Bible says, "He saw a woman who had been crippled by an evil spirit. She had been bent double for eighteen years and was unable to stand up straight."
God is willing and able to heal. So ask Him, and keep on asking Him. God is good. He knows how to give good things to creyentes. When God doesn't answer prayers the way we want, He has reasons, and His ways are always better than ours.
Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs. Yes, he still asks God for those. In the meantime he is using what he has to live a life that pleases God.
The Chinese invented the fishing reel. Vujicic is a fisherman reeling in people for Jesus Christ. Vujicic is an evangelist, motivational speaker, author and head of the nonprofit organization Life Without Limbs. He is also married to Kanae Loida Vujicic-Miyahara. On February 13, 2013, this married couple celebrated the birth of Kiyoshi James Vujicic, their son and first child. They hope to have at least four children.
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